
Today, NBA All-Star Weekend hosted a "Tribute to the Big 75" event! When O'Neal was the last of the center players, he made an iconic move that sparked the scene

author:A new long march on the road to rock

Today, NBA All-Star Weekend hosted a "Tribute to the Big 75" event! When O'Neal was the last of the center players, he made a signature move that sparked enthusiastic cheers from the fans! Can't help but sigh, O'Neill has been retired for 11 years!

O'Neill, born in 1972, is 50 years old this year! But his impression of those years of playing is as deep as it is imprinted in the minds of fans! Smashing rebounds, inside big Macs, and miserable free throws are all labels for fans, but no one is perfect, and these do not affect the fans' love for him!

O'Neal was at the peak of his career when he got the nickname "Shark", he and Kobe Bryant got 3 NBA championship rings, and the Finals MVP was him! In 2006, he got a championship ring with Wade! Since joining the NBA league in 1992 with a show, O'Neal has not met an opponent inside the 90s! Olajuwon was only on par with O'Neill at his peak!

Now, O'Neal, as the NBA league's second most influential star after Michael Jordan, is on the trophy again, and many old fans should sigh "where has the time gone"? #NBA全明星 #

Today, NBA All-Star Weekend hosted a "Tribute to the Big 75" event! When O'Neal was the last of the center players, he made an iconic move that sparked the scene
Today, NBA All-Star Weekend hosted a "Tribute to the Big 75" event! When O'Neal was the last of the center players, he made an iconic move that sparked the scene
Today, NBA All-Star Weekend hosted a "Tribute to the Big 75" event! When O'Neal was the last of the center players, he made an iconic move that sparked the scene

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