
Still not relieved? Russian-Austrian runner-up: I want to go home, I am tired of Chinese food, I want to see the medals to find the champion

Beijing time on February 20, Beijing Winter Olympics ushered in the last day of competition, the current ranking of the medal table basically will not have a big change, this Winter Olympics, Norway once again showed its ice and snow power style, they led the way with 16 gold medals, the German team ranked second in the medal table with 12 gold medals, and Norway had a gap of 4 gold medals, and the Chinese team ranked third with 9 gold medals, 4 silver medals and 2 bronze medals. The United States, which ranked fourth, and Sweden, which finished fifth and sixth, both had eight gold medals.

Still not relieved? Russian-Austrian runner-up: I want to go home, I am tired of Chinese food, I want to see the medals to find the champion

Looking back at the Winter Olympics for more than half a month, athletes from all over the world have contributed a wonderful ice and snow feast, but there must be losses and wins in the arena, there are joys and pains, the most painful nature is figure skating women's single skating free skating, the favorite to win the game is naturally the Russian Olympic player Vallieva, but before the game she fell into the anti-drug storm, so the state was greatly affected, in the game she had a serious mistake, and finally did not win the medal, in fact, this game is indeed very painful for Valieva, Because once she gets the medal, it means that there will be no award ceremony in this game, which means that if she gets the medal, the opponent who gets the medal will not be able to get on the podium because of her.

Still not relieved? Russian-Austrian runner-up: I want to go home, I am tired of Chinese food, I want to see the medals to find the champion

In the end, the Russian and Austrian players won the gold and silver medals, Serbakova won the championship, Trusova won the runner-up, but for the Russian team they had no time to celebrate, because the runner-up winner Trusova did not win the gold medal and had an emotional breakdown, on the other side, Valieva, who did not win the medal, was also on the verge of collapse, the coaches were busy for the comfort of the two children, so the champion Serbakova wanted to celebrate but felt that it was not appropriate to celebrate at this time, so she simply sat alone in a daze. I have to say that such a scene is so painful!

Still not relieved? Russian-Austrian runner-up: I want to go home, I am tired of Chinese food, I want to see the medals to find the champion
Still not relieved? Russian-Austrian runner-up: I want to go home, I am tired of Chinese food, I want to see the medals to find the champion

However, several days later, Trusova still could not let go, in the face of the domestic media interview about the award ceremony immediately after the silver medal, Trusova said: After the ceremony I took it off, because Serbakova will come to show her championship medal. For Trusova, the Beijing Winter Olympics was indeed his sad place, so she was eager to leave, but because there was an exhibition match on the last match day, she could only wait in torment, she told reporters bitterly: "I hope it is in Moscow now, I am tired of the food in this place, I do not eat Chinese food, I can only try to eat some neutral food." It can be seen that Trusova is still in a situation where she cannot let go of her lack of gold medal.

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