
The surging visual poster | the light of the Olympic Games is shared by the world

[Together to the future] Wonderful scenes inside and outside the arena convey common emotions and condense common values. On the stage of the Beijing Winter Olympic Games, the olympic light belongs to every player and stirs in everyone's heart. That is the gift that the hosts have dedicated to the world through an Olympic event.

Tiger brother, tiger sister, tiger mother, tiger father, tiger tiger vitality, tiger dragon and tiger brain... During the Lantern Festival in the Year of the Tiger, many places on both sides of the strait exhibited elaborate "tiger lanterns", and the festive atmosphere has been "full".

Growing up at the intersection of tradition and the future, humanities and science and technology, avant-garde and the public, online literature is undoubtedly a microcosm of the times. This topic aims to observe online literature in a variety of contexts, reading the emotions, desires and ideas of the times surging in today's society from the changing and developing of a literary genre.

A selection of posters of the week – 20220214 - 20220220▼

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The surging visual poster | the light of the Olympic Games is shared by the world
The surging visual poster | the light of the Olympic Games is shared by the world

The above is the surging news and your footprints in exploring the world;

The above is the week carefully marked for you by the surging poster;

The above is the preferred scale for our observation of the world.

Yesterday's posters, today's old news, future history.

There are some facts that need to be repeatedly pointed out,

There are some sounds that need to be made repeatedly.

We believe that

Not everyone wants to be,

The silent majority.

The Paper's poster is selected to see you every week,

There is room for your time to look back and think independently.

The Paper's poster,

Far, not just flat.

The Paper's Visual Poster Highlights (00:23)

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