
Su Yiminggu Ai Ling's secret to win the championship is revealed! Divide a third of the medals, many stars "confess"

The 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics are coming to an end, and following the completion of short-track speed skating and freestyle skiing aerial skills, snowboarding, freestyle ski slope obstacle courses and U-shaped venues have also come to a successful end. Wu Dajing, Xu Mengtao, Qi Guangpu, Fan Kexin, Ren Ziwei, etc., the Olympic champions of the Chinese team, have become the "hit list" figures in the domestic sports world during this time. But in terms of popularity and number of topics, there are two young players who seem to be more dazzling, they are the two supernova Gu Ailing and Su Yiming who emerged from the Chinese ski team. After the two men got 3 gold and 2 silver, many people exclaimed that Su Yiming and Gu Ailing's medals were added to one-third of the number of medals in the Chinese team.

Su Yiminggu Ai Ling's secret to win the championship is revealed! Divide a third of the medals, many stars "confess"

This Winter Olympics is the first Olympic trip of Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, but it has brought the biggest surprise to everyone. The former won gold medals in the women's U-shaped course and ski jumping event, while the latter won the snowboard men's big jump final, and if it were not for the referee's misjudgment, he might have won two gold medals. Gu Ailing and Su Yiming can usher in a new peak of their careers at the Beijing Winter Olympics, inseparable from their hard work off the field. Netizens posted a video of Su Yiming training during the 2020 epidemic on social media, which quickly became the focus of everyone's discussion.

Su Yiminggu Ai Ling's secret to win the championship is revealed! Divide a third of the medals, many stars "confess"

From the video, although the epidemic caused the training to be interrupted, Su Yiming used the only leisure equipment in the community to practice skiing. Many netizens said, "The champion is really not something that can be reached out" and "those who work hard can become a training ground anywhere". Gu Ailing, who shined in the Winter Olympics, also went through "a thousand hammers and hundreds of refinements" to achieve positive results. In the early years, in order to save more time, she completed all the credits a year in advance and immersed herself in snow sports technical and physical training. After a full day of training, she had to add a night shift to make up for the cultural class, and finally got the acceptance letter of the overseas famous school in advance.

Su Yiminggu Ai Ling's secret to win the championship is revealed! Divide a third of the medals, many stars "confess"

The phrase "heroes from ancient times to teenagers" is the best interpretation of Su Yiming and Gu Ailing. Interestingly, as children, Su Yiming and Gu Ailing established a deep friendship. Participating in the Winter Olympics together and winning gold medals together, this is a sister-brother combination in the Chinese skiing industry, which has become a landscape in the Beijing Winter Olympic Games. It is worth mentioning that after Gu Ailing won the gold medal in the freestyle ski U-shaped field, she also specially sent birthday wishes to Su Yiming at the post-race press conference. Gu Ailing smiled and said that he wished Xiaoming a happy birthday, and now that they are both 18 years old, they can no longer treat Su Yiming as a child. This remark made all the reporters laugh.

Su Yiminggu Ai Ling's secret to win the championship is revealed! Divide a third of the medals, many stars "confess"

After winning the Olympic championship, Gu Ailing and Su Yiming's popularity index and attention soared, and even made the world's sports stars "haunted by dreams". Bolt, the men's 100-meter champion in athletics at the Beijing Olympics and the London Olympic Games, also specially posted on his personal social platform to congratulate Gu Ailing on winning the gold; basketball superstar Garnett also paid attention to Gu Ailing's relevant accounts on social media. Some netizens joked, "Gu Ailing can be called the top figure in the world sports world this season." On the occasion of her 18th birthday, Su Yiming received the affectionate singing of many Olympic champions in front of the camera, including Wu Dajing, Gao Tingyu, Xu Mengtao, Qi Guangpu and so on. Many netizens said bluntly, "The two 18-year-old youngsters are already winners in life"!

(Luo Treasurer)

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