
Tesla accident caused traffic police to die, should self-driving cars carry the pot?

Science Fiction Network, May 18 (Kang Wenying) Since the Shanghai Auto Show rights protection incident, the "Tesla accident" has been constantly on the hot search. Yesterday, a Tesla sedan on the 104 West Double Line Viaduct of Luoyang Street, Taizhou Road Bridge, Zhejiang Province, collided with two traffic police officers who were dealing with traffic accidents, resulting in two traffic police officers being injured. Today's latest news, one of the traffic policemen has unfortunately died in the line of duty. The video showed two traffic police officers on the viaduct falling to the ground and the front of a black Tesla sedan damaged.

Tesla accident caused traffic police to die, should self-driving cars carry the pot?

The police in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, reported that after the rescue of two traffic police officers injured in the "5.17" traffic accident on the road and bridge, one traffic policeman was out of danger of life, but the other traffic policeman unfortunately died in the line of duty.

Tesla accident caused traffic police to die, should self-driving cars carry the pot?

Tesla responded to the accident and issued the "Information Note on the Taizhou Collision Accident", saying: We will fully cooperate with the investigation work of the relevant departments, and we will no longer disclose information until the results of the accident investigation are announced.

Tesla accident caused traffic police to die, should self-driving cars carry the pot?

It is reported that Tesla owners can spend $10,000 to buy a fully autonomous driving (FSD) kit, so as to obtain automatic lane changes, adjust the speed and other functions, which is also a major selling point of Tesla cars, but due to the recent high-profile traffic accidents, the California Municipal Motor Vehicles Administration (DMV) is investigating whether Tesla has exaggerated publicity to illegally mislead consumers in "full self-driving" technology.

A DMV spokesperson said, "California regulations prohibit companies from advertising a car for sale or lease as autonomous unless the car meets the statutory and regulatory definitions of a self-driving car and the company has to hold a deployment license." At the moment, Tesla has not responded.

It is understood that some netizens have said that Tesla has appeared in the "new car needs to be tested" news, Tesla explained that this is the recently started pilot "delivery day car owner lecture hall" activity, the activity will not be mandatory for car owners to participate, there is no score requirement, there is no restriction on the owner to pick up the car.

The relevant person in charge of Tesla said, "We just added an interactive link with the owner to strengthen the education of vehicle use." This is the same as our explanations, test drives, etc. before the purchase of the vehicle, but the education is being strengthened in the vehicle delivery process. Earlier, Tesla's global vice president Tao Lin also said in an interview: "In the use of vehicles, it is necessary to strengthen consumer education, such as cooperation with driving schools or transportation departments."

Tesla traffic accidents continue to be hot and continue to be concerned by society, a large part of the reason is still due to automatic driving. The concept of self-driving cars has been mentioned as early as the last century, and it has appeared frequently in many science fiction works, such as in Iron Man, where Tony Stark completely let go of the car driving.

Self-driving cars rely on artificial intelligence, visual computing, radar, surveillance devices, and gps systems to navigate the road ahead, and can drive the vehicle autonomously and safely without any human operation through a computer.

However, our current self-driving cars are still different from Iron Man's self-driving cars, and the main difference is that we do not have super artificial intelligence similar to Stark's family.

Tesla accident caused traffic police to die, should self-driving cars carry the pot?

Although self-driving cars are becoming more and more practical, the debate about the safety of autonomous driving has never stopped, and some people believe that self-driving cars can provide a safe rest time for tired drivers, and can reduce the more tragic results caused by human panic when traffic accidents occur.

However, some people have also raised questions that once an accident occurs, in the absence of a two-way solution, whether the self-driving car will give priority to protecting the owner of the car, or give priority to protecting passers-by, as well as the safety and security of the self-driving car, whether the computer on the command of the car will be hacked and so on.

There is no doubt that self-driving cars, as the product of scientific and technological progress, are completely in line with the trend of the times, and they will bring development and change to society. But those skepticism about the safety of self-driving cars isn't unfounded.

In fact, as early as 2016, Tesla Motors in the United States confirmed that an S-type electric car produced by the company crashed in the automatic driving mode, resulting in the death of the driver, which is also the first traffic fatality accident involving the autopilot function of the car in the United States.

Recently, in addition to the Tesla accident in Zhejiang, China, on May 16, there was also a Tesla traffic accident in California, usa, and the driver Steven Hendricks unfortunately died, causing another person to be seriously injured. It is understood that Hendricks was a Tesla car enthusiast before his death, and has repeatedly praised Tesla's automatic assisted driving function on social media.

However, whether the accident was caused by autopilot is still in a conclusive state, because the California Highway Patrol (CHP) has reported that Tesla's auto-assisted driving function (Auto pilot) was "enabled" before the accident, but then changed its mouth the next day, saying that "Tesla's driving mode has not yet been finalized."

Tesla's driving safety problems are still in the stage of investigation, but the company's monthly sales have been greatly reduced, Tesla Model 3 sales in March was 25327 vehicles, while April sales were 6264 vehicles, the comparison is obvious. Tesla's stock has also caused turmoil, according to the news, a well-known U.S. investor, the movie "Big Short" prototype Michael Burry (Michael Burry) led a company on Monday disclosed a short position against Tesla, according to his filing with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), Bury short more than 800,000 shares of Tesla stock by the end of the first quarter, with a total value of $534 million.

On May 17, Tesla shares fell 5 percent, narrowing slightly by the close, at 2.19 percent at $576.83.

Tesla accident caused traffic police to die, should self-driving cars carry the pot?

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