
Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

Many parents have a big misunderstanding about whether they should brush their baby's teeth from how old they are.

Some mothers feel: "Now that the child's teeth have only grown a few, where do you need to brush your teeth?" ”

Some mothers said: "The child's gums are very delicate now, there is no need to rush to brush their teeth, you can wait for their teeth to develop and stabilize, and then start brushing their teeth." ”

Some mothers think: "You can wait until your child's teeth are full before you brush your child's teeth." "In fact, these views are all wrong.

According to the survey:

9% of parents choose to start teaching babies to brush their teeth after their first deciduous teeth erupt;

14% of parents choose to teach the baby to brush their teeth after a few of them erupt;

35% of parents choose to teach their baby to brush their teeth after they have grown up;

15% of moms and dads choose to start cleaning their baby's mouth before they have teething.

When exactly will your baby start brushing his teeth? In addition to this misunderstanding, what other misunderstandings do mothers have about brushing their babies' teeth?

Myth 1: Brush your teeth again

Some parents think that the baby's teeth are full before they need to brush their teeth with a toothbrush seriously, and usually only need to rinse their mouth before and after bedtime.

Children generally do not have all their deciduous teeth until they are about two and a half years old, and after one or two years of work, more than 80% of children begin to have worm teeth. This has something to do with the fact that oral cleaning starts late.

So, from the time your baby grows his first teeth, he needs to brush his teeth. At first, parents are required to brush their baby's teeth with a gauze or finger-cover toothbrush, clean their teeth carefully, and gently massage their gums. By the time your child can hold the toothbrush on their own, they can be taught to brush their teeth.

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

Myth 2: Brush hard to brush clean

3-year-old Jiajia said that she didn't like brushing her teeth, "because when her mother brushed her teeth before, she always brushed back and forth horizontally, very hard, and her mother also said that if she didn't brush hard, she would not brush clean!" Mom always hurts her gums, so she hates brushing her teeth.

"Push harder, or the brush won't be clean." This is actually a misunderstanding of many parents. Children's deciduous teeth and gums are very young, and excessive force can cause damage to the gums and oral mucosa, and can also cause loss-wearing marks on the teeth and cause tooth allergies.

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

The correct way to brush your teeth is to use a toothbrush to gently circle the surface of the teeth, slowly brush each tooth, and then put the toothbrush up, brushing the inside of each tooth at a time.

Scientific brushing is to brush your teeth 3 times a day for 3 minutes each time. This is because 3 minutes after a meal is exactly the moment when bacteria in the mouth teeth start to move and cause harm to the teeth. Therefore, parents try their best to urge children to ensure brushing time and not cut corners!

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

Myth 3: Children brush their teeth without toothpaste

There have been news in the past that the fluoride contained in toothpaste can cause cancer. Some time ago, there was news that there was triclosan in toothpaste, which would also cause cancer, so many parents expressed confusion: Does a child need to use toothpaste to brush his teeth?

In fact, the World Health Organization recommends that children should also use fluoride toothpaste to brush their teeth, which can effectively prevent caries.

As long as the amount of toothpaste is appropriate, it will not harm the body. In general, children aged 3 to 7 should use children's fluoride toothpaste, each dose is the size of mung beans; children aged 7 to 14 also use children's fluoride toothpaste, and each dosage can be increased to the size of soybeans.

In addition, after brushing your teeth with toothpaste, rinse all the toothpaste with water. Finally, the mother checked, if there is no place to brush clean, you can choose to gently wipe it clean with a cotton swab dipped in water.

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

Myth 4: The saw-type horizontal brush method

The appropriate way to brush your teeth is more important than the number of brushes.

"Horizontal brushing method" not only can not brush the teeth clean, but also easy to cause teeth fragility, especially for the tooth hard tissue (tooth enamel, dentin) and periodontal soft tissue (gums, periodontal) damage is very large, after the child uses a slightly harder toothbrush to brush teeth, the gums are easy to pain.

The oral structure is more complex, and it is difficult to clean the plaque in the mouth with only one brushing method and one brushing action.

The movements of the toothbrush head can be more diverse, you can cross the four movements of longitudinal, transverse, rotation and flutter to complete the brushing process. Your baby's hand movements are slow and impatient to cope with complex brushing techniques, and parents should teach them to use a relatively simple way of brushing their teeth.

In addition, brushing your teeth with your baby and letting him watch how you brush will allow him to learn the skills as soon as possible!

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

Myth 5: Brush your teeth with cold water

The cold water makes your baby less fond of brushing his teeth. In fact, in addition to mastering the correct method of brushing, the water temperature is also very exquisite!

If the teeth are stimulated by sudden heat or cold for a long time, this is not only easy to cause bleeding and spasms in the gums, but also directly affects the normal metabolism of the teeth, resulting in dental disease, shortening the life of the teeth, and causing dentin allergy symptoms.

Therefore, whether it is a parent or a baby, you should pay attention to the water temperature of brushing your teeth, too cold and too hot water is easy to irritate the teeth, so warm water is the best choice.

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

In addition to recognizing these misunderstandings, when teaching the baby to brush his teeth, we must also choose the right "toothbrush" for the baby.

Use a soft-bristled toothbrush that is sized for children and let him choose his favorite toothbrush, such as his favorite color, printed with his favorite cartoon character.

In this way, he will be more willing to use a toothbrush. What about the baby's toothbrush?

How do I choose a toothbrush for my baby?

6 months - 2 years old: basically parents brush their children's teeth, you can choose a finger sleeve toothbrush

Easy for adults to hold, it is best to use soft glue around the brush head to avoid damaging the soft tissues of the mouth.

2-4 years old: choose a toothbrush with a small brush head, soft bristles, and a thicker grip

Teeth are in the early stages of development, the baby's mouth is not large, at this time should choose a toothbrush that can penetrate deep into the mouth.

5-7 years old: choose cup-shaped bristles, the brush should be soft, and the brush head should be small

Remember to have soft edges on the brush head so that your child can clean all teeth.

After the age of 8: A toothbrush with soft bristles, a mixed design and a smaller brush head should be chosen

Teeth are in the tooth replacement period, the gap between teeth is large, pay special attention to the cleaning of teeth, otherwise it is very easy to cause tooth decay.

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

In addition, the toothpaste needed to brush your baby's teeth is also very important. How do parents choose toothpaste for babies?

How to choose toothpaste for your baby?

1. Select low fluorine content

Adult toothpaste should not be used for babies, but for children with low fluoride content.

2. Choose fruit toothpaste carefully

The benefits of fruit toothpaste can attract babies to brush their teeth on time, but the tragedy is that it is easy for babies to eat toothpaste as fruit candy.

3. Choose age-appropriate toothpaste

Nowadays, many children's toothpastes on the market are marked with the applicable age, and choosing the right toothpaste according to the baby's age is the simplest and most effective way.

4, do not always choose a toothpaste

Always use a toothpaste, it is easy to let oral pests produce antibodies to toothpaste, so that the cleaning strength of toothpaste is greatly reduced.

5. Check the ingredients added to the color essence

Many children's toothpaste is fancy, colorful and beautiful, in fact, this kind of toothpaste often adds color essence to add ingredients, try to choose less of this.

Baby teeth grow and brush again? 90% of parents do it wrong...

When should the baby brush his teeth and the mothers get it?! Hurry up and supervise your baby's brushing!

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Best wishes

A good pair of teeth, feasting, healthy and long-lived

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