
"Thousand Poetry Society 149 Issue" pushed open the infinite realm with both hands, and the mountain gate was directly enlarged into the river

"Thousand Poetry Society 149 Issue" pushed open the infinite realm with both hands, and the mountain gate was directly enlarged into the river

Thousand Poetry Society (149 issues)

Editors of this issue: Hu Min and Wang Huiling

Five Songs to Write (Choose One)

Chen Hongyuan

The geese could not bear to pass through the lonely platform, and woke up Chu Ke in the middle of the night.

Pushing the infinity with both hands, the mountain gate stretched straight into the river.

Furniture Exhibition (Rhyme)

Zhang Mingjun

The eyes are full of big roads, and there are not many classics.

Careless waste of good materials, fine products also need to be finely polished!

Trace the Snowy Great Wall



Look at the thousand peaks on the top of Chongshan Mountain, and the ridge is coiled with dragon years.

The snow is as cold as the bone, and the beacon is still fierce.


The vast wild mountains are as snowy as sand, and the silent silver dragon overlooks the distant home.

Scattered smoke piers three into the eyes, sinking into the old things nine points to take.


The border city is far away, and the snow is like silver at the end of the year.

Sunset looked back at the purple clouds, but tu Jun's side was red.

Winter deep look at the plum

Rain carries eagles

The southern slope of the North Ridge is warm, and the sun is warm to the sun.

Branches are cold and new, and calyx is not a plum.

Bitterly complained to Bingxin, Hugh suspected the guest.

Spring breeze tonight crossing, all the way to allow who accompanies.

Lyrical at the end of the year

Kiyotani Xuan

A year of busy work has not been accomplished, and no one has come true to his dream.

I only hope that Jun An will cultivate meditation and rely on the sages.

Cold incense wisps of red dust, ice bones Xiao Xiao jade flute sound.

The years are drunk by day, and the meeting is still smiling and clear.

Bu Yun poem Xiang Yu "Cold Tide Heavenly Poetry"

Guerrilla (Guangxi)

The poem rhymes with me and guesses, and the discussion of the servant knocks flat and cold.

If the cold cannot be retreated, you can find a warm heart.

Treading the sand line and blocking the return journey

Gold steel

Chrysanthemums are old flowers, and plum calyxes are blooming. Cold winds bring snow along the banks of the causeway. In the middle of the night, people wait for the boat, and the moon in the air is infinite. The pines on the ridge shake, and the branches of the cranes call. The prodigal son of his country was confused. The new crown repeatedly went and restarted, and the long brigade road was cut off.

Guan Ma'er Mountain Qi Great Wall site nostalgic

Lü Dongbin (Zhucheng, Shandong)


The clouds and stones were silent, and the drums and horns were sounding in the shadows.

But peace and the same sun and moon, will throw iron armor to return to farming.


Malden approached the sun, and the west wind fell on England.

The desolate wall was broken, and there was a faint sound of gouging.

Mo said that the princes were in turmoil, and they should be pitied.

Shu Li he wants, four wild and deep ploughing.

Wing Mei

Duan Chunting

The frost blooms green and red, and the warm cold attack is also calm.

Shame and flowers compete for pride, no self who can say that it is winter.

Acacia Red (New Rhyme)

Shi Xiangyue (Guangxi)

A tree blossoms lonely red, amorous at this moment sighing long wind.

May the king be able to understand the lovesickness, and make the sweet wine with the same.

Huizhou Ancient City

Zhu Weiguo (Liaoning)

The ancient famous city of Xin'an She County, tossing and turning.

The four waters returned to the waves, and the five peaks arch showed the sky.

Keeping the right Ling Yunzhi with the heart, the enlightenment is engraved on the bones.

The eight-foot arch is inscribed with imperial pens, and the Kyushu splendid embroidery holds up the gods.

All ann ring water off

Ren Tianyou (Guangxi)

Memories of childhood can not be deleted, the township sound dam gate from the babbling.

Water birds dance in the river, and zeli poplar flowers are lush.

The hot land especially depicts a new scene, and Xiaozhuang has changed its old appearance.

Ye Zhou plowed over the Changchuan Color, and Qingbo was drunk and unwilling to return.

Dream Mei

Kong Weiqing

A red branch leans against the wall, and the night is half fragrant.

