
The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

The Beijing Winter Olympics closed last night

Over 10 days

We have witnessed the struggle and transcendence

Witnessed laughter and tears

And it's worth remembering forever

It's on and off the field

A scene of moments of defense

A moving story


Opening ceremony

American snowboarder Tessa Maud

A touching video was recorded with my mobile phone

She used her Chinese to shout "Hello" to the volunteers on the sidelines.

Volunteers waved warmly to her

Responding to "Welcome to China" in English

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye
The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

This sentence

It left her in an instant, tearful

During the Winter Olympics

This 18-year-old girl who loves food and travel

I have been touched again and again in China

It became an unforgettable memory in her life

"I can't wait to get back to China

Want to go around China."

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Nostalgia, reluctance, gratitude...

Foreign athletes in the "circle of friends"

Fancy praise for the Beijing Winter Olympics

Let the world see the real China


February 5

Curling mixed doubles round robin

Chinese duo Ling Zhi and Fan Suyuan

It is inferior to the American combination of Pessinger and Pulis

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

After the game

Two Chinese players

Personally hand two boxes of ice pier badges

Gifted to the opponent

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

This move

The American team members were very impressed

Call out "So cool" (that's cool)

The two then posted pictures on social media

I said it was an honor to receive this gift

"It's a great reflection of sportsmanship"

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye


Ling Zhi and Fan Suyuan also received gifts from the American team members

Small ice pier badge

Connecting loving interactions

This two-way love



On the field of the Winter Olympics

There is such a female player who has attracted much attention

Not because of gold picking

Not because of looks

It was the Olympic spirit that emanated from her

She is a German speed skating legend

"Skating Grandma"

Claudia Peschstein

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Won 5 gold medals

Broke the world record

This is going to turn 50 years old for her

Participated in the 8th Winter Olympics

She is the oldest female Winter Olympic player in history

Despite being in the speed skating 3000m race

Her grades came last

But she was still happy

"I was smiling and sliding across the finish line."

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Old Ji Fuzhi is in a thousand miles

This insistence against the current

It's a lot of emotion

As Peschstein said

"My legs are getting old

But the heart is still young."

Hats off to the veterans who persevered

People who stick to their dreams are always young


February 6

The men's single sleigh ends the third round of the sled

Georgia's Saba Kumaritashvili

Clenched fists

Looking up to the sky, he was relieved

Even if his final ranking is 31st

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

It's a triumph over fear

Continue the story of family glory

12 years ago

Saba's cousin

Nordar Kumaritashvili was accidentally killed in training

It was a short time before the opening ceremony of the Vancouver Winter Olympics

There are less than 6 hours left

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Nordar Kumaritashweli (infographic)

12 years later

Saba stands on the field of the Beijing Winter Olympics

Fulfilled my cousin's wish

I also realized my dream

"I'll never forget

The incident that happened at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver

But Nodar brought me more than sadness

It's more about power

That's why I'm qualified to stand in the Winter Olympics now."

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Because of love

So stick with it

He set out from grief

Let the dream continue in Beijing

This is the truest footnote to the Olympic spirit


Short track speed skating in the final of the men's 1000m

Wu Dajing behind Ren Ziwei

Gently touched his hand

Signal Ziwei to go first

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

As the world record holder for this event

Wu Dajing originally had great hopes of winning gold

Yet in this competition

A recall of heavy slippage left him physically exhausted

In this case

Wu Dajing was stuck at the same time as his opponent

Motioned for Ren Ziwei to rush up

And eventually won the gold medal

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Afterwards in a wired interview

Wu Dajing said

"Protecting Ren Ziwei is like changing lives!"

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Success doesn't have to be in me

Success must have me

The Chinese short track speed skating team uses practical actions

It shows the Olympic spirit of unity and excellence


February 10

Figure skating men's singles in the free skating competition

Japan's Yusei Yusei appeared in the 21st place

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

The first action in the opening

Habuyuki chose Axel's Four-Way Jump (4A)

But because I didn't control the center of gravity

Fell to the ground

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

"The 4A has never been successful

No one knows how to succeed

Sometimes I also think that maybe no one can succeed."

