
The 7-year-old wrote an essay about a police father, young but warm

On February 25, Tang Jiajun, a police officer at the Manhai Border Checkpoint of the Baoshan Border Management Detachment who was on duty at the unit, received a WeChat message from his wife, which was an essay by his 7-year-old son Tang Tao, "My Father", and the childish text was full of children's admiration for their fathers and their desire for companionship. After Tang Jiajun read it, his feelings were mixed, and he burst into tears in an instant.

The 7-year-old wrote an essay about a police father, young but warm
The 7-year-old wrote an essay about a police father, young but warm

Essay for kids writing cop dads

Because of work reasons, Tang Jiajun can rarely accompany his family, and his son walks, talks, and goes to school for the first time... These important moments in the process of growing up, he missed. According to Tang Jiajun, when his son's school first organized parent-child activities, he could not leave the unit and could not participate because he had to follow up the case. In the project that requires the cooperation of the father, because of his absence, the children cannot participate, and this matter makes Xiao Tang Tao sad for a long time.

The 7-year-old wrote an essay about a police father, young but warm

Tang Tao wrote his homework at home

"For my wife and children, I don't have enough companionship and care, and I have a lot of debt in my heart. But my wife has never complained about me and has always been very understanding and supportive of me. What I didn't expect was that my 7-year-old son could understand and support me so much, and even in his heart, I was the person he wanted to be in the future. After reading the child's composition, Tang Jiajun could not calm his mood for a long time and said with emotion.

"I know, Dad actually wants to be with me, but he has more important things to do. Dad is because more children can have dad to accompany me, so he can't often accompany me. This is a passage written by Tang Jiajun's son in the composition, obviously he is also very eager for his father's company, but the child has an incomparable understanding of this missing companionship, and it is painful to understand things.

At the border of Baoshan, there are many policemen like Tang Jiajun, who are stationed on the front line of the border, guarding the frontier, casting loyalty, fighting the epidemic, fixing the defense line, as the children wrote in the essay, sacrificing time to accompany their children, just so that more children can have the company of their fathers.

Yunnan network correspondent Zhang Jinnan Wang Yueqi photo report

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