
Li Chenhao, the first mainland abs-type man to act in an American drama, won the "Best Actor" at the China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards


New Oriental teachers, TV hosts, the first mainland actors, directors and screenwriters to star in American dramas... Li Chenhao, who has just won the "Best Actor" of the China Science Fiction Galaxy Award, has countless possibilities. This athletic man with eight-pack abs is adventurous and believes in the 10,000-hour rule. On this adventure of life, he sailed, broke the waves and rode the wind, and calmly chased his dreams.

Li Chenhao, the first mainland abs-type man to act in an American drama, won the "Best Actor" at the China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards

Li Chenhao

In Li Chenhao's childhood memories, "digging bird's nests on trees and fishing in rivers" are commonplace, and at a young age, he actually "studied radio and tried to contact aliens", and even "tried to build airplanes, draw drawings, and bought materials" when he was in middle school. Based on his infinite curiosity about the world, he has a strong spirit in his bones, loves adventure, and is willing to break boundaries. And when asked about the most adventurous things he has done since he was a child, his answer is "North Drift as an actor.".

"Although I loved movies since I was a child and grew up watching movies in the video store opened by my uncle, no one in my family was in the film and television industry, my father was a teacher, my mother was a doctor, and I didn't study film and television in college." He explains, "Because I wanted to become an actor, I left home to work alone in Beijing, and despite many ups and downs, I still maintained my love for my dreams and works, which is the most adventurous thing I have ever done." ”

Li Chenhao, who had just arrived in Beijing, became popular on the Internet because of the "7 Hi" Christmas advertisement with director Hu Ge, which was the beginning of his dream of drifting north.

Li Chenhao, the first mainland abs-type man to act in an American drama, won the "Best Actor" at the China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards

"Human Body Express"

On November 22, 2019, the 5th China (Chengdu) International Science Fiction Convention opened, and the science fiction short film "Human Body Express" directed by Hu Ge and starring Li Chenhao won the 30th China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards "Best Film", "Best Director" and "Best Actor" three awards.

"'Human Express' tells the story of a medical expert who opposed the government's restrictions on human cloning technology, and only after being cloned did he realize the consequences of the misuse of this technology."

Li Chenhao introduced, "This short film is also a combination of drama, science fiction and suspense, aiming to explore how future technology will change human life, and satirizing that people who want to be opportunistic in technology are easy to steal chickens and not eat rice." ”

Li Chenhao, who loved to read "Science Fiction World" magazine since childhood, is a science fiction fan, "Terminator 2" is his film enlightenment, talking about the many scientific and technological elements involved in "Human Express", he said: "I remember the movie "Blade Runner" said what the world will be like in 2020, and in the blink of an eye, 2020 will arrive, you will find that cloning technology is becoming more and more mature, artificial intelligence, unmanned driving has appeared around us.

Technology is changing our lives, but there are still some laws that need to regulate the application of technology, just like money, it is not good or bad, but you have to use it in the right place. ”

"The Great Adventure King Western Dragon Hunt"

The "Great Adventure King Xiyu Dragon Hunt" is Li Chenhao's first time to shoot an online movie, "I think online movies are the trend of the future, and there are already hundreds of millions of dollars of online movies produced abroad." Online movies are rewriting the form of film and television from all levels, breaking the original boundaries. ”

Li Chenhao plays the male protagonist Jiang Liuhai, "He is a jianghu langren, although he was abandoned from childhood and grew up alone, he has a kind heart and is warm to others. When he met the princess, he always protected her, helped her fulfill her wishes, and grew up with her. ”

This is a very typical story of a warrior slaughtering a dragon to save the princess, but there are also many new ideas, such as the costume style is a Chinese Western plus the wasteland punk style of "Mad Max", the story script and character setting are also very interesting, it will be a great work. He said confidently, "I think 'The Great Adventure King Western Dragon Hunt' will be a milestone and a new chapter in Chinese online movies." ”

"I'm waiting for you in Beijing"

Another work in which Li Chenhao participated, "I Am Waiting for You in Beijing", is about to meet the audience, in which he plays Hank, a Chinese orphan adopted by an oil tycoon, "This is a very perfect role, he is passionate about friends, dedicated to love, trying to pursue his dreams, learning acting in New York, and at the same time as a business card policeman, trying his best to help others." ”

In addition to filming in New York, Li Chenhao will visit museums, listen to concerts, and watch stage plays... "This is a very unforgettable experience, to absorb the local culture and recharge himself." For me, New York is a feast of flow. ”

This is not his first time to shoot in the United States, in 2016, Li Chenhao participated in the American drama "Rush Hour". Talking about the experience of shooting in the United States twice, he said, "When shooting "Rush Hour", it is more to learn to digest and absorb experience, to experience how foreign sets work; and when shooting "I am waiting for you in Beijing", we can see the rapid development of the domestic film and television industry, which is gradually in line with foreign countries, and I think there will be more and more excellent works presented to you soon. ”

