
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

01. Quadratic rice circle?

For a long time, the two-dimensional element has been active in all corners of the Internet in the form of enclosure self-germination, if it is not some sudden events that make the niche culture into the public's vision, the two-dimensional element is difficult to associate with the word "out of the circle".

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Over the years, however, as the speed of information dissemination has increased geometrically, niche culture has gradually been seen by the public and attracted a considerable number of enthusiasts.

In the past two years, "Ghost Blade" and "Spell Return" are the most out-of-the-loop works, the former because of the low threshold of understanding of the plot, it can be said that it is suitable for all ages, and the latter has a novel setting and beautiful characters, attracting the attention of many girls.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

From a commercial point of view, the circle of the work can bring higher revenue to the copyright owner and the producer, which is conducive to the operation of the company and the birth of new works; from the perspective of fans, the popularity of the work can meet more friends, and find more charm of the work and role in the exchange.

However, the expansion of the fan circle also means that the fish and dragons are mixed, when different views and different ways of handling are intertwined, contradictions will inevitably occur, and in it, there are still many fans who use extreme behavior to express their enthusiasm for works and characters, and then insult other characters and their fans.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

For example, in the fan circle of "Spell Return", some people are dissatisfied with the official statistics of the vote, and they are cathartic under the Weibo that reprints the results in China, arguing with fans of other characters;

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Such dissatisfaction is not empty, but because fans "take the bamboo basket to hit the water empty".

Shortly after the release of the voting results, some netizens revealed that the fans of one of the characters had raised more than 100,000 yuan in canvassing; while other characters were also suspected of canvassing, and the amount of funds raised before and after was estimated to reach 500,000 yuan.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

In the case of fans spending a lot of money to canvass votes, the character has not yet achieved the desired results, and it is natural to question such results. Fans of other characters did not hesitate to mock them, and the smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

The operation that can make fans break through the defense is not only the popularity statistics, but also the "seller show".

Last year, Spell Return officially launched a New Valley, with a physical image attached to social media. This was supposed to be an ordinary commercial campaign, but in the eyes of some sharp fans, it was a well-planned "murder":

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Careful fans have found that the badge of the protagonist Knotweed Yujin is not only crooked, but also placed on the edge, suspecting that this is an official conspiracy to marginalize knotweed;

At the bottom of its comment area, many fans also agree with this point of view, and said that this is the official mixed smuggling, and even began to greet the relatives of the official staff...

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

In addition to Spells, a similar phenomenon exists in some other popular works. For example, on a social platform, there is a parrot shoveler who wants to share a harmonic terrier joke to celebrate Children's Day.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

However, the blogger's well-intentioned blessings were misinterpreted by fans of the harmonic character --- Kidd, believing that the blogger was mocking the character, so he attacked it in his comment area, and even cursed the blogger in a private message, vowing to defend the reputation of his male god.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

And its brother-in-law "Conan" has not escaped the "enthusiastic pursuit" of fans.

Since "Conan" has been serialized for more than twenty years, the most difficult puzzle is not when Aoyama Tsuyoshi does not stop publishing, who is the boss of the Black Organization, when the antidote to APTX-4869 was developed, but when did the new Lan powder and Ke Ai powder compete, whose hand is the deer who died?

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

In January, the official micro of Conan released a long picture of Conan interacting with Gray Plains, accompanied by a brief description of it. However, it was such an ordinary microblog that triggered the Nth World War between Xinlan fans and Ke Ai fans.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

However, what subverts the netizens' cognition of CP powder is not the above two new Lan powder and Ke Ai powder, which have been at war for decades, but the "blast out powder" that has been overturned together with the works.

In 2019, "Ying XX Courtyard" has not yet turned over, and a large number of fans are attracted by the bloody battle plot in animation and manga, and are also moved by the interaction between characters and characters.

However, in the Sinicization of a certain episode, some CP fans found that the folk Sinicization group did not translate the original meaning of a sentence, did not reflect the character's concern for another character, and put it on the hat of "tampering with the original text" and "mixing with private goods".

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Although the Chineseization team apologized at the first time and corrected the translation, it was still insulted by excessive CP fans, and finally lost the motivation of Sinicization and announced the termination of the Sinicization work of the comic. Ironically, due to the rollover of the work, the abandonment pit of the Hanhua group was also jokingly called prescient by later netizens.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Not only cp powder will be forced on Liangshan, but also some character cooks.

