
World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Blizzard confirmed that the use of AHK script violations, from now on to block

Most of the World of Warcraft nostalgic suit players are no longer young and their brain power is not as good as that year, but some players want to pursue the ultimate output and do not want to lie flat as a salted fish, AHK + WA one-click optimization of brainless output gameplay came into being. AHK full name AutoHotkey as the name suggests is a key software, and everyone is familiar with the key wizard AHK algorithm function is more powerful, according to the written algorithm automatically select the optimal output method to achieve one-click output, especially suitable for the beast king hunting raptor dance, punishment riding holy seal dance and other time control requirements of the extremely accurate complex output cycle.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Blizzard confirmed that the use of AHK script violations, from now on to block

AHK + WA one-click output principle is very simple, take the Beast King Hunt as an example, use the WA string to color the shooting chronograph bar and display it in the specified position of the screen, AHK has a screen color reading function, as long as the player closes his eyes and presses 1, AHK can help players choose and use the best output scheme according to the pre-imported algorithm. For the compliance of ARK, there has not been a clear official definition for a long time, some players believe that the law can not be done without authorization, and some players believe that the law can be done without prohibition.

After the World of Warcraft nostalgia suit was updated to the 70th level version, more and more players used AHK to race the list, and after the P3 stage was opened, many hunter players who simply output manually complained that more than half of the high-scoring hunters in WCL were "technology hunters" with AHK scripts, and viewing battle records various limits interspersed with birds of prey a blow was simply not an operation that normal human reactions could do. Obviously, this "high-tech play" is very unfair to ordinary players, with the call for boycott and reporting more and more intense, WCL official WeChat public account released an announcement at 8:00 a.m. Beijing time today announcing that Blizzard confirmed the use of AHK script violations, WCL will block the use of AHK script battle logs from today.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Blizzard confirmed that the use of AHK script violations, from now on to block

Xiaobian learned from WCL China Community Manager Pit that the WCL crackdown on AHK scripts is not just talk, WCL staff will focus on the head log for checking and reviewing, and welcome players to report the fish that slipped through the net, reminding players who have used AHK scripts before not to continue to have a fluke mentality.

Pit also made it clear to Xiaobian that the battle log of the use of AHK scripts from now on does not only mean that the new violation logs uploaded from today are blocked, and the battle logs that have previously used AHK scripts will also be blocked to ensure the fairness of the WCL rankings.

World of Warcraft Nostalgia Suit: Blizzard confirmed that the use of AHK script violations, from now on to block

Xiaobian personally believes that since Blizzard has clearly determined that the use of AHK scripts is a violation, it is not wise to continue to use AHK scripts, at least it is blocked by the log to affect personal and team performance, and the heavy is directly banned by the official. In addition, Xiaobian also expressed appreciation for Blizzard and WCL's firm attitude towards ARK scripts, I have seen some hunter players with very skilled raptor dance techniques in some live broadcast platforms and video websites, of which some top players can also rush into the top ten or even the top three in the context of "technology hunting" brush list, and the complete ban on AHK scripts is the best respect for these players who study and practice output techniques with all their hearts, and only when the tide recedes do they know who is swimming naked.

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