
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting

As we all know, a sketch painting is made of a large number of short lines, quickly arranged, it can be said that the process of drawing a sketch is a process of line, using different shades, lengths and lengths of different short lines, to create a sense of light and shadow and three-dimensional sense of the picture.

Artists with ideas do not just use lines to draw sketches, and David Moreno, an artist from Barcelona, combines drawings with sculptures and "paints" surrealist architectural sculptures with lines. Of course, the lines in this artist's works are not lines in the true sense, but the effect of lines presented by steel rods, piano lines, etc.

He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting

Each structure of David Moreno's architectural sculptures is shaped using cross-shadow techniques, creating a sense of shadow and depth that can only be drawn with a pencil through the arrangement of a series of tones. Each piece is conceptualized by the artist, and what appears to be line drawings composed of cluttered brushstrokes and out-of-control silhouettes is actually three-dimensional architectural sculptures that are hung on the wall but more like being painted on paper. The buildings vary in composition, but there is no doubt that they are all three-dimensional.

The artist uses his unique imagination to show the avant-garde modern architectural style in his eyes, which is not his first attempt at architectural exploration, as early as a few years ago, David Moreno put the theme of artistic creation on the study of houses, in addition to single-family houses, he also studied the differences between town and village architecture, and tried to express them in the form of art.

He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting

On David Moreno's 3D architectural drawings, we can also see some abstract, reimagined chairs, pieces of furniture that are single-existence, where the artist is emphasizing their fragile nature. I have to say that this artist has a solid skill in artistic shaping, and can break through imagination and organically unify creativity, fashion and avant-garde.

Next, let's enjoy the three-dimensional sculptural artwork "drawn" by this talented artist with lines.

He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting
He "paints" sculptures with lines, with a sense of shadow and depth, no different from a painting

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