
Still not letting go? Trusova just wants to go home: tired of Chinese food! Look for the medals and go to Sherbakova

On February 19, Beijing time, Russian figure skating star Trusova was interviewed by domestic media. In the interview, "Sasha" still seems not to get rid of the frustration of not winning the women's singles gold medal at the Winter Olympics.

Still not letting go? Trusova just wants to go home: tired of Chinese food! Look for the medals and go to Sherbakova

At the figure skating women's singles award ceremony, although Trusova, who had previously resisted the silver medal, finally chose to take the podium to present the award, she immediately took the silver medal after the ceremony. In response to this controversial act, Trusova said: "Yes, I took the silver medal! I took it off as soon as the award ceremony was over. In a moment Anya (Sherbakova) will come over and she will show you her medals. ”

Still not letting go? Trusova just wants to go home: tired of Chinese food! Look for the medals and go to Sherbakova

Due to the task of participating in the exhibition match, Trusova could not return to Russia early like her teammate Vallieva. Trusova was already homesick: "Due to jet lag, people now live without nights. I call them morning and evening, and I wish I were in Moscow now. I'm tired of the food in this place, I don't eat Chinese food, I can only try to eat some neutral food. ”

Still not letting go? Trusova just wants to go home: tired of Chinese food! Look for the medals and go to Sherbakova

In the previous figure skating women's singles competition, Trusova performed well, completing 5 four-way jumps in the free skate, but even so, she still lost to her teammate "Qianjin" Sherbakova, ranking second. After the game, dissatisfied with winning the silver medal, she once broke down in anger and rushed away, and even the coach could not stop her. Performing well but missing the gold medal, it is no wonder that the young Trusova has been unable to let go of the results of the competition for a long time, and can't wait to leave this sad place and return to her loved ones.

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