
Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

author:Will fire

According to Hong Kong media reports, at about 23:00 last night, He Yihang, a well-known variety show host in Taiwan, died at the age of 64 because of a recurrence of colorectal cancer.

Informed sources said that He Yihang was only admitted to the hospital 5 days ago, when asked by colleagues of the TV station, he only said that he had inflammation in his body and did not explain too much, but in just a few days, his condition suddenly deteriorated and he left everyone forever.

Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

It is understood that He Yihang's condition was actually detected as early as 8 years ago, but after the operation at that time, he did not receive chemotherapy, and his friends in the circle revealed that He Yihang has always maintained a happy state of mood on weekdays, never showed any discomfort, and the news of his sudden death has brought a great impact to everyone.

Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

In an interview, He Yihang's daughter scolded herself even more silently, believing that she had neglected the communication with her father and had not met him for a long time, so she had never found anything wrong in advance.

The sudden death of He Yihang also had a great impact on his work. Since February, he has been the host guest of the popular Taiwanese program "I Love Ice Show", and although his body has long been warned of bad, he has never delayed the recording of any program.

Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

According to Bai Bingbing, the host of the show, in fact, this program originally did not have He Yihang, but because He Yihang had just bought a house three months ago, he said to himself that it was very stressful to repay the mortgage, so she took the initiative and recommended He Yihang, who was very popular with the audience, to the leaders of the TV station.

Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

Not only this show, He Yihang's son also confided in the media, saying that his father had signed a contract with the show two days ago, and he wanted to take himself to the host of the location, and also gave him his ID card to sign for him, but he did not expect that this unacceptable thing suddenly happened at this juncture.

Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

He Yihang, who knows his body very well, although he is ill, he still wants to bring his son to the show, and many people speculate that this is to pave the way for his son in advance.

Because He Yihang has always been labeled as "only concerned about making money, not caring about children", his son Zeng Zhihao has stepped into the entertainment industry for ten years in order to follow in his father's footsteps, but he has not received substantial help from his father during this period.

Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

He Yihang once said that in addition to the post-90s in Taiwan, there should be no one who does not know him, but he does not want his son to be considered by others to be able to stand on his own, so he has always treated him very coldly, and only in private will he ask about the son of the program producer.

Taiwan's "variety big brother" He Yihang passed away, the news sensationalized the circle, and he still held several positions when he was ill

The sudden death of He Yihang, countless friends in the circle have stood up to mourn for him, and there are young artists who have only cooperated with him a few times, standing up and praising his character. I hope that this old senior who is kind to others can go all the way.

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