The "Prince of Tennis" series can be regarded as the most topical IP in the circle in recent years, with the original author Xu Feigang constantly releasing himself, the image of the character has either collapsed or is on the way to collapse. By the time "The New Prince of Tennis" was released to its 10th year, the characters were so bad that even fans didn't want to admit it.

Because in the plot, the protagonist Echizen Ryoma did not make any apologies after accidentally injuring the referee, he was regarded by domestic fans as a violation of the spirit of sportsmanship and lost the motivation to continue to support. To this end, a domestic non-governmental fan group posted a long article on social platforms saying that it will no longer recognize the image of Echizen Ryoma in "New Net King"...

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Similar to the above-mentioned fans to resolutely defend their hobbies, it is not uncommon, in response to this behavior, netizens have invariably given an accurate summary--- "rice circle".

In people's impressions, the rice circle specifically refers to the fan group that chases three-dimensional idols and groups, and there has always been no shortage of extreme events caused by these fan groups to chase idols, whether online or offline, which seriously affect people's lives and spiritual worlds.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Therefore, in the face of the continuous circle of the second dimension, some people expressed disgust for this, and some people expressed concern, believing that such extreme behavior would seriously affect the perception experience of other audiences, and then pollute the entire circle. How to avoid the circle of rice has become a problem that many people in the house cannot think about.

02. What is rice circle

Since you want to solve the problem, you must know what the problem is. So before talking about the two-dimensional rice circle, we must first talk about what the "rice circle" is.

Rice circle is the abbreviation of the fan circle, and the English word "fans" of "fans" is pronounced "rice", so the circle composed of fan groups is called rice circle.

Although in people's impressions, the term rice circle mostly refers to the fan group of entertainment stars, but strictly speaking, as long as it is a group gathered because of someone's group, it can be called a rice circle, and the two-dimensional enthusiast is naturally no exception.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Only in recent years, with the expansion of the fan base, the idol economy continues to develop, in order to be able to systematically support idols, the cultural and entertainment community that fans have begun to spontaneously form has gradually developed into an organized and professional circle of interests.

Among these circles, there are fans who believe that the interests and reputations of idols are above all else, and they resist any opposition to this.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

From a social psychology perspective, the interaction of group members may enhance the risk-taking of an individual, and the thinking and behavior of the group may become more extreme, resulting in the idea that people and things that cannot tolerate their own hobbies are inferior to those of others in some ways, and that the result is that others demean themselves.

Therefore, some fan groups will take the form of water army, criticism, deletion and other ways to carry out psychological defense.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Of course, the premise of being able to take this measure is the scale and organization of the fan base, and such behavior first occurred in the entertainment circle where the business model has matured and is oriented to the public.

The two-dimensional circle, because for a long time has been a niche, relying on love to generate electricity groups, there are no mature conditions to form a large-scale fan group.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

And because some of the content in the circle itself is difficult to be accepted by the public, the enthusiasts of the small circle learn to maintain the stability and development of the circle in a mutually respectful way.

For example, in previous years, some second-dimensional Tieba related Tieba would also hold "Tieba diplomacy". During the festival, bar friends will post blessings in other works, characters, cp bars, and even make some electronic signatures symbolizing the friendship between the two bars to give to their friends.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

However, with the expansion of the circle and the gradual maturity of the business model, the fan groups with different hobbies in the circle will inevitably have a certain degree of opposition, and then develop into the appearance of the entertainment industry.

For the old two-dimensional elements who have become accustomed to self-cultivation and mutual respect, it is naturally impossible to accept this practice of affecting the communication environment between friends and friends, and even affecting the reputation of works, characters, and cp.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Therefore, what people dislike is not rice circle, but the behavior of some fans to use extreme behavior to affect the perception of others in order to maintain their hobbies, and even cause actual economic loss or mental loss.

But from this stage, such behavior is unavoidable, and if you want to fight against this extreme behavior, you need a fan base that can compete with it, and this will be accompanied by the risk of the initial intention deteriorating, and may eventually develop into another extreme.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

In the face of such contradictions, more people choose to return to the state of self-love in the past, gathering only a small number of fans who can be trusted to entertain themselves in a private social group chat.

