
Ma Xiliang, |: Look up at the bird's nest

Spring is always late, and under the call of the spring wind again and again, it moves gently northward.

After a day on the net, I felt a little tired. During the afternoon walk, the small yellow flowers on the side of the road have bloomed, offering a golden fragrance towards the spring that is still a little cold.

After a winter of slaughter, except for the wheat seedlings in the field, except for the green low street trees, the empty wilderness, it is difficult to see the things of life. Only in the nests of the birds on the high treetops, there are occasionally a few crows "croaking" sounds, which makes us feel a little alive.

Ma Xiliang, |: Look up at the bird's nest

It is said that human beings were born from the ocean, lived in trees, grew up in forests, and finally came out of the forest to become the current human beings. Nesting by birds is a huge and arduous project that requires labor that is unimaginable to ordinary people. According to ornithologists, the workload of a pair of gray magpies in the four or five days of nesting is unimaginable, at least more than 600 times to pick up dead branches, green leaves, grass roots, cow wool and mud balls, of which more than 250 times dead branches, more than 150 green leaves, more than 120 grass roots, 82 times cow wool, and 54 mud balls.

Once the nest is built, the bird has a place to live. In the wind and rain, a family of birds will not be so fluttering. With a bird's nest, there is a warm home. Even if it is a "cold house", the four walls are ventilated and rainy. In the past, there were many nests in the trees, many types of birds, and in the woods on the ground, whether it was spotted doves, thrushes, bald eagles and unknown wild birds, flocks chirped in pairs. In the late autumn, flocks of gorgeous birds flew south and landed on the ground in a colorful place. Loving birds and protecting birds has become a habit of people, who do not have a few oriole pigeons, who do not have a few nests of sparrows under the eaves.

There are many birds and more fun in life, there are many bird nests in trees, and the spotted doves and willow warblers nests on willow trees, the white-headed and yellow oriole nests on locust trees, the nests of old doves on catalpa trees, spotted doves, starlings,, owls, woodpecker holes, etc. take Tsubaki trees and poplar tree caves as their homes. Now human life is faster and faster, and the scope of life is wider. Birds have also suffered, the nests of birds have been caught low, the nests of birds that are good to climb have been copied, and the nests dug in tree holes have been blocked. In recent years, due to the excessive felling of trees, the spraying of a large number of pesticides in the fields, and the serious pollution of the water and atmosphere on the ground, there have been fewer and fewer birds.

Ma Xiliang, |: Look up at the bird's nest

If there are few birds, there will naturally be fewer nests. Scarce things are more expensive. Occasionally, a bird's nest is seen in a tree behind a house in front of a house or in the wilderness, and mischievous children often think of emptying the nest and raiding the house as if they were doing destructive experiments. There are fewer nests, fewer bird species, and some birds are extinct. Darwin's theory of survival of the fittest was put into practice in human friends, and only sporadic nests could be seen in the high treetops.

In the past, it was often said that the phoenix landed exclusively on the plane tree. Now there are more plane trees, and in the spring, a village and a township are a sea of plane flowers. But the lack of phoenix alone, is not our ancestors also love to dig bird nests, love to eat phoenix eggs. Offended this sacred, auspicious phoenix nest, the legendary phoenix has not been seen now.

Today, I saw a piece of news that some experts said that the mythical and legendary bird phoenix is a pheasant with long wings in the mountains now. Due to human aggression, the phoenix in the sycamore trees in the countryside has become a suspicious pheasant. Poor bird, there is no nest, where do you go? Where do you live? You are a friend of humanity, but who forced you to stay away from humanity?

Ma Xiliang, |: Look up at the bird's nest

Loving the bird's nest is to love the birds, and the life of birds and flowers has always been people's pursuit, and it is the yearning of modern people.

I looked up at the bird's nest on the tree, and felt a kind of loss and desolation that had never been felt before, although people are more advanced than birds, but life is much more complex than birds, and their emotions are much richer than birds, because people's emotions and things are tied, becoming more unstable, life pressure is greater, living in units want villas, the area is getting bigger and bigger, and the decoration is more and more luxurious! ......

Ma Xiliang, |: Look up at the bird's nest

Man, there are more and more demands for the material world of the universe, and the desire is also getting bigger and bigger, and when the "official to the prime minister looks forward to the prince" is not satisfied, it can really be said that the human heart is not enough to swallow the elephant! From this, I realized a truth, the higher the building, the easier it is to dump, and the more things, the easier it is to get tired!

Looking at the bird's nest in the tree, there was a silent cry in my heart, man, how simple it is to live like a bird!

Ma Xiliang, |: Look up at the bird's nest

Ma Xiliang, a native of Tengzhou City, Shandong Province. He is the executive director of Shandong Writing Society, a member of Shandong Writers Association, a member of Prose Literature Society, and a contracted writer of Qilu Evening News Supplement. He has published 3 million words of correspondence, essays, essays and novels in more than 100 newspapers and periodicals at home and abroad, and published many prose collections "Attachment", "Agarwood" and many cultural readers. Dozens of essays have won awards in national provincial and municipal competitions or been selected into the national annual prose collection.

One point number Shandong MaXiliang

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