
Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

In the Winter Olympics figure skating women's singles free skating, Trusova challenged the extreme difficulty, Sherbakova showed unparalleled artistic performance, but Waliyeva was completely out of order "under pressure". Trusova's anger, Walyeva's collapse, and Serbakova's loneliness after winning the championship make people see a "farce"!

Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

Before the Start of the Winter Olympics, "Hexagon Warrior" Vallieva was the biggest favorite to win the title. In the team competition, Vallieva conquered everyone with a perfect performance and helped the Russian and Austrian teams win the team championship as desired.

But the bad news followed, Valieva was deeply involved in the "doping" storm, although after a 7-hour hearing was allowed to continue to compete, but a shackle has firmly restrained Vallieva.

Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

The IOC said That Vallieva would not hold an award ceremony if she made it into the top three. As a result, after Sherbakova and Trusova occupied the first and second places, Vallieva, who debuted in the finale, staged a rare collapse performance, and a number of "mistakes" were presented to the world.

Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

After the game, Vallieva, who had just come off the field, was also questioned by coach Etri Tutezer: What's wrong with you? Why did you give up? Can you explain it to me? At the equal fraction, Vallieva completely collapsed, covered her face and wept, and a sentence was even more defensive: "At least the award ceremony will not be canceled." ”

Vallieva knows that if she does not enter the top three, she will let her teammates enjoy the glory of receiving the award. The winner Serbakova and runner-up Trusova will receive her medals and will participate in the subsequent performance skates.

Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

The heartbroken Vallieva has left the Beijing Winter Olympic Village today and returned to Moscow, Russia, and there are still a series of troubles waiting for her. Vallieva needs to open the B bottle for a second examination, can she prove her innocence? Or is it difficult to change the end of the ban and deprivation of the team gold medal?

Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

Many people sympathized with Vallieva's plight, and some attacked. As president of the International Olympic Committee, Bach expressed concern about Vallieva, saying he understood the enormous mental pressure on the 15-year-old girl.

Bach criticized the people around K Po: "What makes me very uncomfortable is that I saw her entourage (coach, team leader) on TV acting indifferent and not giving her comfort, I have been thinking about this last night, I hope her family and friends can accompany her through the most difficult times." 」 ”

Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

In fact, not only the 15-year-old Vallieva had an emotional breakdown, But Trusova also appeared extremely angry and desperate after the game, crying into tears, she did not understand why no matter how hard she tried, even if she jumped out of the extreme difficulty, she did not win any major competitions in these 3 years?

Heartbroken! Valieva returned to Russia today, and Bach expressed his dissatisfaction and approved the coach for K Bao

Watching her teammates crying, Sherbakova, who should have been happy to win the Olympic championship, did not dare to celebrate for a while, silently alone, she also relied on her own hard work, overcame the difficulties of injury and temporary shoe change to win this championship, what is wrong with her? Competitive sports may be so cruel, sour, sweet and bitter, let people look at the five tastes!

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