
Originally from the same root, once the same brother, why Ukraine and Russia fought

author:History of Crazy Clouds

In recent days, at the instigation of the United States, the situation between Russia and Ukraine has escalated in an all-round way, and in the face of the encirclement of the United States and NATO, as well as Ukraine's iron heart to the West, the Russian strongman Putin finally could not bear it and ordered the Russian army to launch military operations in order to make Ukraine politically neutral and demilitary, thus eliminating NATO's threat to Russia. At present, the Russian army has destroyed a large number of Ukrainian military facilities, the ground offensive forces have approached Kiev, and the fighting between the two sides is fierce.

As is well known, in history, Russia and Ukraine, as well as Belarus, not only belonged to the same branch of the Ancient East Slavs, but also came under the jurisdiction of the Principality of Kievan Rus', and when the Soviet Union was founded, the states of these three Rus' ethnic groups, which were also members of one of the four founding states, were brothers of the Great Soviet Era.

Originally from the same root, once the same brother, why Ukraine and Russia fought

(Situation map in Ukraine)

However, we have seen that after the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine, known as Little Russia, not only refused Russia's invitation to stay and chose to act independently, but also insisted on going all the way west and joining the NATO military organization headed by the United States, regardless of brotherhood.

Then, why did Ukraine, which shares the same origin as Russia and was once a brother of the Soviet family, turn against Russia like water and fire?

The origins of Russians and Ukrainians

Around the 1st-2nd century AD, on both sides of the Vistula River valley in Poland, the earliest Slavic groups were formed, living along the river, as a tribe, and living a nomadic life for generations.

In the 4th-6th centuries, the Slavs began to migrate in three directions: southward, eastern and western, with the Slovene tribes to the south reaching the Balkan Peninsula and becoming Yugoslavs, the Vineid tribes to the west moving along the Elbe and Oder rivers, forming the West Slavs, and the East Ant tribes coming to the banks of the Dnieper and Volga rivers and developing into East Slavs.

Originally from the same root, once the same brother, why Ukraine and Russia fought

(Principality of Kievan Rus' )

In the 9th century, Rurik, a pirate leader from Northern Europe, used force to conquer the East Slavs and establish the Kingdom of Kievan Rus', which covered the regions of present-day Belarus, Ukraine, and Moscow, the birthplace of Russia, so the Kingdom of Rus is considered to be the common origin of these three countries.

After the 13th century, the Mongol Iron Horse swept across Eurasia, and Kievan Rus' was divided between the Mongols, Poles, and Lithuanians, with Poland occupying the western part of Ukraine, Lithuania dividing the Belarusian region, and the large and small principalities of eastern Ukraine and Moscow under the rule of the Mongolian Golden Horde. Thus the former Rus' were divided into three ethnic groups: Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine (Little Russia).

Although these three peoples from the Rus' Kingdom are still linguistically identical, but due to the influence of foreign rule, their customs and cultures began to differ, compared with the tolerant rule of Lithuania, Poland's influence on Ukraine was almost barbaric and authoritarian, not only in terms of culture and population, but also forced assimilation of religion, and the aggressiveness of the Mongols also affected the bloodiness of the Russian fighting nation.

Originally from the same root, once the same brother, why Ukraine and Russia fought

(Ukraine during the Soviet Era)

This is also the root cause of the serious differences and differences between Belarus, Ukraine and Russia today.

The hatred of the Great Famine in Ukraine

In the 16th century, after the Muscovite Principality overthrew the Mongols, it began to expand abroad, and its strength increased day by day, while the Ukrainians under Polish rule, several independent uprisings were unsuccessful, so they asked for help from Tsarist Russia and expressed their willingness to accept the rule of the other side, and Tsarist Russia immediately declared war on Poland, so that the Ukrainians in the present-day Ussi region gained independence.

