
Cross-border participation in the Winter Olympics, he witnessed the moment when Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won the championship!

On the morning of February 18, China's Gu Ailing won another Winter Olympic gold medal in the women's U-shaped track skill competition in freestyle skiing. This day is also the 18th birthday of Su Yiming, who has just become China's youngest Winter Olympic champion. Two young skiers won a total of 3 gold and 2 silver at the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics, two of which were won at the Shougang Ski Jump. At this venue, a Beijing traffic person witnessed the moment when Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won the championship. He is Qian Yucheng, a teacher in the Basic Department of Beijing Transportation Vocational College.

Cross-border participation in the Winter Olympics, he witnessed the moment when Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won the championship!

Invited by the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic and Paralympic Winter Games Organizing Committee, Qian Yucheng served as the Domestic Technical Officer (NTO) for snowboard and freestyle projects, and officially entered the closed loop on January 21, 2022, as the head of sports equipment for the Shougang Big Jumping Platform Referee Team.

Cross-border participation in the Winter Olympics, he witnessed the moment when Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won the championship!

As a veteran ice and snow sports enthusiast, Qian Yucheng has always paid attention to and participated in various ice and snow sports. He is found in all major snow fields in Beijing. The transition from ski enthusiast to competition technical officer is a surprise for Qian Yucheng, "The technical officer team includes former world champions, professional athletes, and teachers engaged in teaching ice and snow projects. It can be said that they are all the best among sports practitioners, and as a physical education teacher in ordinary colleges and universities, it is really exciting and exciting to be able to participate in an international event like the Winter Olympics. ”

From the beginning of entering the closed loop, Qian Yucheng provoked the beam and led a domestic technical official and two volunteers to form a sports equipment management team, mainly docking the infrastructure of shougang big jump, secondary plastic foreign experts and NTO team departments in three fields. "The big jumping competition involves a large variety of equipment, strong professionalism, a total of more than 150 kinds of materials, only the snow rake used in the shape of the snow trail has more than 10 kinds. After entering the post, we carried out business learning for the first time and communicated with various departments. ”

Cross-border participation in the Winter Olympics, he witnessed the moment when Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won the championship!

Qian Yucheng said that in the closed loop, every day is full and exciting, business training and department work are intertwined, competition sand table simulation and full staff drills alternate, every day will find new situations, every day to solve new problems, again and again communication and coordination, time and time again optimization and polishing, again and again to stick to pay, just to present the best competition to the world.

Entering the stage of the game, Phi Xing Dai Yue has long been the norm of life. The high-intensity work makes Qian Yucheng tired, but he enjoys the busy enrichment even more, "In the face of this special event under the epidemic, everyone has only one belief in their hearts, excellence, foolproof to ensure the complete success of the competition, and practice the Olympic spirit of 'faster, higher, stronger and more united' with practical actions." ”

Cross-border participation in the Winter Olympics, he witnessed the moment when Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won the championship!

"Happy New Year for Mom and Dad!" I miss my mother's spicy chicken and my father's cumin lamb, and I'll make up for it when I get home! Chinese New Year's Eve night, Qian Yucheng sent New Year wishes to his family through video, although he could not go home for the New Year, but serving in the Winter Olympics made him unforgettable and worthwhile. Qian Yucheng said, "We arrived at the Beijing Winter Olympic Games on January 21 for pre-match preparations, coupled with last year's initiative to respond to the epidemic prevention and control in situ New Year, this year is the second Spring Festival I spent abroad." ”

"It's not just Chinese New Year's Eve, during the Spring Festival, we are all on the field every day to prepare for the competition." Qian Yucheng recalled, "Because we had to conduct a full-staff simulation drill at that time, we Chinese New Year's Eve only ate dumplings in the hotel cafeteria, and although this year was simple, it was of great significance to all of our staff involved in the event." ”

Now, the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics veneer and freestyle big jumping platform projects have been completed, recalling this more than a month of work experience, Qian Yucheng used "very unforgettable, very proud, very excited" to describe. "Here, I had the privilege of witnessing the moment when Gu Ailing and Su Yiming won the championship, and when they landed steadily, the whole staff, regardless of nationality, cheered together, the five-star red flag flew high, every Chinese was surging with blood in their hearts, and the national pride that came out of nowhere stirred in the chest cavity." Qian Yucheng sighed that he truly felt the strength of the motherland on the field!

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