
What factors affect the success rate of thai third-generation test tubes?

In recent years, Thai IVF technology has become more and more well known, and many people have obtained babies through Thai IVF technology. But the success rate of IVF in Thailand is also affected by many factors. So, what factors affect Thailand's success rate? Let's take a look at hengjian overseas.

1. Bad lifestyle habits

Doing IVF requires a healthy and strong physique, smoking, drinking, and staying up late often will affect the success rate of IVF. Tobacco affects the quality of sperm and eggs, and the growth and development of embryos will also be affected. It is recommended that both spouses start smoking cessation 6 months before the test tube is done. Work and rest should also be regular, change the bad habit of staying up late, go to bed early and get up early. There are also eating habits, we should also pay more attention, to supplement protein, do not eat spicy and stimulating food. I once had a client who didn't particularly like the taste of pure milk, but insisted on drinking two glasses of milk a day for the sake of success, and although she told me that every time it was painful, she still insisted. The sisters who are not spicy and unhappy also have to endure the pain of cutting love, and then eat it when the test tube is successful.

What factors affect the success rate of thai third-generation test tubes?

2. Choice of hospitals and doctors

Whether the hospital is suitable for itself and the doctor's skill level are also an important factor affecting the success rate. As the saying goes, "it is better to choose the right one than to choose the right one", and even if the expensive treatment fee is not suitable for you, it will not help. Before the sisters choose a hospital and doctor, they must check the highlights of each hospital and the technical level and experience of each doctor. For example, if my previous clients have ovarian problems, I will recommend them to go to a hospital with better sac technology, and some sisters have single-cell genetic diseases, and it is recommended to go to a hospital with better technology in this regard. It is good to choose an experienced IVF doctor, the attending doctor grasps your treatment plan, surgery and use of yao, so be sure to choose a good doctor.

What factors affect the success rate of thai third-generation test tubes?

3. Mindset issues

The problem of mentality has to be taken out to say that mentality is an important part of the success of test tubes. I have reached out to so many customers and have had the first test tube failure. I made a little summary, the mentality really has an impact on the embryo implantation rate, in addition to the objective can not change the factors, failed customers and I will chat a lot will say, they will feel very nervous after the transplant, a lot of pressure. I also went to the doctor specifically, who said that tension and stress can lead to endocrine disorders, contraction of uterine muscles, and making it difficult for the embryo to implant. Therefore, we must maintain an optimistic and positive attitude.

What factors affect the success rate of thai third-generation test tubes?

Thai IVF technology has helped many families realize their dreams of finding a child, but the success rate of this technology is not 100%, and it is affected by many factors. Sisters should pay attention to it and strive to improve the success rate.

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