As a figure skater

One of the most difficult jumps

There have never been athletes before

Completed in official competitions

But he chose to try and challenge

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

A success or failure

It doesn't define greatness

Push your limits

Climb higher peaks

It is the real charm of competitive sports


Short Track Speed Skating Women's 3000m Relay After Group A Final

Chinese player Fan Kexin did not leave the venue

Instead, he got down on his knees and kissed the ice

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

After kissing the ice

She got up and smiled and left the arena

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Fall off the track from the Sochi Winter Olympics

By the Pyeongchang Winter Olympics, fouls will be imposed

Then to the Beijing Winter Olympics to win a gold and a bronze

Fan Kexin gave himself a satisfactory answer

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

The one that used to be on the field

The girl who choked after falling

Has grown into an experienced veteran

Grow in competition

Learn through failure

Water with sweat

The ideal flower will eventually blossom


February 14

In the freestyle slope obstacle course

Chinese player Gu Ailing was the first to appear

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

In the tense equal moments of the whole field

This one is on the field

Confident and dashing optimistic girl

Open a plastic bag that you are carrying with you

Eat the "leek box"

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

This talented girl with a big heart

At this Winter Olympics

Won two gold and one silver for the Chinese team

For Gu Ailing

Skiing brings her joy

Probably more than the meaning of the gold medal

A love of the sport and life

Endowed with this girl

Infinite power and infinite possibilities

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Easy to play

Go beyond yourself

Gu Ailing is not only better than technology

Better than the attitude of enjoying the game


Freestyle Ski Women's Aerial Skills Final

"Four-time veteran" Xu Mengtao won the gold medal

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

“Taotao,Olympic champion!”

("Peach, Olympic Champion!") ”)

“I’m so proud of you!”

("I'm so proud of you!") ”)

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

After Xu Mengtao was sure to win the gold medal

American athlete Ashley Caldwell immediately rushed up

Hugged the excited Xu Mengtao tightly

While affectionately calling her "Peach"

While congratulating her in her hometown

Won the Olympic championship

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

It's the opponent

Also friends

The affection between the brave

It's moving

Have experienced what your opponent has experienced

Only then do we understand each other's efforts and persistence more and more

The Olympics are not just gold medals

Olympics, that's great


It's amazing

Gentle dragon

Flowing clouds


February 19

Sui Wenjing and Han Cong used perfect performances

Amazing world

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Two pairs of ice knives

Fifteen years

Flowers and applause

Unwilling and tearful

The two depend on each other and support each other

We have gone through many difficult days together



Turn into a deep embrace

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

4 years ago

PyeongChang Winter Olympics

They were just a slight margin of 0.43 points

Ranked second

4 years later

They finally put a silver medal on their neck

It was replaced by a gold medal

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

Live testimonials

China's pair skating has once again reached the top

IOC President Bach said:

"This is the glory of figure skating!"

Onion bucket combination

There is no substitute

You will always be each other's champions

Video source: Xinhua Net

This winter

There are so many touching moments

Let us be touched and inspired

The "post-00s" are a blockbuster

Veterans swim against the current

There is the excitement of competitive sports

There is a shining brilliance of humanity

The best first lesson of the beginning of the school year! The 10 moments of the Beijing Winter Olympics made people tear up! Didn't want to say goodbye

We use the Olympic fire

Light the torch in your heart

Every challenge

Every breakthrough beyond the past

It is the ever-growing power of human beings

Photography | Fei Maohua, Xue Yuge, Wu Wei, Liu Xu, Sun Fei, Yao Jianfeng, Xiong Qi, Zhu Zheng, Li Yibo, Ju Huanzong, Wu Zhuang, Cao Can, Wang Yuguo, Li Ga, etc

Responsible editor| Wang Jiashi

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