It seems to close dan phoenix eyes, mimosa with pretty jade cheeks.

Ice heart rhymes and sings, and snow condenses the wine glass.

The hometown is cold this evening, and the new gourd should be full of window sills.

Self-Care 2021 (Tongyun)

Liu Chenghao

Once a year, I look back on it and feel a lot of leisure.

It is a young age that adds to the illness, and the rare age of self-singing midas.

Step deeply into the sino-Russian boundary, and admire the mountains and rivers of Tianfu.

Helplessly, the epidemic frequently caused trouble, and returned home to raise micro-slaves.

Twilight Thunder

Tianzhuang (Yunnan)

Midnight thunder in the dream, like a salute.

At this time, it is the welcome season, or the Heavenly Palace is hanging lanterns.

"Thousand Poetry Society 149 Issue" pushed open the infinite realm with both hands, and the mountain gate was directly enlarged into the river

The first snow of the College

Wu Shaozhong

Twilight Hi Fei Qiong. Falling cheers. Yuhua poetry rhymes with porcelain city. Academy silver makeup invitation to see, is not only Yingying? Step on the snow garden in the middle. Don't get in the way of emptiness. The creek bridge reflects the water in particular. Where the fragrance blows into the dream, a few trees Meiying.


Yizhi (Zhejiang)

Desert smoke and clouds are long and windy, and chrysanthemums are new yellow in autumn.

Cut Zhang wants to send a letter to the family, drinking wine and thinking about the dream mother.

The night candle three more poetry, the window of the view of the sentimental sadness.

Zheng Hong's distant shadow to the south of the river, can you take me to my hometown.

Bronze statue of Zhan Ah Bing playing the violin

Zhang Yunbo

Once a Taoist monk, he endured hunger in a chaotic world.

The bow picks up the spring moon and refers to the sound of running water.

There is darkness before your eyes, and there is light in your heart.

A song that makes people listen with tears.


Zhou Muhuo (Ruichang)

Middle-aged people are the most hardworking in their lives, and there are a few people who are not confused and shrewd.

The bread is often worried about chai rice electricity, tailoring and counting summer, winter and spring.

Tian Tou's eyes were looking forward to the morning light, and the construction site was worried about the sunset.

Looking back, it is now frosted, and a curtain of dreams and laughter is dusty.

Five Finger Mountain Snow Viewing (New Rhyme)


Happy to hear five fingers hanging ice ling, pick up the bag to send troops at night.

The mountain road is rugged and the peaks are thousands of people, and the snow sea is full of screens.

New Year's Day homesickness

Feng Zengqun

Far away in Jiangnan to build a painting building, red trees and green water flow for a long time.

It is difficult to reunite on a festive season, and I am worried about the moon in my hometown.

Help Xi'an

Zhao Liji (Henan)

How to repay the situation of suffering, how to be lenient, and not to be afraid of difficulties in the face of demons and evils.

In the past few days, the Qin River has been a disaster, and the news of the Han Pavilion has been complicated.

Support the fight against the epidemic by angels, cooperate with the eradication of the community.

Make an auspicious lamp to pray for blessings, and the peace of all people will be clear.

Spread out the Raccoon Creek Sand End Review Chant

Xia Guifang (Wuhan)

The pen is like a dragon test paper filled in. Scratch your cheeks and twist your head. It is also usually shallow and too greedy. A high wall blocked the way, and several times the wall was broken to see the real face. The checkpoint was flawless and full of laughter.

To the Stars (New Rhyme)

Bai Baojian

Fame thunder shock mo seriously, pick up some gratitude should be self-respecting.

There are risks in running into the rivers and lakes, and sooner or later the frivolity will get wet.

Partridge Tianmeijiang Heart Stone

Gong Yujiang (Guangxi)

Although it is speechless, it can also be human, the fairy wind dao bone jade rugged. The clear stream often washes the vicissitudes, and the turbid water is difficult to clean the body. Plum qi rhyme, iron spirit, Fangzhou changgong crane as neighbors. A few more waves went with the waves, but I did not stand in the heart of the river.

Remembering Mao Zedong (Tongyun)

Chen Mingzhong

The superstar fell sadly, and the heavens and the earth wept and rained.

