
Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy Qingdao
Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

When the multiplier is also powerful, it is also the time when the one who cannot be lost.

On the morning of February 17, the Jiaozhou Municipal Party Congress arrived as scheduled, at which Zhang Xinzhu, secretary of the Jiaozhou Municipal Party Committee, made a work report to the conference. During the period, while summarizing the relevant work and achievements in the past five years, it also clarified the development policy for the next five years.


After this heavy report, we can see not only the "time" when Jiaozhou City achieves high-quality development, but also the "potential" under strategic opportunities such as the Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone and the Linkong Economic Zone. The superposition of "time" and "potential" will eventually make Jiaozhou an "important pole supporting Qingdao's high-quality development" and truly realize "from dream to reality".

Detective No. 921

Written/Zhuang Jiancheng

Reviewer/Hui Zhang

Ride on the momentum

Anchor an important pole that supports Qingdao's high-quality development

Today, a scientific and comprehensive analysis of GDP scale and growth rate can make an intuitive judgment on regional economic development.

Looking back at the past 2021, it is a key year for the reshaping of the economic pattern of Qingdao District and City, and Jiaozhou has achieved continuous advancement, rising from the fourth place in the city to the second place in the city. Comprehensively focusing on the effective needs of regional development and adhering to the practical performance orientation, Jiaozhou has run out of the fastest GDP growth rate in Qingdao.

Of course, when we examine the development of Jiaozhou, we cannot limit ourselves to the scope of the whole city, but also put the dimension in the province and even the whole country, from a broader perspective, review the achievements of Jiaozhou.

Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

The report mentioned that the regional GDP and general public budget revenue jumped from the 5th and 4th places in the province (city) in 2016, respectively. The total retail sales of social consumer goods and the number of industrial enterprises on the regulations have always ranked first in the province, counties (cities).

Compared with the increase in GDP, the outstanding performance of general public budget revenue, total retail sales of social consumer goods and the number of regulated industrial enterprises can actually better reflect the gold content of Jiaozhou's development.

In this regard, the report also attributed the significant improvement of comprehensive strength to "good development results". Through the following set of data, it is also possible to print the high quality of jiaozhou development.

178 scientific and technological innovation platforms at or above the Qingdao level have been built, the number of intelligent factories, digital workshops and automated production lines in Qingdao is 16.7 times that of the end of 2016, the number of new enterprises and high-tech enterprises in Qingdao is 8.6 times and 8.7 times that of the end of 2016, respectively, 28 companies have been selected as hidden champions, and 4 new listed enterprises have been added... A series of figures reflect the effectiveness of the transformation of new and old kinetic energy in Jiaozhou.

The success of Jiaozhou is not a "sudden rise", but a "thick accumulation of thin hair", the early foundation is firmly played, and the achievement of the later achievements is naturally a natural success.

Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

As the "vanguard" of the economic development of the province and county, Jiaozhou, which has taken advantage of the momentum, has also been given the mission and task of "becoming an important pole supporting Qingdao's high-quality development" by the Qingdao Municipal Party Committee. This is not only the emphasis on Jiaozhou at the qingdao level, but also the mobilization order for the next development of Jiaozhou.

More importantly, the report also mentions that "confidence, conditions, foundation and confidence will contribute more to the high-quality development of the province and Qingdao", which reflects the pattern, potential and self-confidence of Jiaozhou's development.

Projects are the lifeblood of economic development and are closely related to the release of effective demand. Among the 300 key construction projects announced by Qingdao In 2022, the number of finalists in Jiaozhou reached 47, ranking second in the city.

Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

At the ceremony held on February 15, 2022, Zhang Xinzhu, secretary of the Jiaozhou Municipal Party Committee, also made it clear that Jiaozhou City will firmly grasp the project and grasp the implementation of the orientation, with the spirit of "striving for first-class things and only the flag is to win", the start of construction will be full of strings, the start must be accelerated, and resolutely fight the three major battles of project construction, attraction and service guarantee.

It is undeniable that the realization of high-quality development in Jiaozhou is inseparable from the internal drive of riding on the momentum. Similarly, it is inseparable from the external empowerment of the country's top-level strategy.

Go with the flow

Build a modern SCO New Area with one heart and one mind

The convening of the Party Congress is a major event and important event in local political life, and Jiaozhou, when the Fifteenth Party Congress was convened, was in an important strategic window period and a golden period of development.

