
Ukraine and Russia were at war, and the five-star red flag in the Ukrainian capital was robbed

author:Joyful processing

With the 24th at 7 o'clock, Russian President Putin announced the formal military measures against Ukraine, by 17 o'clock on the 24th, it invaded the Ukrainian capital Kiev, and the five-star red flag in Kiev city has been out of stock.

Ukraine and Russia were at war, and the five-star red flag in the Ukrainian capital was robbed

Some Chinese in Ukraine take lipstick to draw five-star red flags, and they have to finish painting with blood, and no one will beat me when they hold them. The mainland's embassy in Ukraine reminds local Chinese to stay home and to put the Chinese flag prominently on the body if they are driving away from Kiev or making a long trip.

Ukraine and Russia were at war, and the five-star red flag in the Ukrainian capital was robbed

Chinese compatriots, overseas Chinese, and Taiwan compatriots who are now in Ukraine can be transferred back to China as long as they hold passports. The Taiwan compatriots here, even if they are disobedient and disobedient children, the mother of the motherland still tolerates them as always and treats them equally.

Ukraine and Russia were at war, and the five-star red flag in the Ukrainian capital was robbed

Only when we have truly experienced the battlefield of turmoil, returned to the motherland, and seen the scene of domestic peace and happiness, can we truly realize that China is really good and it is really good to be a Chinese. The reason why there are tears in my eyes is because I love this country very much.

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