
How fast? Realme's fastest ever flash charging technology will debut at MWC2022

On February 20, the vice president of realme, the president of China, and the president of global marketing released a Weibo, saying that "I just experienced an invincible new flash charge, and I felt the two words: Absolutely!" finish! 1 It's not hard to see that Realme's new flash charge has been arranged, and the speed is unparalleled. On February 21, Xu Qi announced that realme (in fact, the prefix can be removed) the fastest flash charging technology ever unveiled at MWC2022 on February 28.

How fast? Realme's fastest ever flash charging technology will debut at MWC2022

How fast is the invincible new flash charge? No one knows, from Xu Qi's description, at least faster than the 125W flash charge, it is likely to be the previously exposed 150W flash charge, the charging speed may be controlled at about 10 minutes, which is currently not achieved by other manufacturers. Of course, Xu Qi also made it clear that there will be no conference in February, and the flash charging technology is only an appearance, and the model equipped with this technology may be announced, as for the product conference, it is likely to wait until March.

How fast? Realme's fastest ever flash charging technology will debut at MWC2022

On February 24, 2020, the True Self X50 Pro was born for the first time with a 65W flash charge; on July 16, 2020, the realme 125W flash charge once again surprised the audience; on August 3, 2021, the True Self 50W magnetic wireless flash charge, black technology struck. In 2022, how fast will realme bring flash charging technology? This is not only about the product experience, but also a milestone event in the high-end campaign of realme, let's wait and see.

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