Wu Liu Wentao drove the tiger and leopard, and managed to win the battle.

The Si people have passed away for decades, and their ideas have survived for generations.

Excellence in the sun and the moon, wisdom shines through the ages.

A bunch of flowers in winter

Song Shijie

No snow this winter is also poetry. The mountains look like the sky is galloping. The wind is still strong in the valley, the water is hidden, and the stone is high and low. The bald pen condenses, pulling away the residual leaves, and the cloud is better than the thinning of the branches. Casting affection can always be held in the heart. Cold and warm let it go. Drunk from the water to catch the moon, waiting to wake up, the moon laughs foolishly. He also flew into drunkenness, with his thoughts wandering, and flew as snowflakes.

Bang Huang Xiaochun poetry friend

Zhong Kehong (Yunnan)

On a sunny day, the thunderbolt is far away from the red dust, and the bad news is terrifying and weeping.

Willow is sad and emaciated, and plum blossoms don't mean new tear marks.

Fragrant ginkgo biloba is found without a shadow, and the rhyme dyes the forest spring to cross the Tsu.

The wind and bone elves are like dreams, and the article hates life to come true.

Butterfly loves flowers at the end of the year

Jin Dezhi Shandong

At the end of the ugly year, the sun will fall, the pine rhyme will still exist, and the plum will welcome the yin tiger. The rain and barren countryside dance with Shuo, lyrical heaven and earth. Meet and know the elegant tone, flowing water and mountains, pleasant and exquisite place. Several times of singing and dancing, this evening unforgettable evergreen tree.

There is a sense of ugliness at the end of the xin ugly

Li Yixian (Zhejiang)

The wind and frost lightly touch the pretty face, and the snow and rain spots when the plum is not open.

It was reported that the red dust would pick up the tiger, and the plague king had separated several heavy mountains.

"Thousand Poetry Society 149 Issue" pushed open the infinite realm with both hands, and the mountain gate was directly enlarged into the river

Winter Night (New Rhyme)

Wild Rocks

The wind is high and the cold alleys are empty, and the street lights are semi-obscure.

Autistic dou house to read classical, let the cold air through the window ledge.

No worries dwelling in the honor of the king's order, there are sons to patrol the night watch city.

Wait for the clouds to clear, and pray to the heavens.

Ice Window Flower (New Rhyme)

Zhao Shuyan Shandong

Winter night cold wind through the greenhouse, magic stroke carved window.

Qiongzhi Yurui pierced through the clouds and mist, looking at the sun and tears in two lines.

Seen in the winter morning longchuan river

Li Hengsheng

The bottom wave is shaking, and the applause is thunderous?

Thrush also learns the human form of the time, and gently hums the cloud water ballad on the shore.

The old age is nostalgic

Qiao Jianrong

The years and years are filled with emotion, like smoke on the tip of the eyebrows.

Looking at the hazy color in the distance, the mountains are innocent and I am nourished.

Cold window night snow

Li Hua (Guangxi)

Selling cold windows bitterly, riding the wind into the night.

A plum tree on the shore, holding the snow and indulging in it.

He Chen Wuchang's seventieth birthday

Yan Zehuai

All the way to the sunshine and all the way to the song, Xia Zhang seventy drunk face.

Weathering rain ploughing laterite, water control lake xingbai snail.

And dye the rat whiskers in three colors, and diligently grind the ink to several liters.

With a full head of hair, there are few, and the staff patrols the direction and then makes waves.

late autumn

Butterfly of Flowers

The eyes are also dazed and the heart is also blank, and the barren hills are eager to think about it.

The cold smoke faded far away from the village, and the birds mourned the sunset.

In his early years, he had the desire to break the waves, and now he is a shepherd,

I am difficult to green in the spring flower season, but the midwinter wind is growing.

【Zhonglu Hillside Sheep】Xi'an anti-epidemic victory (TongYun)

Licensing First (Shandong)

The outbreak of the epidemic has suddenly emerged, all employees have participated in the war, and all walks of life have calmed the disaster. Ancient Chang'an, fortification, volunteer angels without distractions, the party and government work together to overcome difficulties. Man, must be at peace, and home must be at peace.

Hong Guangming

The plum blossoms gradually bloomed, and YinHu took the stage early.

Let me ask Fei TianXue, when will the spring swallows come?