Although Tsarist Russia gave Ukraine a higher degree of autonomy, but in terms of resource plunder and assimilation, not inferior to Poland, the Ukrainians then rose up again, helplessly Tsarist Russia is really strong, Ukraine has never been able to get rid of Tsarist rule, until the October Revolution in 1917, Ukrainians took advantage of the Russian civil strife to declare independence, but before they laughed out loud, the restored Poland took the British and French and other powers to invade the western Ukrainian region again, because there was no time to take care of it. The newly formed Soviet Union ceded most of the land in Western Ukraine to Poland, and the nascent Ukraine became the four founding states of the Soviet Union, along with russia, Belarus and other three other republics.

Originally from the same root, once the same brother, why Ukraine and Russia fought

(Commemoration of the Great Famine in Ukraine)

In the 1930s, due to the Soviet Union's collectivized farms and compulsory grain collection policy, a serious famine broke out throughout the Soviet Union, of which Ukraine suffered particularly, with more than three million deaths, coupled with the subsequent Great Purge, the number of unnatural deaths in Ukraine reached as many as five million, which made Ukraine hate the Soviet Union and russians to the bone, so that when the German army came in World War II, the Ukrainians not only welcomed it, but also nearly 400,000 Ukrainians joined the German army and launched an attack on the Soviet army.

After the victory of World War II, SEU returned to the Soviet Union, together with East Ukraine to become the current Ukraine, as the Soviet Union's most superior natural conditions of the republic, Ukraine not only provided 18% of the soviet people with food needs, coal production accounted for 60% of the total output of the Soviet Union, large shipyards, locomotive factories, heavy weapons arsenals are also located here, in order to facilitate management, in 1954, Khrushchev also at the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Russian-Ukrainian merger, the Crimean Peninsula belonging to Russia was assigned to Ukraine.

The Source of the Dispute between Crimea and Eastern Ukraine

After the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, Ukraine finally gained true independence and became a brotherly neighbor with Russia. In 2004, under the manipulation of the West, a color revolution broke out in Ukraine, and pro-Western politicians began to fall to the West after coming to power, and insisted on joining NATO and breaking with Russia completely.

Originally from the same root, once the same brother, why Ukraine and Russia fought

(Ukrainian female soldier)

Russia, which has lost its strategic buffer, will naturally not give up, and in addition to supporting the pro-Russian and Ukrainian eastward independence, it has also forcibly recovered Crimea, which Khrushchev gave to Ukraine that year, and Russian-Ukrainian relations have fallen to a freezing point.

After the outbreak of the Syrian civil war, the United States, which intends to subvert the Assad government, fell behind in the Middle East struggle with Russia, so it made a lot of military assistance to Ukraine, incited Ukraine to provoke trouble, in order to contain Russia's energy in the Middle East, with the support of the United States and Britain and other countries, Ukrainian President Zelenskiy, who camedian and turned, naturally burst with confidence, gathered heavy troops in Uzbekistan, ignored the Minsk agreement signed for the peace of Uzbekistan, and wanted to completely solve the problem of the division of the two regions in Eastern Ukraine with blitzkrieg.

In the end, with the escalation of the Ukrainian army and the Wudong militia to the Donbass region, seeing that Ukraine and the United States are getting closer and closer, for the geopolitical security of the Russian state and people, Putin the Great finally began to fight back, in addition to recognizing the independent sovereignty of the two republics in the Donbass region, but also in the name of maintaining peace, sent troops to Ukraine, the brothers of Rus' descendants who were originally connected by blood, finally tore their faces and fought.

Originally from the same root, once the same brother, why Ukraine and Russia fought

(Russian military operations)

In summary, Russia and Ukraine, two countries that are also descendants of the Rus' people, have been like water and fire knives and swords in just a few decades after the collapse of the Soviet Union, in addition to historical reasons, more is the result of the Western society using Ukraine as a pawn to encircle Russia, behind the instigation of the wind and fire, here, we pray that Ukraine can end the war as soon as possible, the people return to a peaceful and peaceful life.

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