
The historical background of the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia

The historical background of the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia

In 1991 the Soviet Union disintegrated into 15 independent states

Historically, starting from Tsarist Russia, the obsession with authoritarian power and the desire for territorial expansion of the rulers of Russia (including the former Soviet Union) at all times have always existed, which is permeated and permeated with the genes of the strong and possessive in the bones of russians, which is why Europeans have not accepted and dared not accept that Russia (the Soviet Union) is a part of Europe. In 1989, the warsaw pact members of the former Soviet Union changed their political systems and defected to NATO. In December 1991, the Soviet Union officially collapsed under the influence of domestic government corruption, various social contradictions, and ideological changes in the outside world, and the world's first socialist state came to an end, and all 15 republics of the Soviet Union became independent in this year, including Ukraine. The Russian Federation, in power of Yeltsin, took over most of the territory and national wealth resources of the former Soviet Union. Yeltsin immediately followed the example of Democracy and Privatization in Western Europe, and Yeltsin thought that the civilized Western world would accept his reformed Russia, and he first proposed to join NATO, but the other side refused. After Putin came to power after Yeltsin, since 2000, Putin has also proposed to join NATO several times, but the other side has also refused. The European world would rather choose the little brothers of the former Republics of the Soviet Union than the big brother of Russia. In fact, europeans know very well that they are really insecure in front of the Russians, and they will not accept this behemoth from the depths of their hearts. Although today's Russia is not accepted by the West, although politically and economically squeezed out by the Constraints of the European world, the camel is bigger than The horse, the trump card in the hands of Putin and his Russia still exists, and the ambition of Putin's Russia to revive the former Soviet Union and revive the world status of the Tsarist Russia era is still there. Putin, who has been in power in Russia for two decades, continues his Russian dream.

The historical background of the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia

Map of the Soviet Union before 1991

The historical background of the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia

Fifteen countries that became independent after the collapse of the Soviet Union in December 1991

The historical background of the contradictions between Ukraine and Russia

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