
How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

Many people may feel that the inside is more important than the outside, but you know, each of us is often the first to be attracted to a person's appearance, and even many high-value stars attach great importance to wearing, not to mention passers-by. Especially in the early spring when everything is revived, don't wear rustic and boring anymore, you can try a printed long skirt, playful age reduction.

This time we will take a look at how to wear a more fashionable foreign "printed long skirt" in early spring? One is to wear the right shoes, the other is to wear accessories, hoping to solve your dressing problem!

First, wear a printed long skirt, to put on the right shoes

The printed long skirt mainly has these two characteristics, the first is the length below the knee, which belongs to the long skirt, and the second type of skirt material is superimposed with a print or floral pattern, which looks fresh and playful and sweet, coinciding with the comfortable and lively atmosphere of early spring.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

1. Pointed backless shoes

Printed skirts have a high rate of appearance in many dressing styles, such as Korean style, Japanese style or French style, which is especially suitable for expressing the elegance and lightness of the dress, but there is a problem, that is, the printed skirt shape is easy to over-sweet, and it is also easy to "rot the street".

For middle-aged women, the most important thing to wear an elegant and fashionable printed skirt is to know how to use shoes to improve the dressing grade, or to strengthen the style of dress. First of all, it is recommended that you use pointed backless shoes, and floral skirts are sharp tools to create a sense of light familiarity, like light French style, you can try one-word buckle backless shoes or pointed toe granny shoes.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

2. Boots

Whether it is a printed skirt or a floral skirt, and boots are very good cp in early spring, especially in the Japanese wind, many bloggers like to use a pair of light-colored boots or black boots to connect the printed skirt, winning laziness and gentleness.

Among them, the combination of boots and printed skirts is light and elegant, and the exposed calves are more thin, like white, beige or milk camel, which are more suitable for ordinary people.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

3. Sneakers

The printed skirt of early spring is not limited to broken flowers or large prints, and the long skirt superimposed with small polka dot elements is also a magic weapon to create a sense of spring.

You can choose a black background white wave or a camel bottom black wave, with a shirt jacket or a long trench coat, playful and fashionable.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

Early spring dressing pays attention to casual and sweet, wearing printed skirts is indispensable to sneakers, of which it is most recommended that you choose white sneakers or white canvas shoes to create age reduction looks.

If it is a khaki long trench coat, then the canvas shoe color can choose a milk tea color system, which echoes the trench coat.

Second, wear a printed long skirt, accessories to wear

Wearing or not wearing accessories is the most tangled problem for many people, after all, wearing white T or jeans in daily life, wearing accessories will be more formal. But the printed skirt is not the same, T-shirts, jeans wear simple and refreshing, the key to wearing a fashion sense of printed skirt is to pinch the sense of atmosphere.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

1. Belt

Ordinary people can not be young, can not have a good body, but when creating a look with a printed skirt, you must know how to increase accessories and become a "sense of atmosphere" beauty.

Girls who wear floral skirts who know how to raise the waist line are often more beautiful and elegant, among which the floral dress long skirt comes with a waist design, and the floral skirt should choose a high-waisted model, if you match the middle sweater or the middle shirt, remember to use the belt.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

2. Hat

When it comes to accessories that can create a sense of atmosphere, it is absolutely impossible not to mention hats, various styles of hats are more popular in early spring, but with printed skirts are more likely to be paired with straw hats, emphasizing the romantic and lazy French style.

It should also be noted that the color of the top or underwear is best echoed with the color or base color of the printed skirt.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

3. Jewelry

Printed skirts are thin and light due to their thin and light materials, and in order to wear a sense of luxury, in addition to choosing a material that flows and drapes, it is also necessary to increase jewelry to enhance the texture of the dress.

For example, pearl earrings, silver earrings, silver necklaces, gold necklaces or watches are more noble.

Third, suit + printed long skirt

In early spring, a printed skirt or floral skirt can create N kinds of shapes, with sweaters, sweatshirts, shirts or trench coats, but if you want to wear more fashionable, it is best to use a suit with a printed skirt.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

The suit is simple and clean, and the contrast between the style between the printed skirt or the floral skirt is stronger, and the style created is more distinct.

And the skirt can easily alleviate the stereotype of the suit and create a sense of elegance and gentleness.

How to wear a more fashionable foreign style in the early spring "printed long skirt"? One should be paired with shoes, and the other accessories should be worn

The highest level of suit + printed skirt / floral skirt is to make the suit color echo with the skirt, strengthen the sense of dress coordination, such as using a white suit with a white as the background color of the printed skirt, the coordination is naturally very noble.

Although the printed long skirt is easy to wear a tacky feeling, as long as you choose the right shoes and match some accessories, anyone can create an elegant and fashionable temperament.

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