
Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

?? (ID: yiyuguancha),♠/♠

In the context of the prevalence of realistic themes, film and television works focusing on "life flow" and "slow healing pace" have risen rapidly in recent years, which is not only a true portrayal of the current social mood, but also cuts to the audience's life to examine themselves and explore their true pursuit.

From Douban's 8.2 points of "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm" to "Spring Sending Lover", which can be called "the best puppet of the year", the firefly unit launched by Tencent Video responds to this situation, presenting the real emotional flow of young people at present with fresh depiction and light and powerful exploration perspectives, and constantly brings wisps of new wind to domestic urban dramas.

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

And the emergence of the firefly unit,It has also allowed the long video platform to gradually explore the emotional outlet of young users,The current young people are concerned about the issues,Such as returning home or staying in the big city、Career or love, etc.,You can always find a spiritual sample in the firefly unit,And this is the immersive charm brought by the firefly unit——Under the presentation of a relatively real life texture,Create a light and warm atmosphere,Use light topics to cut into the perspective and constantly sketch the emotional map of young people today、Emotional portrayal。

After the polishing of five works, the resonance, diversity, healing, and artistic drama characteristics presented by the firefly unit also make this light wind more and more soothing.

Iterating on the five creative elements, the Firefly Unit innovates the aesthetic power of urban genre dramas

I don't know when it began, urban romance dramas have fallen into the dilemma of patterning, how to break the shackles of creation is a problem that has been lingering in the minds of long video creators for a long time, and the firefly unit has given a way to solve the problem in half a year and several high-scoring works - how to innovate the aesthetic power of the current urban genre dramas, the core points should be from the main narrative line, character shaping, emotional resonance, social issues, and atmosphere building.

First of all, in terms of the main narrative line, the firefly unit works choose to tell the story eloquently, promoting the narrative in a soothing and gradual plot atmosphere, and will not rely on high-concept or bloody plots to attract the audience and create topics, and the audience can clearly feel that this is the creator's conscious choice.

For example, in "Spring Sending Lover", Chen Maidong and Zhuang Jie are delinquent teenagers whose parents are divorced and are ostracized, and the other is a disabled girl who lost her father at a young age. When Chen Maidong grew up, he became a corpse plastic surgeon and "dealed" with death every day; Zhuang Jie's mother remarried, she also has an ambiguous object in the company for a long time, but the other party minds that she is not a sound person, etc., the screenwriter can make the relationship and story of the two people very heavy, but what the audience sees is how mature men and women deal with their emotions, how to understand each other's past and special circumstances and heal each other.

Gou Dandan, played by Shi Ce in "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm", encountered a series of shocks such as her husband's cheating, unexpected pregnancy, her husband's death in a car accident, and a debt of 500,000 yuan in just a few weeks.

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

This is because life has a certain degree of drama, but the works of the Firefly Unit do not deliberately amplify the dramatized or coincidental parts in it, but emphasize that even if it is a special encounter, it is still a part of life, making the drama reflect the real texture of life.

For the shaping of characters, the firefly unit can be described as "quite experienced", especially for the shaping of female group portraits, which shows the unique charm of female characters with different identities and circumstances to the fullest.

Zhuang Jie in "Spring Lover" is known as "the most E heroine in history", because her job is sales, when she takes out the side of her work to contact with the outside world, it is comparable to a social gangster, but in private she is introverted, quiet, and heavy-minded, so she will not be brave enough and bluff in her relationship, and this contrast also reflects the complexity of a woman who has experienced the pain of losing her father and amputation. More importantly, although Zhuang Jie loves Chen Maidong deeply, she has never forgotten to love herself first and be herself first, so she has never given up Shanghai.

Not only the female characters, but also the male characters in the play, the protagonist's relatives and colleagues, and even the peripheral characters such as neighbors and neighbors will also be carefully portrayed, striving to present a real and diverse vivid group portrait.

Ms. Liao Tao played by Liu Lin in "Spring Lover", she experienced the unexpected death of her two husbands, and her eldest daughter is disabled, the play shows her strength as a woman and a mother, but it does not portray her as a perfect heroic mother, she often hurts her children without words, and has also rudely interfered in her daughter's love, but at the same time she is reasonable. This kind of parents who love their children selflessly, but have limitations that cannot be broken through such as the times and education level, is the true portrayal of life.

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

"Spring Sends Lover" Liu Lin plays Liao Tao

There are almost no characters in the firefly unit that are instrumentalized, because everyone lives in complex social relationships, and not demonizing and flattening these social relationships, and not treating sexual relationships as the only important relationship is one of the important signs that distinguish whether a drama really has a realistic perspective or an idol drama with a virtual shell.

In response to the user's emotions, on the basis of a solid character design and an orderly narrative, the Firefly Unit delicately explores the problems faced by contemporary young people inward in a light way, so as to arouse the emotional resonance of the audience. Watching the episodes of the Firefly unit, I always feel that some emotional burrs have been gently smoothed out.

