
"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?

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Today, Chinese teenager Gu Ailing completed the final of his three competitions at the Beijing Winter Olympics, the U-shaped venue skills final. Successfully winning the gold medal, she handed over the bright report card of "two gold and one silver" for this Winter Olympic Games. Today also happens to be the 18th birthday of Su Yiming, China's youngest Winter Olympic champion. Gu Ailing and Su Yiming, two talented teenagers who are also 18 years old, became famous at the Beijing Winter Olympics, and their growth experience has also triggered heated discussions on the Internet and caused a wave of learning about family education. So, can the "path of genius" be copied?

"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?
"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?

Gu Ailing, who is only 18 years old, is the Beijing Winter Olympics freestyle ski women's U-shaped track skill champion, freestyle ski women's big jump champion, freestyle ski women's slope obstacle course runner-up winner, known as a ski genius, she also has Stanford "school bully", fashion industry "darling" and other labels. Su Yiming, who is also only 18 years old, also performed very eye-catchingly at the Winter Olympics, winning the gold medal in the men's big jump in snowboarding and the silver medal in the men's slope obstacle course for snowboarding. He also starred in several films before choosing to become a skier. As representatives of post-00 athletes, Gu Ailing and Su Yiming are not only strong in strength, talent, good personality, and excellent results, but also have enviable confidence and frankness.

"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?
"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?

While becoming one of the "national idols", Gu Ailing and Su Yiming were praised by many netizens as "other people's children". Not only do they have a unique personal growth experience, but family education has also played a very important role in their transformation. In the documentary "Juvenile Chronicles", two skiing "genius" mothers also shared their views on parenting.

"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?
"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?
"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?
"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?

The growth story behind the "genius teenager" has also given many parents new inspiration.

"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?

Whether it is Gu Ailing, Su Yiming, or the previous poetry talent Wu Yishu, Peking University mathematics genius Wei Dongyi, whenever there is a "genius teenager" or "someone else's child" around them, there are always many parents who seriously study the family education stories of "geniuses" and try to summarize one or two parenting scriptures or success codes that can be copied from them. So, can the "genius" parenting treasure book be copied and promoted?

As experts say, family education is diverse and personalized, and needs to be tailored to the characteristics of the child. So, how can parents discover their children's talents and personalities? Experts suggest that parents should learn to care for their children's interests and not judge the child's growth direction with utilitarian goals.

"Other people's children" Gu Ailing Su Yiming Can the "Road of Genius" be copied?

Whether it is Gu Ailing or Su Yiming, their family education has one thing in common, that is, "not aim-oriented", but let the children grow up in a relatively relaxed environment with sufficient support and respect. There are many directions in life, your child does not need to be the next genius champion, let the child become themselves, is the best family education.

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