
See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

For a long time, the issue of feelings has been the focus of everyone's attention. Is this person right for me? Can we grow old? These problems have always plagued the hearts of all kinds of obsessive women. In feelings, constellations can be used as a certain reference, but most of us only know about constellations in the sun sign.

But in fact, it depends on whether the two people can go on for a long time, and the moon sign is more important than the sun sign. Many people may not know what is called the Moon Constellation. The moon sign actually refers to the constellation of our moon in the astrolabe. If you want to know where your moon is falling, you need to have your own astrolabe, which can be directly searched and queried on the Internet. I won't dwell on it here.

See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

Today we will talk about what kind of moon collocation can be white-headed to old.

Moon Twins & Moon Shooter

The pair of moon constellations that appeared first, in fact, each single one is more difficult to handle. Whether it is a moon gemini or a moon shooter, they often belong to a very volatile category in their feelings. Gemini prefers change and freshness in feelings, while Moon Shooter chases freedom more.

Therefore, it is not easy to let such people settle down in their feelings. Because of this, only these two types of moon constellations can meet each other to grow old. People who are on the road to the moon in Gemini, what they crave more in their feelings is not material richness, but spiritual resonance.

See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

People who fall on the moon in Gemini often have a lot of words, and they especially like to communicate with their other half, and in this process of communication, they constantly improve their acting skills and spiritual level. The moon shooter happens to be like this, so the moon shooter likes to conquer in the relationship, but they are also people with great wisdom.

There is no doubt that moon shooters must be restless in their feelings, and they prefer to chase the sense of accomplishment of conquest. Because of this, the Moon Shooter can easily enter a relationship and quickly lose enthusiasm. But the Moon Geminis are a good way to perpetuate their enthusiasm.

See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

Because the changes of the moon twins can always update the changes of the moon shooter, so that they can have a long stream in their feelings, and this sense of interaction that communicates with each other. Therefore, although the Moon Gemini and the Moon Archer belong to the same changing constellation, the two of them are indeed the soul mates of the opponent, and the probability of white head to old age is also very large.

Moon Pisces & Moon Scorpion

In addition to the fact that the Moon Gemini and the Moon Sagittarius are more difficult to get in the constellation realm, in fact, the Moon Scorpio is a more problematic type of moon cooperation. People whose moon falls on Scorpio tend to be shunned, because the possessiveness of such people in their feelings is too strong, and their love can easily feel suffocated.

See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

But there is a saying that goes well, A is honey, B is arsenic. For others, it may be self-indulgent and unfree, but for the Moon Pisces, they enjoy this ubiquitous love and possession. Called Pisces, it is a sign that is particularly emotionally rich and insecure.

And the Moon Scorpion especially likes to control his comrades-in-arms and go to check the post anytime and anywhere. This way may not be liked by many people, but for the Moon Pisces, they like it, and in such a controlled love, they will feel that they are loved, valued and cared for by the other party.

See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

Because of this, Moon Pisces and Moon Scorpion are often a good pair. The sentimentality of the Moon Pisces, combined with the control and possession of the Moon Scorpion, makes the libra of feelings balanced. The Moon Scorpio is a constellation that is particularly good at suspicion and suspicion in feelings, and once the Moon Pisces falls in love with a person, it is dead-hearted and cannot tolerate anyone in its eyes.

And this kind of love, for Yuliang Tianxian, is a sense of security to give, and it will also make them more addicted to this relationship. So the probability that the two of them will be able to grow old is also quite large. Even if the sun sign does not cooperate well, but the moon can accompany each other, then the probability of reaching the end is still very large.

See if the two can grow old, the moon sign is the key, are you and ta's moon suitable?

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