
The 64-year-old well-known Taiwanese host He Yihang's farewell ceremony was sent by the stars, and the only son sang with tears to send condolences

author:Tree baby

He Yihang, a well-known host in Taiwan, died of colorectal cancer on the evening of June 3 at the age of 64, shocking taiwan's entertainment industry, and his farewell ceremony was held on the morning of June 15, with his last program partner Bai Bingbing as the host. He Yihang had a wide range of friends before his death and enjoyed a very high reputation in the entertainment industry, so at his farewell ceremony, many well-known local artists in Taiwan came to send him on his last journey, including Zhang Fei, Hu Gua, Yu Tian, Wang Hongrong, Black Man, makiyo, Ren Xianqi, etc. all went to mourn.

The 64-year-old well-known Taiwanese host He Yihang's farewell ceremony was sent by the stars, and the only son sang with tears to send condolences

He Yihang is indeed very famous in Taiwan's showbiz circle, he started by hosting, the earliest time with another deceased host in Taiwan Pig Brother Liang partner, from the southern Taiwan restaurant, until 1985 the two co-hosted the "Pig Brother Liang Song Hall Show" and then became popular, and then in 1991 with the "Three Li Five Tigers Will Gold Medal Spot Show" This program became popular again, officially became the Taiwan gold medal host, and then hosted the "Champion Point Show" and "Golden Nightclub" are his representative programs.

The 64-year-old well-known Taiwanese host He Yihang's farewell ceremony was sent by the stars, and the only son sang with tears to send condolences

He Yihang was diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2011, once underwent surgical treatment, cut off the colon tumor, the recovery progress after surgery has been relatively good, but because he has been unwilling to accept chemotherapy, only rely on eating Chinese herbs to control the disease, and finally the condition recurred, the degree of deterioration was quite rapid. In May 2019, he felt unwell and was admitted to the hospital for treatment, but unfortunately, when he was admitted to the hospital, the colorectal cancer had metastasized, metastasized to the liver and lungs, and in less than half a month, He Yihang died on June 3.

The 64-year-old well-known Taiwanese host He Yihang's farewell ceremony was sent by the stars, and the only son sang with tears to send condolences

He Yihang's son sang

He Yihang's farewell ceremony was held on June 15, and the entire venue was simply and elegantly arranged, mainly with white flowers, and three photos of He Yihang selected by He Yihang's family were placed in the middle of the venue. Although it is a farewell ceremony, the whole process is still relatively special, mainly based on nostalgia and remembrance, so Bai Bingbing is arranged as the host, and the media is allowed to broadcast the whole process live. In the farewell ceremony, a singing session was also arranged, in which He Yihang's son Zeng Zhihao and He Yihang's three righteous sons and daughters sang 8 songs of He Yihang's life, and finally Bai Bingbing and Zeng Zhihao sang as the closing song of the singing session. The conference arranged for family members to sing these works, in addition to commemorating He Yihang, but also to express condolences to He Yihang's family, the way is a bit special, but it is not incomprehensible, after all, every place, every family has a different way of handling the farewell ceremony.

The 64-year-old well-known Taiwanese host He Yihang's farewell ceremony was sent by the stars, and the only son sang with tears to send condolences

He Yihang's mother

He Yihang had a son, Zeng Zhihao, and the child's birth mother was less mentioned, and in 2010, He Yihang married his current wife, Julie, and the two did not come out. In addition to He Yihang's wife, son, and righteous children, He Yihang's elderly mother also appeared at the farewell ceremony, and the scene of the white-haired person sending the black-haired person was still quite heart-wrenching, He Yihang's mother was in tears throughout the whole process, expressed her reluctance, and then left under the support of relatives and friends.

The 64-year-old well-known Taiwanese host He Yihang's farewell ceremony was sent by the stars, and the only son sang with tears to send condolences

Ren Xianqi

The 64-year-old well-known Taiwanese host He Yihang's farewell ceremony was sent by the stars, and the only son sang with tears to send condolences

In addition to their families, many well-known artists in Taiwan's showbiz circle have come to send He Yihang on his last journey. He Yihang was famous for being a host before his death, and he had partnered with countless artists, and in the process of being a host, he also met a lot of artists, so his farewell ceremony, the artists who could attend were basically present, including Zhang Fei, Hu Gua, Bai Bingbing, Yu Tian, etc. These taiwanese veteran artists have come to the scene, and the artists who cannot come to the scene and related entertainment companies have also sent wreaths to mourn, expressing their condolences, of which makiyo has also become He Yihang's body makeup artist. Most of the artists interviewed at the scene said in unison that they could not imagine that He Yihang's condition would be so serious, and they would leave, and everyone regretted it, because He Yihang had refused to do chemotherapy before his death, and if he was willing to accept chemotherapy, the situation might not be the same as it happened later.

Unfortunately, there is no if there is anything to speak of, and I hope that He Yi hang will go all the way.

PS: The pictures are all from the Internet

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