Winter thoughts

Yi Shuzhong (Shandong)

In the past, it was very light and crazy, and the Ming Dynasty was obedient.

Mei Qian listened to the snow falling, and excerpted the voice of the heart.

See snow on the Royal Street


Flowers fly out of the thousand mountain dance, clear and cold as promised. Poor jade shavings are crazy, and there are also acacia emotions. They all gather with winter, and they also go with winter. Why review. The incense was scattered and covered with countless greens. Plum branches contain beautiful blooms new red, and Ji Xue bakes new dawns. There are dreams in the world, and there are floating and talking. Until now I realized.

Bu Operator , Title Maiden Rafting

(Broken inlay: Spring light makeup to the eyebrows)

Zi Chunying

A touch of spring light, decorate the lake wave pretty. Swing the wisps of affection in your heart and ask a cloud. Whoever flew to the flute caused a foolish laugh, remembered the shyness on the edge of the eyebrow, and drove the birds to disturb.


Wu Jianxuan (Kunming, Yunnan)

The body is dry and proud, and the eternal heart is written.

Skillful craftsmen carved a new look, and spring bloomed in front of people.

There is a feeling at the end of the year

Wolf Roaring Lu Ming (Inner Mongolia)

The low-pitched bird is too sad, full of paper bittersweet smiles and guesses.

Foolishness is how to tear the ghost, and the fasting heart has not fallen to dust.

I don't know who stole the night moon, but the letter to the sunrise guest dreamed.

Looking at the distant stratus clouds will eventually dissipate, the breeze is bound to roll up the high platform.

New Year's Day Party

Fengyun Dream (Guangxi)

Leaning on the smoke village on its back, the red flag came to applause.

I sang where I was dry, and I had already used the mountains as a stage.

"Thousand Poetry Society 149 Issue" pushed open the infinite realm with both hands, and the mountain gate was directly enlarged into the river

Xi'an epidemic

Zhao Renbo (Yunnan)

Don't play the song again, and the ice and snow will become more and more cold.

Qinling Weihe long watch, can the spring wind report peace?

New Year's Day lyrical

Li Zhan (Guangxi)

The cow sleeps and the tiger roars for a new chapter, and the sun and the moon are like shuttles for another year.

How many people are sorry for their empty hands?

Calmly expected to meet the spring rain, why should we sigh the river.

When you wake up in the dream, you will rub your eyes tired, and the lone skinny horse will be whipped every time.


Qiongzhou rain dream

Looking back at the hundred senses of profit, He Kan returned to farming early.

When zhike road is thousands of miles away, but he is tired of fame for a lifetime.

The clouds of common affection are thin, and the dark hearts and minds are the same as the moon.

Therefore, when the old people are evacuated, people are lazy to greet them.


Wang Xiuping

Journey to the West biography contains life, defeating demons and singing the wind.

Floating red dust With self-confidence, the Spirit Mountain is in my heart.

Tour Yulin Ephedra Liang Geopark (TongYun)

Guo Aijiang

The lake is flat and steep, and the ridges and peaks are full of strange paintings.

The large and small furrows are rich in flowers, and the trees are lush and green.

Dragons and tigers roar often Xuanhe, the sun is beautiful and the fire is red.

Bishui carries Yunsheng's magic pen to depict the wonderland of heavenly work.

Plum Garden Line

Liu Xingtian

Jingyuan meikai is gorgeous, and the fragrance spreads over the world.

East Garden Is full of suspicious ice and snow, and West Ridge Ishoe.

Tourists stay with jade, and mountain people are intoxicated and flawless.

Yaochi Shengjing I often music, wonderful song flying song playing phoenix lute.


Cai Shunchang

The three streams of blue water are gentle, and they groan all the way and refuse to rest.

Merging into the Golden River to realize the dream, the Red Army ferry swung the boat.

Bu operator Hongmei


I look at the plum blossoms, and the smile is charming and beautiful. In the snow of the lone wilderness, the red is really pure! Look at the stems and branches, but they are ordinary people. SongBai whispered to Yu that the bone qi was hidden in his heart.

Resignation of the Old Age (New Rhyme)

Hu Xiuying

The bells of the mountain temple entered the ninth heaven, and the cold lamp room sighed high.