But the so-called contradiction is the driving force for the development of things, with the improvement of the quality of netizens, new views in the collision of niche culture and mass circles, in the future, perhaps really can create a different hobbies of the fan group can live in harmony environment, so that everyone's hobbies can be respected.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

... Well, this future may be a bit far away (because the translation is not "intimate" enough, the Chinese group is attacked).

03. Conclusion

It is undeniable that a considerable number of fans pay attention to a certain work for a certain role and a certain CP.

But it is worth noting that the role and cp are all for the sake of the work, and many times for the development of the plot, the development of the character and the cp, how the ending, the final interpretation is in the hands of the creator, and an ending is impossible to satisfy every audience.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

The audience has the freedom to accept or not, but there is no freedom to force others to agree with their own views, the two-dimensional rice circle is not annoying, and the domineering rice circle is annoying.

Of course, with the improvement of the consumption level of the fan group and the strengthening of influence, many creators have begun to intentionally sacrifice the original expression in order to cater to the market, and when such a backward force fills the entire creative environment, it may give rise to more extreme rice circle behavior.

For example, the tennis enlightenment of the two-dimensional elements, "The Prince of Tennis", is such a work in which the character "popularity determines the role".

In an interview, the author Xu Feigang said that the official popularity vote will become a reference for the character to appear. Therefore, compared to other comics, the "Prince of Tennis" series will arrange a poll from time to time.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

In order to confirm the true love of fans, the official requires fans to vote for their favorite characters in the form of sending chocolates to the official during the voting activities during Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day of a certain year, the official received 180,000 chocolates.

This disguised operation of the list has caused Echizen Ryoma to drop the manga for nearly a year and a half.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?
From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Of course, not every official will be "led by the nose" by fans, and some officials have deliberately set up such a contradiction as "cp confrontation" in the plot to guide fans to take sides and get topic heat from the confrontation between fans.

This has to mention "Shinlan" and "Ke Lai" in Conan again.

Although xin yi and Xiaolan, who have always been male and female protagonists, have long been wishful thinking, the relationship has also been finalized in the London chapter and the Kiyomizu-dera chapter. However, because the author, Tsuyoshi Aoyama, does not want Xiaolan to be involved in the dangerous main line, whenever the plot is related to the main line, Xiaolan will passively marginalize.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

As the developer of APTX-4869 and a defector of the Black Order, Gray Plains is naturally closely related to the main line and often incarnates as Conan's assistant to help him solve the case. In the long-term cooperation, many fans have been deeply moved.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Therefore, under the restrictions and considerations of various settings, animation officials often balance the quality of the two pairs of cp without destroying the relationship between the original works, and last year's theatrical version of "Crimson Bullets" is such a result.

In the early preview and publicity, the official set up the suspense of "Xiaolan is in crisis, Conan went to rescue", which once again touched the heart of Xinlan fans.

However, in the plot, Xiaolan's role and role are far less than Xinlan fans expected; the interaction between Ke Ai has become the key to promoting the plot, and the relationship between the two is even more ambiguous.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

In the face of the official behavior of "hanging sheep's head and selling dog meat", some fans expressed disappointment, believing that the animation official touched the bottom line when balancing the scenes and dismantled the official match. There are also reasonable fans who speculate in conjunction with previous originals and animations, which is most likely a deliberate attempt by the authorities to use the contradiction between "Xinlan" and "Ke Ai" to create a topic.

How the theatrical version handles the relationship between the two pairs of CPs is actually a matter of opinion, but no matter what the result is, the contradiction between Xinlan Fan and Ke Ai Fan has been further intensified, and from the current market environment of "traffic is king", fans will naturally have doubts about the animation official.

From Conan to Spell Return! How terrible is the circle of two-dimensional rice?

Under the influence of various factors, the relationship between the work and the fans has long been not one-way communication, but has formed a closed-loop model similar to "fans form a market, the market affects the official, and the official guides (or harvests) fans".

Since having money is a father, recharging can make his favorite characters more drama, and even enjoy the treatment of official matching, then fans will have more motivation to form an organization and attract the attention of the official.

Only in such an environment, how many creators can maintain their original intentions, calmly deal with the contradiction between the expression of consciousness and commercialization, so that the work will not go in the direction of rot?

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