
Turkey decided to close the Bosphorus Russia to the Black Sea and ban Russian warships from entering the Black Sea? Current answer: Turkish officials say Turkey has not yet decided on Russian ships

author:A stalwart of a flower grower

Turkey decided to close the Bosphorus Russia to the Black Sea and ban Russian warships from entering the Black Sea? Current answer: Turkish officials say Turkey has not yet decided to close the strait to Russian vessels.

Just now, the president of Ukraine tweeted affirmatively:

"Thank you to my friend Turkish President Mr. Erdogan and the Turkish people for their great support. The ban on Russian warships from the Black Sea, as well as significant military and humanitarian support for Ukraine, are extremely important today. The people of Ukraine will never forget this! ”

Zelenskiy indicated that Turkey has decided to shut down Russian warships on the Bosphorus to the Black Sea, which would be a major development for NATO countries.

In fact, Turkish officials told Reuters that Turkey had not yet decided to close the strait to Russian vessels.

It's interesting that Zelenskiy's tweets seem more like a way to force Erdogan to make a quick decision, but it has major implications for relations between Turkey and Russia.

It is worth mentioning that Turkish Foreign Minister Cavushoglu has repeatedly stated that Turkey cannot close the strait to Russian warships because, under the Montreux Convention, they can return to their ports in wartime.

The Montreux Convention, signed by Turkey, Britain, the Soviet Union and six other countries in 1936, apparently allowed warships belonging to the Black Sea states to pass smoothly through the strait without any intervention. The Convention limits only time and the size of the vessel.

What kind of routine is this, and is Zelenskiy going to start performing as an actor again?

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Turkey decided to close the Bosphorus Russia to the Black Sea and ban Russian warships from entering the Black Sea? Current answer: Turkish officials say Turkey has not yet decided on Russian ships
Turkey decided to close the Bosphorus Russia to the Black Sea and ban Russian warships from entering the Black Sea? Current answer: Turkish officials say Turkey has not yet decided on Russian ships
Turkey decided to close the Bosphorus Russia to the Black Sea and ban Russian warships from entering the Black Sea? Current answer: Turkish officials say Turkey has not yet decided on Russian ships

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