
Sad and Happy Ukraine: Carnival Oligarchs, Silent "Rabble-Rousers"

author:Lao Cao talks about history

01 That's different

In 2021, Saschenko (not his real name) came to China from Ukraine and, as a friend, I warmly welcomed him.

I have always enjoyed associating with the Slavs, not because they are talkative, but because entertaining them is a very easy thing to do. You don't have to take care of it, you don't have to be polite, as long as there is wine and meat on the table, you will be able to make cups and drinks, and the guests and hosts will be happy. However, this time, the wine was a little heavy, because I chose the wrong topic.

"Why did you vote for an actor?" Do you think a good actor must be a qualified political leader? After some thought, I still asked Saschenko the question that bothered me.

"Or else?" Saschenko did not blame me for my abruptness, but talked instead. He said: "Do you know what our democracy is? It is to let you choose from many 'king eight eggs' that you don't hate very much" ";

"The guys who are eligible to vote, they've only done one thing in their lives: like vultures, pecking at our country, endlessly. When the flesh and blood of the country are pecked clean and only a white bone is left, they will flap their wings and fly away. ”;

"Of course I know Zelenskiy doesn't work, but he's at least an actor I like, and he used to satirize those vultures. Since our country is destined to be eaten, I'd rather let someone I like eat. ”

Probably because the wine was just right, Saschenko was very different from what it used to look like. He was a middle-level cadre at Ukraine's largest bank, young, competent, urbanist, likable, and, in short, a promising middle class.

However, at this time, he became an authentic "angry youth".

But there is a difference between this look and the average Ukrainian civilian I have seen. Many Ukrainian civilians don't really care much about whether the country is pro-American or pro-Russian, whether the leader is an oligarch or an actor; they don't even care about the democracy and human rights around them, the justice order on the edge of the sky. They just hope that tomorrow the price of sausages in the supermarket will not rise, and the roaring shells will not fall on their doors.

But their looks are so similar: lonely, depressed.

Then we talked about a Russian friend, Saschenko told me, they had broken up long ago because Russia had invaded Ukraine (referring to russia's occupation of Crimea).

"That's not his fault." I defend my Russian friend.

"But his country invaded us. If the United States invaded your Taiwan, would you still associate with the Americans? He asked me rhetorically.

I thought about it and said, "Maybe the nature of the two is not the same."

"Yes, it is not the same", "Sooner or later your country will be unified, but waiting for the best time, each of you firmly believes in this, so you can look at some issues optimistically";

"What about us? Our country has no future, we can only express anger in this funny way", said he was really angry, and I had to diverge from the topic.

I understand Saschenko's feelings, because in the past hundred years of Modern China, there have been worse situations than Ukraine, when we were lambs that the great powers competed to eat; slaves in the eyes of the "Three Mountains." Our ancestors were not painful and numb beings; the prophets were not a cry of anger and despair.

But to argue that the state has no hope is too arbitrary. Mr. Lu Xun said: "If you do not erupt in silence, you will perish in silence." Our ancestors, with their quest, struggle, sacrifice, and struggle, crossed the iron-like long road and cracked this painful proposition.

If axioms are universal and human nature is universal, then it cannot be concluded that Ukraine has no future.

Sad and Happy Ukraine: Carnival Oligarchs, Silent "Rabble-Rousers"

02 Brilliant

In the hearts of many people, the glory and misery of the superpower Soviet Union will be attributed to the Russians. In fact, this is a stereotypical bias.

The Soviet Union, full name Soviet Socialist Union, consisted of 15 republics, of which Ukraine, as the second largest republic, could not ignore its influence on the direction of the Soviet Union. Of the 7 generations of leaders of the former Soviet Union, 2 are from Ukraine; at the same time, Ukraine has the most fertile land in the world, and it uses 3% of the Soviet Union to feed more than 30% of the Soviet population.

Moreover, Ukraine also has the most superior coastline and sea access of the Soviet Union, which is the only way for the Soviet Union to integrate into the global industrial chain through the Mediterranean Sea. As a result, most of the most important industrial bases in the former Soviet Union were located in Ukraine, including aircraft factories and aircraft carrier shipyards.

The glorious contribution made Ukraine feel confident in dividing up the legacy of the former Soviet Union, unceremoniously taking away one-third of its resources, and the Russians were particularly red-eyed. Of course, this resource is not the dollar or gold, but the industrial system and military equipment.

Skinny camels are bigger than horses, not to mention only a third, enough to make Ukraine stand out in Europe. What Old Powers, such as Britain, France, Germany, and Italy, pull out and single them out, none of them can do it.

The vast and fertile black land; the excellent ports; the developed industrial system; the powerful military equipment; the fifty million well-educated and high-quality people, no matter how you look at it, Ukraine is a proud man of the times who is blessed with a unique position, and it seems that one foot has entered the ranks of the developed countries.

