
The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

author:Don't gossip will be a dead star man

Now the showbiz traffic is dominant, and the acting skills of "small fresh meat" are urgent. The corresponding "old drama bone" seems to be synonymous with the guarantee of acting skills and dedication, but in fact, they also have times to overturn.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Wang Qingxiang, who once won the title of film emperor, is a typical example, and the fact that he does not recite his lines was hammered by another actor, Liu Mintao, who personally went down to the scene.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

When Wang Qingxiang and Liu Mintao had worked together on "The Great Song Ti Criminal Officer 2", Liu Mintao said bluntly in the post-play interview: "Taking this play, my loss is too great!" ”

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

The reason is that the male number one of this play does not memorize lines at all, and even needs to be reminded step by step by the assistant director, as the female number one, she is completely bad at playing in such an atmosphere.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated
The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

At that time, the male number one of "Great Song Ti Criminal Officer 2" was not the old drama bone Wang Qingxiang, and under the reporter's questioning, Liu Mintao did not shy away from admitting that it was him.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Immediately after that, she exposed the material again, saying that Wang Qingxiang did not speak directly when there was no close-up of his mouth. Even when the play was not yet finished, he sent the script back to Beijing and borrowed the script everywhere on the set.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Wang Qingxiang did not come forward to deny such a name-calling criticism, and almost confirmed these news. When "Da Song Ti Criminal Officer 2" was broadcast, it was also because of the poor dubbing, and the lip type that did not match the voice at all, and the word of mouth hit the street.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

In fact, The fact that Wang Qingxiang could not memorize his lines was known in the industry, and Liu Heping, who had cooperated with him in "No War in Peiping", also stamped it, and even felt relieved that he did not delay the camera because he forgot his words.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Acting for many years without memorizing lines, in a play to do the actor's share of things is worthy of praise? The seniority filter of the showbiz circle is indeed deep, and things such as "not memorizing lines and having a loose attitude" are placed on the current young actors, and it is estimated that they have attracted a lot of insults.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated
The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Not only did Wang Qingxiang's dedicated and diligent people collapse, but even tang Guoqiang, the bone of the play, also overturned the car because of a tidbit on the set.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

When Tang Guoqiang filmed "The Great Cause of Building the People's Republic", he took the audience to appreciate what is called a "real teleprompter". The crew specially arranged a staff member for him to read his next line off the camera, and Tang Guoqiang immediately followed the script and read it.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

If Tang Guoqiang can't remember complex lines because he is old, it is forgivable to need assistant reminders, but Teacher Tang's habit of not remembering words is really not an accidental event, but a problem left over from history.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Once in the "Spit Conference", Wang Gang clearly ridiculed Tang Guoqiang's bad habit of "needing a word of teleprompter". As early as 2007, in the drama "The King of Nanyue", Tang Guoqiang played Qin Shi Huang and Wang Gang played Zhao Gao. On the set, Wang Gang found that Tang Guoqiang's acting was not ordinary, and someone actually telephoned for him on the spot.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

No wonder the emperor and leading figures played by Tang Guoqiang are so calm, because he does not have the problem of "forgetting words" and is completely calm.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Therefore, don't use your age to cover up this kind of disrespectful behavior, Chen Baoguo, who is also over the age of flower armor, can also engrave "dedication" in his bones. When filming, he privately did his lines and homework well, and he did not have to take the script smoothly on the set, and even often memorized each other's lines.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated
The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

There are many veteran actors who are as dedicated as Chen Baoguo, but there are also many actors with the title of "drama bones", and there is no "drama bones". Liu Hua, who played the Dao Brother in "Crazy Stone", was revealed to have completely memorized words and played big cards when he went to the rehearsal of the acting show with young actors.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

To quote a passage that Wang Jinsong once angrily criticized young actors: "For actors, memorizing lines is the gun you go to the battlefield." "On the filming "battlefield", but your attitude is scattered and unprepared, you also need people around you to hand over "guns", which is very outrageous.

The old drama bone also does not memorize lines, Tang Guoqiang relies on assistant teleprompters, and Wang Qingxiang is criticized by Liu Mintao for not being dedicated

Whether it is a young actor or a senior actor, memorizing good lines is the basis of acting, and not preparing this "gun" is a manifestation of disrespect, and no matter how well the play is, it will be criticized.

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