
Water Lord, all that awaits you is cheers! Reporter: Ramos is worried that the Champions League will be booed by Real Madrid fans!

La Liga giants Galaxy Battleship Real Madrid, in this summer's transfer market, although they did not bring in the French supernova Mbappe as desired, but they completely let Vinicius the Pooh explode after welcoming back coach Ancelotti, and Benzema also changed the true color of the back pot man, showing the ability of the top forwards in football, under their leadership, the Galaxy battleships in all competitions soared, not only in the league table far ahead, the Champions League also advanced to the knockout round with the first place in the group, But in this season's Champions League quarter-group draw ceremony, Real Madrid has become the biggest victim.

After the first draw of Benfica is not counted, after the re-draw, Real Madrid's opponents are replaced by the most difficult Ligue 1 giants in the recognized second group, Paris Saint-Germain, this group of duels is undoubtedly the most concerned in the quarter-finals, of which before the start of the new season, the meritorious captain Ramos who left the Bernabeu, will play against the old club Real Madrid in the Champions League is one of the biggest highlights, according to the Spanish media "RMC" reporter Fred Hermel, Ramos had mixed emotions when he learned that he would face real Madrid, and he was afraid of being booed by Real Madrid fans at the Bernabeu, but many Real Madrid fans said that what awaited Shui Ye would be applause and cheers!

Water Lord, all that awaits you is cheers! Reporter: Ramos is worried that the Champions League will be booed by Real Madrid fans!

For fans familiar with Real Madrid and Ramos, it is clear that Mizuya is not a star cultivated by the Galaxy themselves, Ramos from the Sevilla youth training system, after Sevilla became famous, he joined Real Madrid in 27 million euros in 2005, and he became the public enemy of Sevilla fans, and every time he challenged Sevilla away with Real Madrid, Ramos would always be booed and mocked by the fans.

And the process of leaving the Galaxy this summer is not very friendly, Real Madrid hopes that he can cut his salary sharply and sign a short contract with the team, while Ramos hopes to sign a long contract, and in the end, both sides are unwilling to make huge concessions and can only choose to part ways.

Water Lord, all that awaits you is cheers! Reporter: Ramos is worried that the Champions League will be booed by Real Madrid fans!

But I believe that the vast majority of fans will still regard Ramos as the greatest captain in the history of the team, after all, in his sixteen seasons with the Galaxy, he has helped the team to win a lot of honors, including four heavy Champions League trophies, of which as the most famous knife-bearing guard in football today, Ramos can not only give the team great help on the defensive end, but also turn the tide on the offensive end many times, and his contribution to the team will not be forgotten by real Real Madrid fans.

And fans will also understand Ramos's demands for his and Real Madrid's contract extension, after all, this contract is likely to be the last big contract of his career, from an economic point of view, there is no problem in choosing Paris Saint-Germain with a higher offer, and when the two sides break up, they do not completely tear their faces, which makes Ramos will not become the object of hatred of Real Madrid fans.

Water Lord, all that awaits you is cheers! Reporter: Ramos is worried that the Champions League will be booed by Real Madrid fans!

In the history of Real Madrid, there are too many stars who dedicate the peak of their careers to the Bernabeu, but choose to leave at the end of their careers, they all feel the love of the Galacticos fans when they return to the Bernabeu as opponents, just like when C Ronaldo joined Juventus, when he returned to the Bernabeu to watch the ball, he was greeted by applause, I believe Ramos will also have such treatment!

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