However, ten, twenty, thirty years have passed, and now Ukraine has become the poorest country in Europe, and even some countries are in danger of not being a country, among them, those vultures - Ukrainian oligarchs, "indispensable" and "difficult to write".

Sad and Happy Ukraine: Carnival Oligarchs, Silent "Rabble-Rousers"

03 Oligarchs

In the early 1990s, the superpower collapsed. While the Soviet people were agonizing over their future livelihood and were anxious, some Soviet cadres, directors of state-owned enterprises, speculative businessmen, and even the underworld began to revel in revelry.

These people have resources, privileges, and connections that are difficult for ordinary people to reach, and their ideal is to exchange these things for countless wealth as soon as possible. Westerners, on the other hand, who hold wealth in their hands, are desperate to divide up all the resources and privileges left by the former Soviet Union.

It's like a siege, the oligarchs in the city want to go out, the Westerners outside the city want to come in. The two sides met unexpectedly at the city gate, a match made in heaven, and the wine was spoken.

During this period, the privatization of state-owned assets was in full swing, but Ukraine was getting poorer and poorer. The wealth eventually fell inexplicably into the pockets of Zhang San, Li Si, or someone who didn't know at all. Resources and privileges are also inexplicably, but reasonably and legally possessed by Westerners.

Ukraine's well-known celebrities also rose to prominence in that era:

  • Yanukovych: Former general manager of the State Transport Company of Ukraine
  • Yushchenko: Director of the Department of Economic Planning of the Ukrainian Branch of the State Bank of the former USSR
  • Tymoshenko: Economist at the Lenin Machinery Factory in Dnipropetrovsk, former Soviet Union, her father-in-law was a high-ranking official
  • ……

And there is a key figure that cannot be left out, that is, the second president of Ukraine, Kuchma, who was the peak of the oligarchic feast during his tenure, and the country, in the midst of poverty and whiteness, is increasingly doomed.

Kuchma is a well-known missile expert and academician of the Academy of Sciences in the former Soviet Union, who won the "Lenin Prize" for the development of SS-20 and SS-18 (NATO "Satan") missiles, and has served as the general manager of the Southern Machine Factory since 1986.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Kuchma became president in 1994 with the support of major military-industrial enterprises such as the Dnieper oligarchs, the "Southern Machinery Factory", and political and economic blocs.

The struggle between the old and new oligarchs in this period has also reached a white-hot level, and all parties have even fought for their lives.

  • The nemesis of the Dnieper Oligarchs, the old oligarch Of Donetsk, Polagin, after escaping multiple assassinations, was eventually killed in a football club VIP box in October 1995.
  • Sherban, an old oligarch in Donetsk, was shot in public at Donetsk airport in 1996.
  • Lazarenko, who supported Kuchima's rise to power, later turned against Kuchma and was thrown in jail by the United States on charges of money laundering and other charges when he took political refuge in the United States.

Kuchma, who was put on the throne, repaid the Dnieper oligarchs handsomely, and 5 of the top 10 Ukrainian rich men listed by Forbes magazine came from this gang.

Although Lazarenko was defeated by Kuchma, he cultivated two large oligarchs who would still be in the Ukrainian political circles: Kolomoisky and Tymoshenko.

In fact, there is nothing to say about the deeds behind, when Ukraine's interests were divided up by the oligarchs, colluding with the West, attracting wolves into the house, and relying on foreign countries to respect themselves became the only way for the old oligarchs to safeguard vested interests, snipe the new oligarchs, and expand the boundaries of interests.

Yushchenko, Tymoshenko, and the farcical "Orange Revolution" were the climax of the drama.

After the carnival, a field of chicken feathers...

Sad and Happy Ukraine: Carnival Oligarchs, Silent "Rabble-Rousers"

04 The Rabble

When the Soviet Union collapsed, the populace, including Russia and Ukraine, was a carnival that felt that they had finally ushered in the dawn of liberal democracy.

Twenty years later, however, the boom receded and there was silence. Only in the streets of Ukraine, a true cold joke circulated:

  • In 2004 Yushchenko and Tymoshenko together took out Yanukovych, shouting that democracy had triumphed
  • In 2005, Yushchenko and Yanukovych got rid of Tymoshenko and shouted that democracy had won
  • In 2007, Yushchenko and Tymoshenko got rid of Yanukovych, shouting that democracy had won
  • In 2009, Yushchenko and Yanukovych got rid of Tymoshenko, shouting that democracy had won
  • In 2010, Yanukovych and Tymoshenko got rid of Yushchenko, shouting that democracy had won
  • In 2011, Yanukovych got rid of Tymoshenko and sent her to prison, shouting that democracy had triumphed
  • In 2014, Yanukovych fled, Tymoshenko was released from prison, and he shouted that democracy had won

Democracy is such a good thing, it is invincible!!

According to common sense, when you want to work with a person, it is not to examine his bright appearance, but to see what he really has in his heart.

But in an era of group fanaticism and restlessness, people only see the whitewash of Western democracy, but they don't want to open it up and see how dirty it is inside.

