
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice

Born free, but always in chains.

The rapid development of the domestic economy has created a new middle class. Although they are the elite of society, the pressure and anxiety behind them are also there. Therefore, we can see that those who are not strong enough in their hearts like to decorate their appearance through brand-name clothing and luxury cars, so as to show their strength to the outside world and enhance their self-confidence. Over time, this has become the shackles of the current era.

Taking luxury brands in the automobile industry as an example, there has always been a low-end model selling standard, but some consumers are still willing to pursue the brand aura. They would rather bury their inner needs for vehicle configuration, space, power and other aspects, but also do face-to-face engineering to make themselves look very powerful. Until then, I was part of this group until the advent of a new generation of Ford Mondeo ST-Line, which changed my perception.

Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice

Note: This article will mainly analyze the exterior design and interior intelligence of the Ford Mondeo ST-Line version of the model, before my colleagues have made a detailed introduction to the appearance and interior of the Mondeo ordinary version of the model, if you are equally interested in this, you can click on the review chart below to understand.

Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice

Appearance: The best outlet for personality

Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice

Summary: For consumers, cars are often a display of aesthetic orientation. The new generation of Mondeo, with the blessing of the potential energy aesthetic design language, is more visually tense than the same level of models. It not only satisfies the pursuit of personalization by the younger generation of consumers, but also shows their vitality and determination to work hard and move towards a higher class.

Interior: Intelligence is no longer the preserve of electric vehicles

Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice

Summary: In order to grab the right to speak intelligently, Mondeo has made obvious efforts in the interior. The new car machine brings excellent intelligent interaction performance, and the blessing of FNV intelligent interconnection network architecture also allows it to have the ability to upgrade the whole vehicle global OTA. Not only that, in Ford's brand DNA, sports have always been throughout, which is one of the reasons why it launched the ST-Line version of the model. The model is younger, more combative and more energetic than the ordinary version in terms of interior details, so that people can sit in the car and ignite a strong desire to drive.

Space: The ability to cross the level makes the car experience more outstanding

Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice
Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice

Summary: After gaining insight into the preferences of Chinese consumers, the new Mondeo brings a leapfrog space experience. In particular, the legroom in the rear row can be compared with medium and large cars.

Power: Or the same powertrain for EVOS

Shoot the new Mondeo, follow the heart of the best choice

Editor's comments: It is often said that the most difficult thing to do after entering the society is to be yourself, which is true. Just like when buying models, many people will have the idea of buying luxury brand entry-level models, hoping to earn "face" and erect the so-called powerful personality. But deep down, they will also aspire to a model with a high degree of intelligence and leapfrog strength like Mondeo, rather than a "whiteboard" with only the brand aura. If you're struggling with this issue right now in front of the screen, then I recommend the latter because sometimes it's more important to please yourself.

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