Li Chenhao, the first mainland abs-type man to act in an American drama, won the "Best Actor" at the China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards

The path to creation

On the days when he is not filming, Li Chenhao will save his works with his friends, do his own screenwriting and director, so that the slightly risky identity change, only "because I love movies too much!" ”

"If you really love something, you're not content to just touch one side of it, just like a person who loves good food isn't content to just taste it, they want to create something and explore some new possibilities, so I've been trying to make some interesting works with my director friends." 」

When it comes to movies, he always talks about it, "I think this is actually a desire to express, just like myself, I like to exchange ideas." 」 ”

"What I most want to convey through my works is positive energy and good traditional values, and I feel that a new generation of literary and artistic writers have the responsibility and mission to pass them on", which is the original intention of Li Chenhao's creation.

He is very much looking forward to having his own films in the future, constantly breaking boundaries, bringing rich and in-depth works, "telling everyone more intuitively about the stories and values I want to tell."

Adventure in life

Li Chenhao's adventurous spirit is not limited to his acting career, he is an extreme sports enthusiast in life. Surfing, skiing, diving... For him, it is an opportunity to get close to nature, "I love nature, and these sports allow me to get the joy of being close to nature in a very low-carbon situation." ”

His Weibo post read: "Men want to live on boats when they are old. It is his dream to sail around the world on a sailboat, and he took a professional sailing course last year, "this kind of life of wandering in the sea must be what men yearn for." He stressed that it must be a sailing boat, and that wrestling with nature is an indispensable experience in an adventurous life.

Before his debut, Li Chenhao, who had been an English teacher at New Oriental, said: "The trick to learning a foreign language is to use it, don't be afraid to lose face." If no one is practicing with you, you talk to yourself and practice with yourself, which is actually the same as being an actor, surfing, skiing, fitness, or anything in the world. His voice was calm and determined: "There is no ordinary gift in this world, I believe in the law of ten thousand hours, as long as you put in time and energy, there will be gains." ”

Li Chenhao, the first mainland abs-type man to act in an American drama, won the "Best Actor" at the China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards


What does exercise bring to you?

Li Chenhao: Exercise has become a part of my life, and it makes me feel physically and mentally healthy. Everyone may think that I look younger than I actually am, which has a lot to do with living a regular life, eating a balanced diet, and exercising consistently. In fact, I think fitness is a very anti-human thing, it will make you feel painful, bored, helpless, and can not stop, but it has an indescribable positive effect on your physical and mental health.

What do you usually choose for your daily workouts? How often have you been working out lately?

Li Chenhao: I have been exercising for 10 years, and I have an average of two to three aerobic devices per week. Recently, in order to add interest, Aerobics has been more diversified, such as boxing, traditional martial arts, basketball, football, Muay Thai, surfing, skiing, etc.

What fitness advice would you most like to give your readers?

Li Chenhao: Take the first step. Whenever you want to give up fitness, you just have to take the first step, and probably the hardest step in the whole workout process has been completed.

Do you usually control your diet?

Li Chenhao: I can control, but it is actually difficult, because I love food very much, I will properly control my carbohydrate intake and total intake, and exercise is the reason and motivation for me to enjoy more food.

Li Chenhao, the first mainland abs-type man to act in an American drama, won the "Best Actor" at the China Science Fiction Galaxy Awards

What foods do you like?

Li Chenhao: I like meat, beef, pork, chicken... I love all kinds of meat dishes. I'm also a pasta lover, whether it's oil-splashed noodles, Chongqing noodles or pasta, I love pasta from all over the world. Hot pot is also something that must be said, I am a person who is not spicy and unhappy.

What is your specialty dish?

Li Chenhao: I'm pretty good at cooking, if I really want to say that, I grew up with a main dish called sweet and sour ribs. Because I also love sweets, sweet and sour ribs are the perfect combination of sweets and meats for me.

Where did you travel this year?

Li Chenhao: This year, I was invited by the Los Angeles Tourism Bureau to go to Los Angeles for an in-depth tour, going to the Galaxy Stadium, Chaopai Street and Manhattan Beach... Get a feel for the life of ordinary Americans; you also traveled to Italy, from Rome to Siena, Florence, Milan and Como.

What is your favorite travel destination?

Li Chenhao: My favorite is still Rome. You will find that in the grand and vast history of mankind, you may be just a speck of dust in the world, but you will also be amazed by the unity, wisdom and continuous strength of human beings. In addition, Rome is also the design capital of Italy, in this birthplace of baroque and Renaissance, you will find that their design concept is actually very advanced, and many of the designs now retain those traditional aesthetics, such as the Sistine Chapel, the statue of Michelangelo, the church in the Vatican... Under these cultural influences, many simple design concepts and works have emerged in Rome. In Rome, you'll be captivated by human imagination and creativity.

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