In recent years, Jiaozhou has ushered in many highlight moments, and major strategies and opportunities such as the Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone and Jiaodong International Airport have been landed. The next five years will be a critical period for Jiaozhou to actively implement its national strategy and opportunities.

Every era has a different mission. In the context of China's greater attention to linkage and cooperation today, seizing opportunities and following the trend has become the core essence of Jiaozhou's "seizing opportunities, winning the initiative and improving energy levels" in a higher level of opening up.

For Jiaozhou, its greatest dependence and self-confidence come from the "heavy responsibility of the country" of the Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone. This time, the party congress also made it clear that it will adhere to party building to lead the opening up and innovation reform, and build a modern Shanghai New Area with one heart and one mind.

Specifically, the connotation of the modernized SCO New Area is "global overall planning, one core leadership, and three-district linkage".

Among them, "global co-ordination" means that the modern SCO New Area is a whole, covering the whole territory of Jiaozhou, not only to coordinate Jiaozhou and SCO, but also to promote land and sea co-ordination, urban and rural co-ordination, above-ground and underground co-ordination, and build a coupled development platform.

Jiaozhou is one of the few cities in the country where haihe rivers and lakes meet and land, air and rail are linked. The core area of the Shanghai Cooperation Demonstration Zone has a 25-kilometer golden coastline, and with a broad mind facing Jiaozhou Bay, it cooperates with the cruise home port and qianwan port to create a new platform for international cooperation around Jiaozhou Bay.

Through the latest statement at the party congress, we can actually see the complementary development relationship between Jiaozhou and the Shanghai Union. Indeed, as a city that is longer than taking advantage of the situation, Jiaozhou has always taken the initiative to give full play to its own advantages, deeply integrate into the construction of the SCO Demonstration Zone, and further expand the open space.

On February 7 this year, Zhang Xinzhu, secretary of the municipal party committee who had recently taken office in Jiaozhou, and Yu Dongquan, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee and acting mayor, led a team to visit the SCO demonstration zone, and made it clear that they would use the strength of the whole city, gather the wisdom of the whole city, and pour out the city's feelings to fully support the construction and development of the SCO demonstration zone.

Through the top action of the main leaders, it can indeed be seen that Jiaozhou has made every effort to implement the "global overall planning".

The "one core leading, three district linkage" points to the core area of the above cooperation demonstration area as the guide, and the Jiaodong Linkong Economic Demonstration Zone, the Quality City Demonstration Zone, and the Rural Revitalization Qilu Model Demonstration Zone are linked to development.

Similarly, the "one nuclear and three zones" are not individuals separated from each other, but a relationship of radiation-driven, integrated interaction and mutual drive, and are close-knit communities of interests and development communities.

Focusing on the "one core" of the core area of the SCO Demonstration Zone, the report clearly states that the national strategies such as the Shenzhen Pioneering Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics and the Pudong Socialist Modernization Leading Zone will be benchmarked, and efforts will be made to "do a good job", "do a good job", "do the United States" and "make a sound", build a core area of the SCO Demonstration Zone with a very "international standard", and lead the province to expand its opening up to the outside world.

It can be said that Jiaozhou has laid the tone for the construction of the core area of the SCO Demonstration Zone, which not only reflects the importance attached to its leading development, but also highlights the concept of "one heart and one direction" with the SCO Demonstration Zone.

Specific to the "three districts", they are the construction of a very "modern model" Jiaodong Linkong Economic Demonstration Zone, a very "dynamic model" quality city demonstration area, and a very "ecological model" rural revitalization Qilu model demonstration area.

Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

Among them, the Jiaodong Linkong Economic Demonstration Zone is the performance of Jiaozhou seizing the opportunity of the new airport and taking advantage of the trend.

The report clearly states that the Jiaodong Linkong Economic Demonstration Zone will accelerate the integrated development of the port industry and city and build a modern ecological smart airport city. Accelerate the drawing of the linkong economy investment map, introduce head enterprises, drive the "waist", extend the "long tail", cultivate and form a goose array cluster, realize the vertical rise and iterative upgrading of the airport industry, and provide strong support for the formation of the northern economic uplift belt of Greater Qingdao.

Similar to the Shanghai Cooperation, the Jiaodong Linkong Economic Demonstration Zone is also expected to become a new round of development "tipping point".

