
1 year sold 7.1 million units, folding screen a machine is difficult to find, is the demand strong or marketing illusion?

1 year sold 7.1 million units, folding screen a machine is difficult to find, is the demand strong or marketing illusion?

Text/Dong Review/Zi Yang Proofreader/Zhi Qiu

Judging from the latest trends of global smartphone manufacturers, in order to cope with the continuous internal volume and fierce competition in the smart phone market, major mobile phone manufacturers continue to exert efforts in the "image system" of mobile phones. Whether it is Huawei, Vivo, which is already among the best in terms of photography strength, or Apple, which is slightly inferior, they have not given up the subdivision selling point of the image system.

In fact, in addition to the imaging system, today's global smartphone manufacturers, there is a new competitive focus track - folding screen mobile phones.

1 year sold 7.1 million units, folding screen a machine is difficult to find, is the demand strong or marketing illusion?

Sold 7.1 million units in 1 year

Since 2021, domestic and foreign smartphone manufacturers have successively launched new folding screen flagship mobile phones. Although at the beginning of the birth of folding screen mobile phones, many people in the industry are not optimistic about the future development of folding screen mobile phones.

After all, whether from the price or from the perspective of positioning, the position of the folding screen mobile phone in the middle of the mobile phone and the tablet is very embarrassing, and it seems that there is no need to exist. However, it turns out that folding screen mobile phones and consumers' time is a two-way rush, and consumers are very fond of folding screen mobile phones.

Recently, the international data company IDC released a latest statistical report. The report shows that the global shipment of folding screen mobile phones reached 7.1 million units in 2021, compared with 2020 (1.9 million units), a year-on-year increase of 264.3%.

In addition, IDC also predicts that by 2025, the global shipment of folding screen mobile phones will reach 27.6 million units, doubling the growth.

It is worth mentioning that in the domestic market, the sales performance of folding screen mobile phones is also very good, and even there is a grand situation that is difficult to find.

1 year sold 7.1 million units, folding screen a machine is difficult to find, is the demand strong or marketing illusion?

Folding screen mobile phones are hard to find

According to IDC statistics, the market size of Folding Screen Mobile Phones in China will reach 1.5 million units in 2021. Among them, Huawei, Samsung and Xiaomi won 49.3%, 28.8% and 13.2% of the market share respectively.

In addition, "a machine is difficult to find" has also become the status quo of the development of the folding screen mobile phone market today. Judging from the sales of folding screen mobile phones on major e-commerce platforms, many brands of folding screen mobile phones, including Huawei and OPPO, are in a state of shortage.

In the second-hand trading platform, various scalpers have also speculated in the price of folding screen mobile phones. A folding screen mobile phone product with an original price of about 8,000 yuan, sold to tens of thousands of yuan on the second-hand trading platform, is a piece of cake.

For domestic smartphone manufacturers who have always looked at Apple's face, they will take the development track of folding screen mobile phones as the focus of impacting high-end and competing with Apple. In this regard, OPPO said that the folding screen mobile phone will become the next journey of the smart phone; Honor CEO Zhao Ming even proposed the slogan that the folding screen mobile phone has entered the main machine era.

1 year sold 7.1 million units, folding screen a machine is difficult to find, is the demand strong or marketing illusion?

Is it a strong demand or a marketing illusion?

Judging from the current development of folding screen mobile phones, it has indeed shown a fairly good momentum of development, and the sales performance is remarkable. So, the hard-to-find folding screen mobile phone, is it a strong demand or a marketing illusion?

The author believes that although the birth of folding screen mobile phones does attract current consumers to a certain extent, the reason why the folding screen mobile phone track is difficult to find is by no means caused by strong demand.

Some insiders said that the reason why the popularity of the folding screen mobile phone market on the market is so high is inseparable from the push of smart phone manufacturers spending money on marketing. After all, as an emerging species, folding screen mobile phones want to develop mature and popularize in a short period of time, which is not realistic.

In the author's opinion, in addition to the marketing promotion of mobile phone manufacturers, there is another important factor that the reason why folding screen mobile phones are "difficult to find" may also have a certain relationship with the stock. On the one hand, the global chip shortage problem has not been completely solved, which affects the shipment of folding screen mobile phones to a certain extent; on the other hand, there are technical problems in the hinge design and screen of folding screen mobile phones, which also more or less affect the supply of folding screen mobile phones.

1 year sold 7.1 million units, folding screen a machine is difficult to find, is the demand strong or marketing illusion?

Write at the end

As for the future folding screen mobile phone will become a new outlet for smart phones, will it get explosive growth? The author believes that it is quite difficult to achieve the above two points in a short period of time.

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