
Big enough and interesting Enough OnePlus' world's largest offline experience store landed in Bangalore, India

【Mobile China News】On February 24, OnePlus announced the opening of oneplus Boulevard, the world's largest one-plus offline experience store in Bangalore, India, with an area of more than 3,600 square meters, with a large area and unique design style, becoming another landmark offline experience store.

Big enough and interesting Enough OnePlus' world's largest offline experience store landed in Bangalore, India

At the launch ceremony of the new store, Navnit Nakra, CEO of OnePlus India, said: "Since oneplus entered the Indian market in 2014, it has been widely recognized by users, and user support plays an important role in the development of the OnePlus brand in India. Therefore, we are in India to open oneplus boulevard, the largest experience store of one plus, through the offline experience store we provide the best technology products at the same time, for users to create a communication experience center, where users can communicate directly with the brand, to achieve a closer emotional link. ”

Big enough and interesting Enough OnePlus' world's largest offline experience store landed in Bangalore, India

The OnePlus Boulevard Experience store uses an immersive design that uses a wide range of natural, clay elements, including terracotta walls and a collection of clay and ceramic artworks from artists from across India, combined with plenty of natural light and surrounding greenery, to create a warm, simple and elegant experience. In addition to the product display area, there are new ways to play, a new brand innovation technology experience center, equipped with a plus iconic coffee experience area, but also provides a game area, activity area, special unpacking area and a special user service center, so that users can get full fun in the store.

Big enough and interesting Enough OnePlus' world's largest offline experience store landed in Bangalore, India

As early as 2020, OnePlus announced an investment of Rs 1 billion in offline expansion in India, and by the end of 2022, OnePlus's offline stores in India will expand to 15,000, providing consumers with more offline experience opportunities.

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