He is often sick and lazy, and every chant is lonely.

The age is shocked, and the star returns to the shame of the piano.

The Ming Dynasty scepter went to look for Mei and confronted the west wind and laughed at himself.

Year-end thoughts

Gao Fajie (Yunnan)

Twenty years of separation from relatives, hurried for another year.

Si Niang winter snow solstice, cold clothes can be pitiful.

County photo

Wei Xingguo

The smoke cage peaks turned to rain and sunshine, and the river drifted with hanging mountain cities.

Saga Yuyu crosses the slope of the road, and the carved car is magnificent and hong.

The city column Zhu Jie Wei shouted, and the shop Chen Qi embroidered with embroidery.

Guizhong shape is more popular than many people, and the incense of the stove is touching the guest.

Shadow Winter

Shimizu Yiren

Pin incense leaves. Looking at the vast universe, the sun is like blood. Geese go to other sides, the cape drifts, and the pisces are vague? See the cold wind in the dark night, read the bamboo, proudly clear the bones. Cold and silent, light lock Luo skirt, cloud shade the west building bright moon. The sky in the far sky is lonely, sighing green kites singing late, and the strings are cut. What is the court of Yu Yin? The water is cold, and it is customary to see the snow flying. The landscapes and rivers are pale, and the dreams are haunting and the past is continuous. Alone on the fence, want to cross a thousand rivers, visit the raft in early spring.

Twelve Songs of Poetry in the Cold Winter Season (Choice 2)

Uncle Hui (Xu Rihui)


One night the flowers fell all over the pond, and now the green bamboo becomes a pear branch.

I don't know who's flute outside the window? The cold sound of snow rhymes into poetry.


Sub-year frost wind a leaf boat, drifting zero where the water flows?

Strangers from a foreign land returned far away, counting nine days of cold and sorrow alone.

Congratulations on the Beijing Winter Olympics

Chen Deyong (Hebei)

The ice and snow are dressed in new clothes, and the silver wheel illuminates the temple.

The Great Wall invites guests from afar, and the big mirror leads to special parties.

The brilliance inherits the present and the ancient, and the prestige is better than that of the Song and Tang Dynasties.

Safety fundraising event, simple out of brilliance.

The Rong County Women's Poetry Society has a ten-year celebration

Luo Luyi

Yaoshan fragrant grapefruit noble concubine Qua, Fang Gui Yan Yun Huihua.

Led by proud Mei Xin, the southern flowers of Wang Wang are blooming.

Impressions of Zhangjiajie

Qingfeng (Guangzhou)

The migratory birds returned to Yuanxiu, and the Zhang family's celestial realm moved the autumn wind.

A thousand peaks towered straight over a thousand sails, and people were painting on the way.

Shizuya's thoughts

Wang ping

The night is quiet at first, and the wind is high and the autumn color is deep.

The clouds return to the geese, and the sparks penetrate the smoke forest.

I have been in a strong age, and I have found it in my childhood dreams.

He has lived in a long time, and the heart of the bright moon is home.


Xing Kaixiang

The wind stirred up the cold of the calendar year, and the proud snow red plum had not sounded for a long time.

The good times are going again, and the spring is roaring with gold.

2021 years old at the end of the nostalgia

Hanjiang Lonely Tent

It's another year of eclipses, and time flies by.

The hair wither has few roots at the top, and the folds on the forehead are true.

Morning exercise should be able to increase strength, and night reading is only to nourish the spirit.

Fortunately, the poems were endowed with nourishment, and the burrow was bored and groaned to the wall.

Huan Xi Sha birthday groan

An Yanmei

Heaven into the new cool extraordinarily dear, autumn clouds and autumn water Xu Zhiyin. As I grew older, I lost my hopes. When you dream, you stop dreaming, and whenever you are there, you can do whatever you want. The word ankang weighs a thousand dollars.

A thousand poems

Editor-in-chief: Zheng Wancai

Deputy editors-in-chief: Wang Huiling, Hu Min, Liu Chenghao, Wang Tianming, Qing Shui Yiren, Hu Xiaona

Editors: Liu Yanfang, Yang Yulong, Liu Aihong, Wei Huabiao, Xie Xunlie

Copyright note: The poems issued by "A Thousand Poems" are authorized by the author

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