
Mbappe was dissatisfied with Paris's eccentric behavior, spearheading or pointing directly at Messine Shao, and Real Madrid abandoned the water to become a demonstration

Although Paris Saint-Germain, backed by a big tree, has given Mbappe one lure super contract after another, but so far, the players have not been moved. At the same time, the French media "Team Newspaper" exposed that Kylian players such as Mbappe were very dissatisfied with the privileges enjoyed by some South American players in the first half of this season. Mbappe even doubted whether the management of The Greater Paris had the ability and courage to manage and even punish these South American stars with bad behavior such as being late for training. Remember that after entering 2022, the eccentric operation that allows some South American stars to enjoy privileges has not changed at all. Therefore, the "Team Newspaper" bluntly said that if Paris really wants to retain mbappe, the most expensive in today's football, then it should stop the eccentric behavior of allowing some South American stars to enjoy privileges in daily life.

Mbappe was dissatisfied with Paris's eccentric behavior, spearheading or pointing directly at Messine Shao, and Real Madrid abandoned the water to become a demonstration

Although the Team Newspaper did not reveal who the South American stars who caused mbappe and others to be dissatisfied were, the answer is not difficult to guess, because there are enough coffee seats for the management of Grand Paris to give a "no-blame pass" to the South American stars. First of all, veterans like Di Maria, The Greater Paris is not willing to make consecutive contracts, let alone give privileged treatment; then like Icardi and Paredes, stars in semi-rotating roles are also difficult to get enough attention, of which the former is closer to the transfer. Therefore, after this screening, it is not difficult to find that those who can get privileges from the management and thus cause dissatisfaction among Legal players such as Mbappe are limited to Messi, Neymar and Marchinhos.

Mbappe was dissatisfied with Paris's eccentric behavior, spearheading or pointing directly at Messine Shao, and Real Madrid abandoned the water to become a demonstration

In fact, in addition to Markey, Messi and Neymar have indeed been exposed to have made teammates dissatisfied this season. On the part of Messi, on the night of winning the Golden Globe award and collecting "7 golden pearls", he held a private party, and the next day he missed training because of "gastroenteritis". At that time, in the eyes of many players, Boss Mei was purely due to attending the party, resulting in no rest, and "gastroenteritis" was just an excuse for leave. Neymar was even more serious in this regard, attending parties during his recovery, too much participation in commercial activities, and delaying his return to the team, which had previously been criticized by Parisian star Roten, and even brought Leonardo in, saying that he was not a qualified sports director. Therefore, the management method of eccentric behavior in Greater Paris is indeed difficult to convince the public, and it is even more difficult to make the team full of cohesion.

Mbappe was dissatisfied with Paris's eccentric behavior, spearheading or pointing directly at Messine Shao, and Real Madrid abandoned the water to become a demonstration

In this regard, Real Madrid under the helm of Fu Ye is the benchmark of the industry, and the abandonment of Ramos is the latest demonstration. Whether it is past contributions, locker room status or on-field strength, Shui Ye is undoubtedly still at the top level. But even so, Fu Ye still refused to give privileges, refusing to break the tradition of 1 year and 1 signing for players over 30 years old. Although this approach has made the team bear a cold-blooded insult, under such a demonstration operation, Real Madrid, from a rising star to a veteran, will abide by the rules of the team more, because they understand that no one can be above the club. But in contrast, in Greater Paris, those South American stars who have repeatedly broken the rules do not think so.

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