
When a gentleman meets a villain

author:Linyi wind chimes
When a gentleman meets a villain

Today, when we were chatting, some people said that it is better to offend a gentleman than a villain. Why? A gentleman is open-minded and open-minded, and does not count personal grievances. The villain is different, he will be blind and will be rewarded, like a shadow, and will rectify you when he catches the opportunity. In this way, the life of the villain seems to be much better than that of the gentleman. When I think about it, I can't help but be indignant.

When a gentleman meets a villain

As a gentleman, he must be of high character and act in a dignified manner, but he suffers from these insolent spirits for no reason. In the face of vested interests, the little people who harm others and benefit themselves are not polite, and it is the norm to take more and take more, and all they encroach on is the interests of gentlemen.

Just because this society is so profit-seeking and avoiding harm, it does not want to offend villains, for fear of affecting itself. As a result, the interests of the gentleman are damaged, and the villain is more rampant. The more and more villains, the social atmosphere is getting worse and worse.

A gentleman has bitterness that cannot be said, in the long run, who is still willing to be a gentleman? The overall quality of society is slowly reduced, and no one is willing to be a gentleman, thus falling into a vicious circle. No wonder Qu Yuan sighed in desperation, and everyone was drunk and woke up alone! No wonder Tao Yuanming would live in seclusion in Nanshan and pick beans and plant chrysanthemums. In the "Table of Renunciation", Zhuge Liang once exhorted the emperor to "kiss the gentleman and stay away from the villain", all of which was a resentment of the villain and a respect and desire for the gentleman.

When a gentleman meets a villain

From ancient times to modern times, the standards of gentlemen are generally the same, gentlemen must have both moral integrity and ability, be polite and polite, do something and do nothing, reach the world at the same time, and be poor and be good at themselves, which is the ideal personality that has been pursued Chinese for more than two thousand years. The Analects also describes a gentleman: "A gentleman is a righteous man, and a villain is a benefit." (Analects of Li Ren) "Righteousness" is "appropriateness", that is to say, the path taken by a gentleman is always a suitable and correct path.

When a gentleman meets a villain

Villains, on the other hand, are bent on self-interest, and are easily driven by their own selfish interests to embark on the evil road. Villains like to stir up dissension, and for some purpose, they can use the divisive method to provoke feelings between colleagues to create their discord, so as to profit from it. I also like to pat myself on the back, which is not necessarily small, but it is easy to say bad things about others because of being favored. Prefer yang to yin and yang, say one set and do one set. Then there are those who like to step on the blood of others, that is, use others to open the way for them. Falling into the well is also a personality trait of villains, as long as someone falls, they will immediately catch up and make up for it. Needless to say, I like to find a substitute ghost, I know that I am wrong but I don't admit it, and I have to find someone to bear the guilt. People sometimes inadvertently offend villains, of course, the fault is not their own, but the psychological distortion of villains.

When a gentleman meets a villain

In this way, the tricks and routines of villains are not generally many, almost making people invincible. Many people will be afraid, be careful in words and deeds, lest one carelessly offend a villain. In fact, Zhuge Liang has long pointed out the way for us, that is, to be a gentleman, and a far lesser person, so that their "heroes" are useless.

How do you think you should deal with villains? You can leave a message to communicate.

When a gentleman meets a villain