Le Pen said in The Rabble-Rousse: A Study of Mass Psychology: "On the level of wisdom, the group is always lower than the level of the isolated individual..."; "There are many characteristics of the group, such as impulsiveness, impatience, lack of rationality, lack of judgment and criticism, exaggeration of feelings, etc."

Of course, this may not always be the case, because Russia, which has suffered a similar situation, is trying to get out of this catastrophe, and although each step is extremely difficult, they have gained hope.

But what about ukrainians? They were concocted by the West for democracy and the carnival of oligarchs. Subsequently, it became a desperate "ragtag crowd".

Where is the hope? It's about: don't be a silent rabble.

There is no system in this world that applies to all national conditions, and there is no selfless Western savior.

The future of the country lies in the awakening of the rabble and the struggle of the broad masses. The country's itinerary has deviated from the track, one is to stop it, the other is to correct it.

Sad and Happy Ukraine: Carnival Oligarchs, Silent "Rabble-Rousers"

05 Who is the enemy

In this Ukrainian incident, I did not call to greet Saschenko. First of all, I know that the safety of others in Cyprus is guaranteed. The main reason is that I know he is a patriot, and I do not want my desire to explore and stir up something more painful in his heart.

And yesterday's video on the Internet reminded me of more things: the Russian soldier who cleaned up the battlefield picked up the mobile phone of the Ukrainian soldier who died, and just at this time, the phone rang and remembered that it was the Ukrainian mother who called her son.

The Russian soldier answered the phone and told the poor mother with some bitterness that his son had died. Then, softly said: I'm sorry.

After a moment of silence, the mother asked calmly: Will you send his body back?

After receiving a positive answer, the mother hung up the phone.

There is no victor's revelry, no tragic man's madness, and the two people's answers seem to tell a long-lost sad past. Or, in their respective hearts, they already have the awareness of pain.

My question is: Whose enemy is who?

Perhaps theoretically, two young soldiers who die and live are endless enemies. But why? From the sorrow of the victor, it can be seen that he did not feel joy at his death, but had something heavy in his heart. Maybe one day, this will also be their fate.

They have no hatred, they just do their duty.

Sad and Happy Ukraine: Carnival Oligarchs, Silent "Rabble-Rousers"

06 Guns Axioms

Some people resent Putin, saying that Ukraine plus non-membership in NATO is its own freedom and cannot be used as a pretext for aggression.

However, when we see Zhang San waving his fist at Li Si, it is likely to be biased to simply conclude that Zhang San bears full responsibility for the conflict. A better approach would be to figure out the ins and outs of the incident before making a judgment.

The feud between Ukraine and Russia has a long history and is complex, and it is not clear in three or two sentences.

However, if Ukraine is an independent country with a government that stresses principles and wholeheartedly serves its own national interests, there will be contradictions and disputes between russia and Ukraine, but it will not be to the point of fighting each other.

Zhao Benshan fooled people into lame in order to sell abductions, while Westerners fooled the oligarchs for strategic interests, and the oligarchs fooled the people for economic benefits.

Putin has a thousand mistakes, but in the final analysis, he has to consider the fate of Russia. I'm not sure if he's an oligarch, but what I'm sure of is that he's a politician, and his interests are highly aligned with the interests of the country.

The nature of NATO everyone understands that Ukraine is really on the NATO chariot, and I don't know how many Russian mothers want to mourn their sons, which is a weight that Putin cannot bear.

The tiger is forced to be anxious, and it must hurt people.

Of course, there are many people who scold Putin and sympathize with Ukraine, and they are always so gentleman when they scold:

Biden still spoke like a dozing off; Johnson's yellow hair was always dancing softly.

Sarkozy was still glowing red, as if he was glad he hadn't been killed by a yellow vest; Trudeau was still personable, glad he hadn't been drowned in the truck driver's saliva.

But they united the front and grabbed Putin and did not spare him. If nothing else, the knives and forks have been prepared, and the napkins are folded, but this delicious feast in Ukraine, don't TM is mixed up by you Putin.

It seems that everyone has a reason, everyone has interests, but the most important party, the Ukrainian people, has fallen victim to the struggle of all parties.

They have nothing to gain, but they have lost their future. It seems that the road to regaining hope will eventually come out on its own.

Some people say, "There are only guns and no axioms in this world," and I would like to say that this view is biased and short-sighted. As long as we stretch our historical perspective a little, we will find that in ancient and modern China and abroad, any violent and absurd group, no matter how powerful it was at that time, will eventually go to extinction, without exception.

So there is no doubt: axioms must exist.

However, the axiom of no deterrence, the justice without power, is a mirror flower, a joke, and this is also a fact.

Carrying the heart of a child and taking the road of bearing weights; taking the snake in vain and self-improvement may be the only way for all declining nations to rise.

This is a road that our ancestors have walked, and we hope that the Ukrainian people will also go on.

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