Settle and go. In order to achieve the goal of "global overall planning, one nuclear leadership, and three-region linkage", the report also creatively put forward the "six must adhere": we must adhere to the party's overall leadership; we must adhere to the people-centered; we must adhere to the concept of system; we must adhere to the thinking of upgrading dimensions and implementing the dimension reduction; we must adhere to strictness, meticulousness, and speed; and we must adhere to safe development.

Through these "six must adhere", it can also reflect Jiaozhou's focus on effective needs, not only to hold high and fight high, the overall system layout of the plot, but also to lean down, do more and say less, and pay close attention to the implementation of the work.

The superposition of time and potential, as well as its own initiative, is allowing Jiaozhou to exert "time, place and people" to the extreme, and this undoubtedly sets the tone for Jiaozhou's next rise.

Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

Gather momentum and be strong

The "Jiaozhou Logic" of High-quality Development

Nowadays, the evaluation of a region's development level has long been limited to "hard power" such as economic aggregates, but more importantly, the internal logic of promoting the development of a region.

Entering a new journey, Jiaozhou will clearly "adhere to party building to lead open innovation and reform" to empower high-quality development.

Openness, innovation and reform are not only the existing advantages of Jiaozhou, but also the three focus points for the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the new development concept and the promotion of high-quality development in real work.

First, let's look at openness. Its core is still the SCO Demonstration Zone. The report also mentioned that it is necessary to seize the opportunity of the SCO, promote the development of opening up, and release the vigorous vitality of the modern SCO New Area.

Based on this, Jiaozhou will also accelerate the construction of the "four centers" of international logistics center, modern trade center, two-way investment cooperation center and business, tourism and cultural exchange center, comprehensively enhance the level of opening up of the SCO Demonstration Zone, and then drive Jiaozhou and even Qingdao to achieve a higher level of opening up.

In the context of Qingdao's accelerated construction of a global marine center city, Jiaozhou will also do a good job in land and sea co-ordination. By building a marine cooperation platform, accurately introducing marine emerging industries, deepening marine scientific and technological innovation, and strengthening the protection of marine ecological protection, Qingdao has stepped up to a new level in opening up to the outside world in the marine field.

For Jiaozhou itself, to do a good job in opening up this "homework", it is more necessary to take some targeted measures, such as exploring the establishment of investment promotion committees, building industrial development special classes, aiming at the world's top 500 companies, central enterprises and industry head enterprises, "one industry, one policy" professional investment, capital investment, business investment, accelerate the development of industrial chain, cluster development. Jiaozhou, which is vigorously developing the real economy, makes good use of market logic and capital power, which is undoubtedly the best embodiment of its response to Qingdao's effective demand policy.

In addition, opportunities such as the entry into force of RCEP are also of great significance for Jiaozhou to broaden the "circle of friends" of foreign trade. To this end, Jiaozhou will also guide enterprises to rationally use tariff preferences to open up the markets of member countries, use the accumulated rules of regional origin to optimize the supply chain, formulate attraction plans for key countries such as Japan, South Korea and Germany, and introduce major foreign-funded projects with high industrial level and strong driving force, etc., to promote regional economic development at a higher level.

Let's look at innovation. Innovation is the driving force behind sustainable regional development. In this regard, the airport economy is undoubtedly the "main front".

The report clearly states that innovation is placed in an important position, led by the Jiaodong Linkong Economic Demonstration Zone, demonstration drives global innovation, and promotes the "ten chains in one" of industrial chain, supply chain, innovation chain, design chain, venture capital chain, capital chain, policy chain, talent chain, technology chain, and information chain, and enhances the innovation of economic and social development.

Decomposing this work, it is divided into four aspects, and the first place is to strengthen the innovation platform. The carrier platform carrying the function of innovation is an excellent "portal" for Jiaozhou to show its strength to the world.

Airport Comprehensive Free Trade Zone, through the introduction of leading enterprises in related fields, to promote the airport industry towards the middle and high-end; Jiaodong Metro Station TOD project, will lay out a number of infrastructure facilities, to promote the integration of port industry and city integration; Jiaozhou - Gaomi Lingang Airport Cooperation Zone should focus on the integration and development of Jiaodong Economic Circle.

