
Wonderful ending! Kuaishou Winter Olympics content has been played more than 154.48 billion

On February 25, as the official broadcaster of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics, Kuaishou handed over a bright "Winter Olympic Report Card". During the Winter Olympics, the total number of plays of Winter Olympic-related works and topic videos inside and outside Kuaishou reached a new high, reaching 154.48 billion, and the number of on-demand broadcasts of the Winter Olympics in the terminal exceeded 7.9 billion. The total broadcast of the five self-made programs such as "Ice and Snow Express" and "Ice and Snow Heroes" exceeded 4.25 billion, and the total number of CALL videos played for the Winter Olympics exceeded 70.8 billion, and the atmosphere of the whole people participating in the Winter Olympics was vividly displayed.

Wonderful ending! Kuaishou Winter Olympics content has been played more than 154.48 billion

At the same time, the GMV of sports outdoor products on the Kuaishou platform increased by 602% year-on-year, which shows that the old iron's love for ice and snow sports has been greatly enhanced.

In addition to the wonderful content broadcast, during the Winter Olympics, and ice and snow sports and star athletes at the same time all over the Internet, there is also a "pier is difficult to find the Winter Olympics" mascot "ice pier". Kuaishou brought more than 200 athletes, stars and talents to watch the Winter Olympics and send ice piers with users, with 1.364 billion participants. Users can also harvest continuous surprises while chasing the Winter Olympics.

Wonderful ending! Kuaishou Winter Olympics content has been played more than 154.48 billion

It is worth mentioning that the masses once again demonstrated their strong content creation ability during the Winter Olympics, and a group of ice and snow enthusiasts shared or recorded their wonderful moments of ice and snow sports, both cool skiing skills and high-energy skiing actions, as well as riding sleds and playing "out of the slippers". The "Happy Ice and Snow Season of the Winter Olympics for All" jointly launched by the Beijing Winter Olympic Organizing Committee and Kuaishou alone has 159,000 works participating, with a total of 9.99 billion views.

Image source: Kuaishou

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