
"Shopkeeper" hides advertisements, increases the burden on businesses, and damages social trust, have you ever been misled?

With the full coverage of people's lives by the Internet, people's dependence on the Internet is also increasing day by day, so that many of the choices made by people in daily consumption are made by the Internet. Before shopping online, people tend to look at a certain store, the sales volume of a certain product, the degree of praise, and choose to buy or not to buy according to this information. Especially in recent years, short videos have increasingly occupied people's fragmented time, and the impact of short videos on people's daily consumption is also increasing day by day. Now on various video platforms, all kinds of grass planting videos abound, eating, wearing, living and traveling, and everything can be planted. However, the Internet, which is detached from the half-virtual and half-real space, has brought convenience to people at the same time, but also spawned a lot of gray and even black industries.

The earliest appearance is online shopping brush orders, brush praise, so that when people now visit online stores, for the purchase volume and praise, has long lost the initial trust, because everyone knows that brushing single brush praise has become a practice in the industry. Now the e-commerce industry has an industrial chain, specifically responsible for brushing the purchase records of the store, brushing praise, originally in order to facilitate the establishment of word of mouth for merchants, in order for consumers to be able to supervise the business and set this function, has been abused into a profit-making black industry, can not but say that it is a sad.

However, over time, people have gradually become wary of the moisture in sales and praise. Now people will be more cautious and more careful when judging the quality of goods and services, and will not be so easy to believe how high the score is when tens of thousands of orders are sold. However, the video of visiting the store that accompanies the short video is very troublesome to identify, and people are more likely to be deceived. Now there are countless video visiting videos on major video platforms, let's take food videos as an example, there are many such food influencer bloggers, especially there are a lot of local food bloggers, these bloggers will visit the restaurants and restaurants in their own cities, and taste these restaurants in their own programs. The reason why this kind of program is attractive is because the audience likes to see the food bloggers can use their own lenses to take everyone to see the novelties of food everywhere, the delicious food they have not eaten, this kind of program itself is not an advertisement, but a very immersive video program. When the audience watches the program, they never think about the commercial interests behind the programs they see, and think that these authors are simply sharing out of their own interests and hobbies, in fact, this is what people think of visiting the store should look like. Therefore, the audience's trust in such programs is very high, even much higher than advertising, higher than the number of orders and likes on the e-commerce platform that people see.

However, while people are giving their trust, the problem arises. You think that other people's authors have no purpose, but in fact, people take your trust as the goal. Now around the net red shop, a huge gray industrial chain of false shops has been formed. Why is it said to be a false shop, because this kind of shop is essentially advertising, why is it a gray industrial chain, because it is on the edge of legality and illegality. Now a restaurant opens, someone will find you, ask you if you need to do network promotion, one of the important ones is the food network red shop, as long as you are willing to spend money, you can invite a variety of coffee spots of food internet celebrities to your store to taste, and then take videos, send pictures to their own accounts, the promotion of your restaurant disguised as their own program, a work. People don't say it's an advertisement, just like an ordinary show, the average audience is absolutely unrecognizable. However, these food influencers have to charge the store, and as a viewer, you only see an advertisement. Of course, the advertisement will definitely only say good things, it is impossible to objectively and comprehensively evaluate, have you ever seen ads that say bad things? If it is just an advertisement, the family is still legal, but as long as anything is related to economic interests, someone must have a bad mind.

For example, some professional organizations will organize a large number of Internet celebrities, in order to promote a restaurant will be bombed indiscriminately, all go to the same store to do tasting, and then release a large number of videos, the content of these videos are similar, the purpose is to increase exposure. Of course, the content released is unprincipled praise, the lines are even made up by the merchant, some Internet celebrities have never been to the store, let's not say that this is not an original work, let's say that the advertisement is also a false exaggeration, suspected of violating the advertising law. There are even some organizations that systematically extort and extort shops, if you don't pay advertising fees, I will give you negative publicity and hack you on the Internet, which has entered the category of suspected illegal crimes.

"Shopkeeper" hides advertisements, increases the burden on businesses, and damages social trust, have you ever been misled?

The harm of fake shop visits is obvious. First of all, it harms the interests of consumers, misleads and deceives consumers, and is more effective than false advertising. Secondly, it is also hurting the interests of merchants, because of the huge communication power and influence of the Internet and short video platforms, any business does not dare not pay attention to Internet publicity, and dare not offend these Internet celebrity bloggers, which causes merchants to have to spend a lot of publicity and promotion costs, invisibly increasing operating costs and risks. Finally, but also the most terrible, this kind of false shop is overdrawing the trust of this society, the Chinese people naturally have a sense of trust in the Internet, especially the video, this trust may be derived from the historical memory of the TV station, the official media, many middle-aged and elderly people even think that what is said online is the most reliable, the video watched online is as credible as the TV station said, many Internet red bloggers, in the process of creating personal IP, extremely affinity, although they have not met, but it seems to be acquaintances around them, Let the audience have great trust in the character of this person, if such an Internet celebrity goes to a false shop and uses false publicity to harm the audience who trusts him, then how bad the trust relationship between people in the whole society will have.

Fortunately, at present, the major Internet platforms are also aware of the seriousness of this problem and have begun to curb the occurrence of this behavior from their own risk control. On the one hand, many review sites have started from the geographical location of the reviewer, whether the review content is similar, and whether a large number of review records appear in a short period of time, and control the behavior of artificially brushing single brush comments. Major video platforms have also begun to review the phenomenon of many Internet celebrity bloggers jointly recommending the same store in a short period of time, checking the works of the same copywriting and similar plot, while improving the reporting function of the audience and increasing the crackdown on the black industry of advertising. On the other hand, websites are also looking for ways to effectively identify advertisements and programs, distinguishing advertisements from content, so that audiences can easily distinguish between the two, so as to avoid easily paying their trust. As viewers and consumers, we are not opposed to legitimate advertising, but we are firmly opposed to false shop visits that profit from deception.

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