
2 people leave the team with 0 transfer fees! Paris 400 million euros trident, only Neymar recovered 100 million, too much loss

author:The beacon fired

Rumours come true, two of Paris Saint-Germain's tridents will say goodbye to the Magic Flute Stadium with zero transfer fees! This news is really shocking and has also sparked heated discussions among fans.

Paris Saint-Germain has been in the spotlight since the formation of the super-luxurious "Trident". Neymar, Kylian Mbappe and Messi, the three top superstars of world football, have come together to look forward to their wonderful performances on the pitch. However, as the news broke, fans couldn't help but wonder why such a luxurious team performed so badly in the transfer market?

2 people leave the team with 0 transfer fees! Paris 400 million euros trident, only Neymar recovered 100 million, too much loss

Let's take a look at Neymar, the Brazilian star. As a member of Paris Saint-Germain, Neymar has been in the spotlight, and the news of his departure is undoubtedly one of the highlights of this sensational event. It is reported that Neymar will return to Barcelona in the form of a zero transfer fee, which is undoubtedly a loss that Paris Saint-Germain cannot afford. Paris Saint-Germain spent as much as 222 million euros on the introduction of Neymar, and now it is undoubtedly a big surprise to leave the team with zero transfer fee.

And another star who has left the team, Mbappe, is also in the spotlight. As a representative of the new generation of French football, the addition of Mbappe once brought infinite hope to Paris Saint-Germain. However, as time went on, the news of Mbappe's departure also became a reality. Although the exact whereabouts have not yet been confirmed, the news of the departure from the club for a zero transfer fee is shocking enough.

2 people leave the team with 0 transfer fees! Paris 400 million euros trident, only Neymar recovered 100 million, too much loss

In this departure turmoil, Messi's stay has become the focus of fans' attention. As one of the greatest players in football history, Messi's whereabouts will cause an uproar. Whether he will choose to leave PSG, or whether he will choose to stay, is a question of great curiosity.

However, what is even more shocking is that even Paris Saint-Germain, with such a luxurious squad, has failed to make the desired gains in the transfer market. It is reported that Neymar alone, Paris Saint-Germain can only recover 100 million euros, which is far lower than the original investment. Such a transfer result is undoubtedly a sigh of relief.

2 people leave the team with 0 transfer fees! Paris 400 million euros trident, only Neymar recovered 100 million, too much loss

Perhaps, the enlightenment of this incident is that football is not just a game of money, but also requires team cooperation, management wisdom and player fighting spirit. A team full of individual heroism may not be able to achieve brilliant results on the field. Only by uniting and supporting each other can we win more honors.

Let's look forward to seeing how PSG perform in the future and hope they can learn from this setback and bounce back to great heights!

2 people leave the team with 0 transfer fees! Paris 400 million euros trident, only Neymar recovered 100 million, too much loss

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