
Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong

The robbery war has further intensified, and tencent has also opened a department recruitment when meta, Microsoft, Apple and other giants compete for XR-related talents.

According to Sina Technology, Tencent launched an XR business and recently opened an internal recruitment (that is, an internal cross-departmental transfer).

Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong

Tencent set up XR department talents in related fields have received attention

At the end of 2020, Ma Huateng first proposed the concept of "true Internet" in Tencent's internal publications, he said: "An exciting opportunity is coming, the development of mobile Internet in ten years is about to usher in the next wave of upgrades, we call it true Internet." ”

On the evening of November 10, 2021, Tencent President Martin Lau replied to the topic of metaversity: "I believe that Tencent has a lot of technology and capabilities to explore and develop metaverses, such as in games, social media and artificial intelligence-related fields, we have rich experience. ”

Whether it is the "true Internet" or the "meta-universe", Tencent has already begun to lay out!

Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong

From buying the "first share of the meta-universe" Roblox, to holding a 40% stake in the meta-universe game company Epic, to the rumors of its own preparation of the AAA masterpiece.

The report pointed out that Tencent said that the XR business is a new business that the company has vigorously built in response to the true Internet, with the goal of building a world-class hard technology team under the leadership of industry leaders and competing for the next ticket in the era of hard technology.

The services focus on the layout of the XR ecosystem of the whole link, including the XR device on the hardware side, the sensor interaction technology on the software side, and the content and developer ecology on the content and industry side.

The internal living water covers the three directions of content ecology, operation and technology research and development, and there are more than 40 open positions: In terms of content ecology, Tencent will set up an XR game studio and recruit studio leaders in internal living water.

Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong

It can be seen that Tencent is stepping up its pace on the road of laying out the true Internet.

Traditional Internet business is squeezed Meta-universe related departments are sought after

Nowadays, with the overall development of the Internet industry entering the platform period, competition has shifted from incremental to stock, coupled with the negative impact of the epidemic, and even major enterprises have opened the curtain of layoffs.

It is rumored that Xiaomi, Station B, Douyin, iQiyi, etc. have all joined the ranks of layoffs.

Especially in recent years, the fast-growing Internet giants, how to break through the predicament? Finding a new growth pole is crucial, and the most worthy of following up and exploring at the moment is of course the metaverse, XR and other related sectors.

Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong

Meta, Microsoft, Tencent, internal living water recruitment will inevitably attract outstanding talents to actively join, not only because this field has broader prospects in the future, but also to bring opportunities to individual careers.

In addition to internal living water recruitment, Tencent has launched open recruitment in meta-universe, XR and other businesses, which can be seen in the recruitment APP search.

With the entry of giants led by Tencent and Byte, the development of the domestic meta-universe market is expected to usher in an accelerated period.

In terms of hardware, Byte's acquisition of VR hardware manufacturer Pico, Tencent's launch of XR hardware business, etc., are of far-reaching significance; in addition, software, content, services and other aspects will also be carried out, and the construction of the meta-universe ecology requires more enterprises and talents to build together.

In this process, who has more and better talents will determine the future development prospects to a certain extent. Therefore, the competition for talents continues to intensify, and the demand for talents has risen significantly, which will become the next major problem.

Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong

These positions are about to benefit

Looking back at the past, in the computer, Internet, artificial intelligence, live streaming and other industries have entered a stage of rapid development, those who can quickly stand in the wind have benefited a lot, and the most direct beneficiaries, in addition to entrepreneurs, are employees involved in related positions.

According to a Sina VR survey, the following skills are urgently needed by meta-universe companies

1. 3D modeling: using 3D production software to build a model with 3D data through virtual 3D space;

2. VR panoramic shooting: based on the real scene virtual reality technology of the panoramic image, the group or groups of photos taken by the camera ring 360 ° are spliced into a panoramic image, and the real scene of the all-round interactive viewing is realized through computer technology;

3. Virtual engine development: provide programmers with advanced functions and extensible application frameworks for building, testing and publishing various types of games;

Therefore, the relevant positions will also benefit, and the salary will continue to rise


Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong


Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong


Tencent XR department recruitment, meta-universe talent demand is strong

Therefore, people who are interested in this need to invest in it as soon as possible, learn and practice, take off with the general trend, create momentum and wealth, and seize the opportunity of annual income of millions.

Sina VR launched offline/online courses for XR talent training, which highly matches the recruitment needs of the market, panoramic shooting, 3D modeling, XR special effects production, Unity programming, etc., welcome to participate in learning, and also welcome more training institutions to join the talent training program.

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