
Deciduous teeth also have to be extracted as soon as possible, what's going on?

During the baby's tooth change, these two worrying situations often occur: one is that the permanent teeth have grown, but the deciduous teeth have not fallen out; the other is that the deciduous teeth continue to grow, but the permanent teeth have not grown, both of which are typical of the retention of deciduous teeth.

We all know that the baby is about 6-12 years old into the teeth replacement period, generally speaking to the age of 10 or so baby teeth are basically replaced, very few babies are still changing teeth at the age of 12, but if it is more than 12 years old, it must be a big problem.

Deciduous teeth also have to be extracted as soon as possible, what's going on?

In fact, there is a close relationship between the loss of deciduous teeth and the growth of permanent teeth, which are equivalent to the transitional teeth of babies, and what really helps us live in the future is a stronger permanent teeth. However, some babies' deciduous teeth are particularly "strong", even if the permanent teeth have grown out, the deciduous teeth still do not obediently walk away;

It's like a relay race, the baton has been passed, and the teammates are still running, which is a bit out of line with the rules.

Deciduous teeth sometimes have to be removed as soon as possible, especially in the case of deciduous teeth retention, otherwise it will be found that the baby's mouth will have such a problem: later permanent teeth grow on the tongue side, the first to arrive deciduous teeth remain on the lips side, and double rows of teeth appear.

Let's not talk about whether this double row of teeth is beautiful, the key double row structure will seriously affect life. The growth of teeth has always been a turnip and a pit, and there is absolutely no accompanying entanglement.

Deciduous teeth also have to be extracted as soon as possible, what's going on?

Generally speaking, as long as the permanent teeth have grown out, the deciduous teeth retained in the pit must be immediately removed from the hospital, which occurs in the palate and easily forms a permanent tooth reversal, and in the end there is no way to recover except for orthodontics. Once the permanent teeth are deeply rooted in this harsh environment, it will be very difficult to orthodontics at that time.

However, if you find out early, take the children to see the teeth early, after the deciduous teeth of the lower jaw are extracted, the permanent teeth that grow behind can return to normal arrangement, which will save the later orthodontic time. Baby teeth replacement period is particularly important for parents, an accident will seriously affect the baby's external appearance, parents should be the development of the baby's teeth, to prevent the baby's deciduous teeth from stagnating.

Deciduous teeth also have to be extracted as soon as possible, what's going on?

There are many common preventive measures, such as eating more coarse grains when the baby is close to changing teeth, which is beneficial to physical health on the one hand, and more importantly, it can make the baby's teeth strong, improve chewing ability, and reduce the occurrence of dental diseases. During the dental replacement period, you should take the baby to the hospital regularly for examination, sometimes the growth of the baby's teeth is not necessarily the retention of deciduous teeth, or it may be the damage caused by caries, which must be prevented.

The control of sweets is also an important part of the baby's tooth replacement period, and parents know that children have no resistance to candy, it is because they like to eat sweets, so that children suffer from caries from an early age, softening deciduous teeth and so on.

It's not that the children don't eat, the key is to brush your teeth on time after eating! Problems with deciduous teeth will definitely affect the growth of permanent teeth in the back, such as the retention of deciduous teeth we mentioned above, as well as caries are typical symptoms.

All in all, parents must usually pay attention to the baby's oral health, the deciduous teeth are well protected, the permanent teeth will grow more beautiful and stronger; parents can perform well during the baby's teeth replacement period, the meticulous and meticulous, the supervision of the supervision, the baby's oral health is the top priority!

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