On the basis of strengthening the high-quality platform, Jiaozhou also takes the consolidation of the foundation of industrial development as the key work. The "four new economies" are the key industrial fields for Qingdao's development, and Jiaozhou has also clearly implemented the "four new" economic cultivation and expansion projects, focusing on the introduction of strategic emerging industry projects with high scientific and technological content, large investment intensity per mu and strong incubation capabilities, and guiding the transformation of platforms such as the Sanlihe Entrepreneurship Incubator and the Peninsula International Science and Technology Innovation Base of the China Academy of Science and Technology Development to specialized science and technology incubation carriers. At the same time, with the help of Haier, CIMC and other leading enterprises, a number of innovation consortiums have been formed.

With the "digital Qingdao" becoming the development strategy promoted at the top of the city, Jiaozhou also proposed to build a digital Jiaozhou, through the construction of digital bases, promote industrial digitalization and digital industrialization, the construction of digital government and digital society, etc., to promote the digital process of the whole region in an all-round and three-dimensional manner.

Of course, the agglomeration of innovation elements is inseparable from talents. Jiaozhou, which is well aware of the important value of talents to regional development, is focusing on creating a talent ecology of "near and far", on the one hand, taking universities as the first position to attract talents, on the other hand, through the construction of China (Shanghai) International Human Resources Industrial Park, building a one-stop service platform for high-level talents, and truly integrating production and talent into practice.

As important as talent is capital. Jiaozhou will accelerate the construction of a capital highland, improve the listing cultivation echelon and reserve system, and promote the listing and financing of enterprises. At the same time, through the development of supply chain finance and the deepening of the construction of a comprehensive reform demonstration zone for inclusive finance, we will fully serve the development of enterprises in the region.

Finally, look at reform. Jiaozhou will adhere to the problem-oriented, goal-oriented, and result-oriented, and through reform to solve problems and solve new problems, so that reform can inject strong momentum into open innovation.

The core of the reform lies in activating the role of "people", and Jiaozhou has also focused on the reform, accurately pointing to the four major aspects of the business environment, key areas, social governance system and agriculture and rural areas.

It is worth mentioning that it is necessary to create a first-class business environment. Previously, Qingdao MunicipalIty's Special Conference on Optimizing the Business Environment mentioned that around the creation of a market-oriented, rule-of-law, and international business environment, focus on the four key areas of convenient work, fair rule of law, strong cost competitiveness, and livability and livability, adhere to the problem-oriented, concrete, project-based, and inventory-oriented to promote the continuous optimization of the business environment.

To this end, Jiaozhou also proposed to deepen process reengineering, improve the "Internet + government services", implement "no sense of approval" and "intelligent approval", continue to promote the reduction of links, materials, costs, and time limits, and consolidate and expand the reform results such as "one thing all done" and "online cross-border registration".

At the same time, through deepening the construction of the rule of law, establishing and improving the mechanism for exempting minor illegal acts from punishment, orderly promoting the resolution of problems left over from the history of enterprises involved, and equally protecting the legitimate rights and interests of market entities in accordance with the law. Deepen the establishment of a credit system, accelerate the promotion and application of financing platforms for small and medium-sized enterprises, implement mechanisms for reporting major untrustworthy cases, and strive to create a demonstration city for the establishment of a credit system in Shandong Province. Strengthen the protection of intellectual property rights, promote the output of high-value patents, and strive to create pilot demonstration counties for the construction of an intellectual property power.

With a better business environment, the agglomeration of various high-quality elements is also a natural success.

Those who do not seek the overall situation are not enough to seek a domain.

Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

In addition to openness, innovation and reform, Jiaozhou also pays attention to the irreplaceable importance of urban renewal in activating effective demand, clearly implements urban renewal and urban construction for three years, and comprehensively improves the quality of urban construction and people's living standards by improving the quality of urban functions, planting a green ecological foundation, enhancing the soft power of urban culture and optimizing the supply of public services.

And the creation of an atmosphere for the development of urban soft power and the release of effective demand will eventually bring about the all-round improvement of Jiaozhou's comprehensive strength, and then truly achieve high-quality development.

The time has come, and the momentum has been made.

When the national strategy converges on the city dream, we look forward to Jiaozhou's new journey of "becoming an important pole supporting Qingdao's high-quality development, creating a new engine for the province's higher level of opening up to the outside world, and building a new platform for international cooperation along the 'Belt and Road'".

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Build a modern SCO New Area! "Jiaozhou of the Times" continues to write a new story of national strategy

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