
The two sessions look ahead: together to the future, China and the world in the great changes

author:Nanning News Network

From the "snowflakes" rising to the "slight fire" gradually extinguished, the Beijing Winter Olympics came to an end. Under the superposition and resonance of the century epidemic and the century-old changes, this sports event of "going to the future together" is becoming the latest epitome of Sino-foreign interaction.

The two sessions look ahead: together to the future, China and the world in the great changes

Like the highly anticipated Beijing Olympics 14 years ago, the Beijing Winter Olympics have undoubtedly brought the world's attention back to China. 14 years later, through the window of the Beijing Winter Olympics, the outside world sees a China that is constantly promoting a high level of opening up to the outside world, and is "running in both directions" with the world.

People have seen that in the fragile and tortuous recovery of the global economy, China has always expanded its convergence with the interests of the world with practical actions of opening up to the outside world. From Boao to Davos, from the service trade fair to the Expo, China has shared development opportunities with countries around the world with a shorter negative list, a better business environment, and greater institutional opening-up.

"The world is good, China can be good; China is good, the world is better", this vivid expression has been directly reflected in the specific process of opening up - a column of China-Europe trains full of goods has formed a "steel camel", the "exhibition matrix" gathered by merchants has become increasingly normalized, and a series of foreign-related economic and trade laws and regulations have continued to be improved.

At a time when globalization is being hit by an unprecedented impact, today's China has repeatedly shown with the "action faction" that China has always walked hand in hand with the world and stood on the right side of history. In the future, how China will further open its arms and work with other countries to activate a pool of spring water in the world economy is worthy of attention and expectation.

The two sessions look ahead: together to the future, China and the world in the great changes

On February 20, the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics was a fireworks display: one in the world.

The Beijing Winter Olympics is also a wonderful encounter with the traditional Chinese New Year. Through close contact, visitors from all over the world also felt the warmth and friendship of China. At a time when the world is suffering from the trauma of the epidemic and urgently needs to be cured together, China's home diplomacy at the beginning of the year, with "more unity" and "toward the future" as the core of the Winter Olympic narrative, presents a long "peace" meaning of Sino-foreign interaction. In the face of century-old changes, whether it is dealing with major country relations or economic peripherals, whether it is mediating regional hotspot issues or responding to global challenges, China has always adhered to the concept of a community of common destiny, and now this concept has been more emotionally interpreted - "together to the future".

Looking at the world, the epidemic ups and downs, economic fragile recovery, climate change and other challenges are prominent, and only by sitting together on the "Noah's Ark" of the new era can mankind have a better tomorrow. From helping the global fight against the epidemic to fulfill the commitment of 2 billion doses of vaccines, to the introduction of a policy system to implement the "double carbon" target, from proposing a global development initiative to bridge the gap between the north and the south, to actively participating in global digital governance, China has always interpreted the "China path" of "going to the future together" to the world with actions.

Of course, with the increasing interaction between China and the outside world, how to let the world understand China is not only the mutual communication between China and the world, but also the process of China's own understanding of the world.

At the two sessions of the National People's Congress last year, the term "looking at the world" touched countless Chinese people and resonated. In the view of observers, "heads-up" means equality, neither looking down nor looking up, but accepting well-intentioned criticism with a more confident attitude and responding to attacks and smears with a more determined attitude.

The two sessions look ahead: together to the future, China and the world in the great changes

On February 20, the closing ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games, the five-star red flag echoed with the big snowflakes on the main torch platform of the Winter Olympics.

How to tell a real and perceptible China to the outside world is also expected to continue to become the focus of public opinion at the two sessions of the National People's Congress this year. From practice, it can be found that telling Chinese stories well requires wisdom and skill – when elephants in Yunnan "eat" all the way north, China's good stories attract global attention. At the same time, it is more necessary to be sincere and objective - no need for a "beauty camera", more refusal of "gray and black filter", and the gesture of head-up itself is the logical starting point for opening up more possibilities.

At present, although the torch of the Beijing Winter Olympics has been extinguished, the story of "a snowflake" is still being told. Some commentators pointed out that "together to the future" is no longer just the slogan of a sports event, but has become a clear declaration of China to the world in the century-old changes. The curtain of the two sessions of the National People's Congress is about to open, and there is reason to believe that after the combing of the two sessions, the significance of "going to the future together" in Sino-foreign interaction will be more specific and profound. (Reporter Huang Yuqin)

(Author: Huang Yuqin)

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