Although "I Live Elsewhere" boldly chooses a dual-time and space narrative technique in its creation, the topic setting of the series is close to reality, such as the dilemma in the workplace, the difficulty of renting a house for a migrant worker, the maintenance of the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the family, and the division of labor between husband and wife, etc., are all controversial topics in the current society. The drama truly shows the difficulties faced by women in the family and workplace through Xia Guo's life, and also explores the various possibilities of life through her choices, full of social observations.

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

Rather than reflecting the changes of the times, the Firefly Unit focuses more on exploring the characters inward in a delicate way. Contemporary young people are facing too many uncertainties, and in this case, high-quality life streaming dramas that cut from the subtleties can enter the hearts of the audience in a lighter way.

The superposition of social issues can further expand the audience's resonance emotions, but for the dismantling of social issues, the Firefly unit has achieved both depth and breadth through different perspectives.

Topics related to "death" are often taboo in Chinese culture, and the Firefly Unit extends "death" from different perspectives through the two dramas "Spring Sends Lover" and "Thank You for Warming Me", allowing the audience to make up for a death education lesson, telling the audience that "it is precisely because of the great limit of life that we should work harder to live, create, and love".

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

On the basis of satisfying the emotional value, the firefly unit drama also creates an excellent sense of atmosphere and drama texture through strict control of the picture, shot, and even OST selection.

Taking "Spring Sending Lover" as an example, there are no high-intensity dermabrasion filters or distorted color grading in the film, but only an ambiguous atmosphere is created through light and shadow and lens scheduling, especially the atmosphere and texture of several black-and-white video passages showing memories are just right. In addition to the camera images, the music also plays a big role. Domestic dramas often don't put too much energy into the soundtrack, but "Spring Sends Lover" adopts a point-to-point soundtrack, so that the music and the plot are integrated.

The main narrative line and character shaping are both close to the ground and unique innovation, superimposed on the thinking of social issues, forming the basis for forming emotional resonance with the audience, coupled with the atmosphere creation that the professional team attaches great importance to, which forms the boutique texture and unique aesthetics of the firefly unit.

From content innovation to platform operation, Firefly Unit shows exploration value that cannot be underestimated

Firefly unit is Tencent Video's follow-up to X theater、Another innovative attempt after the bench unit,If theatrical operation is the choice of long video to meet the diversity of audiences、Realize the diversification of content supply and high-quality solutions,Then,The layout of unit dramas,It is a brave experiment of the long video platform for more innovative themes of more types,It is also a more refined service for platform users。

The step forward of the firefly unit has an exploration value that cannot be underestimated for the development of the content industry and the operation of the platform itself.

For the content industry, the firefly unit has rejuvenated urban themes with a wide range of audiences, explored more diverse and unique aesthetic systems, and boosted the leap of urban genres to a certain extent.

To a certain extent, the aesthetic level of the audience has been at the forefront of the platform and creators, especially for the urban type, therefore, in the past, those dramas that relied on beautification filters and exaggerated plots should not be the places where long video creators flocked to, and the firefly unit has further improved the requirements for the content expression of the drama on the basis of insight into this situation-it must be more layered and granular in life, and it is necessary to pay attention to aesthetics and practical significance, only in this way can the audience see more real fireworks in the firefly unit, can immerse yourself in the drama, so as to be warmed, healed, and even have a chain effect of "falling in love with a city because of a drama". For example, Chengdu where Ba Shi lives in "Hometown, Don't Come to Harm", Nanfang Town (filming location: Quanzhou, Fujian) in "Spring Sending Lover", and Anyi Leshan in "I Live Elsewhere" are all depicted by the firefly unit, which makes more and more audiences fascinated.

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

Nanfang Town in "Spring Sending Lover" (filming location: Quanzhou, Fujian)

For the long video platform, the firefly unit has formed a customized content service that connects the emotional and aesthetic needs of users.

Nowadays, it is no longer enough to meet the needs of the audience by distinguishing works by genre, especially today's works often integrate multiple genres, and it is too extensive to divide them only by genre, and the audience often can't find the content they want to see by relying only on the genre search, or sometimes, the audience can't clearly describe their needs, so the audience needs new guides and new maps.

The firefly unit launched by Tencent Video, the comedy-based bench unit, and the X theater, which has successively given birth to word-of-mouth works such as "The Long Season" and "Under the Prosperous City", pay more attention to the relative consistency of aesthetics and emotions, and create their own label temperament and style, which gives the audience a new "emotional map" and "aesthetic map", so that the audience can break the shackles of the genre, and can start from emotional needs and aesthetic tastes to better satisfy themselves.

Light and powerful, warm and slow healing, the single element of fireflies depicts the emotional spectrum of young people today

X Theater "The Long Season"

For the audience, sometimes it needs to be catered to, sometimes it needs to be led, and the firefly unit is a key for the platform to open up the innovation situation in a diverse and complex way of "type iteration", and the platform and creators also work with the audience to explore more aesthetic value with diversified and high-quality content, and to better understand the user's emotions and social emotions.

Firefly unit has formed a cluster of high-quality light topic texture dramas in the hearts of the audience through five high-quality dramas, when the audience has trust in the unit, in the future, it will be able to further give more avant-garde works and more direct hits on the emotional core of users, and improve the aesthetic threshold of excellent works More opportunities, and these are new breakthroughs and surprises brought by Tencent Video to the entire content industry.