
The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Jade carving is a unique skill in China, with a long history of development, after thousands of years of inheritance and development and evolution, under the hard work and unremitting efforts of generations of jade carving masters, pieces of jade shine brightly and brilliantly. Today's jade carving technology has long been different from the past, rolling forward in the stage of history and the giant wheel of the times, going abroad and enjoying an international reputation.

The inheritance of jade carving has spawned many artistic genres and craftsmen with great personal characteristics. As a representative of it, Meng Qingdong, with his exquisite jade carving skills, with the expression method and artistic context of contemporary painting and sculpture, relying on his own unique artistic perspective, has created a distinctive style of fine jade, and won the honor of "Chinese Jade Carving Master".

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Master of Chinese jade carving

Intangible Cultural Heritage Project of Beijing Municipality

Representative inheritor of Beijing jade carving

Diligent and diligent work continues to improve

Achievement of jade carving industry wizards

The cultivation of jade carving technology can not be achieved in a short period of time, it requires artists to accumulate experience and growth in the tempering of decades, Meng Qingdong is like this, he is diligent and earnest on his jade carving road, tireless pursuit. It is precisely because of this kind of down-to-earth improvement, constantly challenging and surpassing his own spirit, driving his jade carving skills to advance by leaps and bounds, at the age of 33, he won the title of "Chinese Jade Carving Master" and became the youngest national jade carving master in the jade carving industry.

His jade carving works are simple and bright, clean and elegant, not only has a northern jade carving atmosphere and heroism, but also has the beauty of the south, and the combination of north and south of the work exudes a unique style charm. His main works include "Looking for Plums in the Snow", "Journey to Qiushan Mountain", "Luohan", "Heaven and Earth for a Long Time", "Holding Lotus Guanyin", "Tea Tasting on Dongpo", etc., and has won the gold medal of "Tiangong Award" and "Hundred Flowers Award" of Chinese jade carving for many consecutive years, and he has participated in the design and production tasks of national ceremonies for major national theme events for many times, and has been loved and praised by experts and collectors.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

"Spring Rhyme" won the 2010 China Jade Carving Stone Carving Works "Tiangong Award" Excellent Work Award

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

"Jinling Twelve Jade Plates" won the gold medal of the 2012 China Jade Carving Stone Carving "Tiangong Award"

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Meng Qingdong's jade carving "Holding Lotus Guanyin"

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong
The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Meng Qingdong received the honorary certificate

Things are made of vessels by the method of carrying the path

Highlight the new characteristics of contemporary jade carving

The birth of a good jade carving work must go through several complicated procedures, from material selection, design, drawing sample to carving, and then to polishing, and each process usually contains several procedures, so repeated, and finally can be formed. Therefore, for jade carving craftsmen, it is necessary to be patient and careful at the same time, and both are indispensable.

With the progress of society, people's spiritual demands for art are getting higher and higher, and jade culture is given a broader cultural meaning and a higher level of spiritual connotation today. The single jade style is no longer able to meet the needs of the public, and creative and design works have attracted market attention.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Meng Qingdong draws a drawing

Thanks to Meng Qingdong's early painting knowledge, in terms of modeling and design, Meng Qingdong can be described as ingenious, innovative, and strive for excellence, and all the jades produced by his hands are highly sought after. He extracts the essence of the world's art categories, integrates the purity and texture of traditional jade, opens up a new path for the inheritance of traditional Chinese jade culture, and highlights the tolerance and innovation of traditional Chinese culture in the current era.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong
The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Meng Qingdong jade carving

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Meng Qingdong controlled jade

Unique ingenuity is its own

Open up the diversity of the world of jade carving

In the process of jade carving creation, Meng Qingdong has his own set of strict requirements: the material should be comfortable, the work should be healthy, and the effect must have a taste, which is the three elements necessary for him to create jade carving works for many years, and it is also his unique insight and distinctive personal characteristics of jade carving creation.

Meng Qingdong said: "The biggest difference between contemporary jade carving and traditional jade carving is the diversification of carving design styles. The engraver must have a broad vision, be familiar with the development direction of contemporary art, and also understand people's consumption concepts and interests, so that there will be innovation. Therefore, in Meng Qingdong's jade carving works, he has perfectly integrated contemporary art with traditional jade, and his carving is exquisite and delicate, rich and diverse in content, and full of the atmosphere of the times.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong
The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong


Widely sought after by the market

Meng Qingdong believes that the value of a jade carving work should be comprehensively considered from the perspective of raw materials and carvers, the material of jade carving is only the foundation, and the final formation of its value is its design and carving, which has a decisive role. The market proves that as long as the jade carved by Meng Qingdong's clever hands is highly sought after.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

Meng Qingdong's "Hetian White Jade Seed Material Guanyin" sold for 2.016 million at the first large-scale art auction of Zhongsheng International in 2014.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

At the 2016 China Guardian International Auction, his work "White Jade Carved Butterfly Love Flower Pendant" sold for 195,000 yuan.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

In 2017, Meng Qingdong's "The Great Ji BaoXi of the Forbidden City" sold for 667,000 at the Xuan international auction in Beijing.

The value comes from the artistic skill, the Chinese jade carving master - Meng Qingdong

In 2016, Meng Qingdong's "China Feitian Baoxi" sold for 1.856 million at the Baogang International Auction.

From the above auction records, it can be seen that the auction price of Master Meng Qingdong's works is more than double compared with the market valuation in the early stage of the auction, which shows that the market potential and collection value of Master Meng Qingdong's jade carving works are huge.

On the one hand, Meng Qingdong's jade carving craft pays tribute to traditional jade culture, and on the other hand, it glows with a new nirvana of contemporary humanities. The works he has carved have transcended the historical positioning in the inherent thinking, got rid of the technical level of attachment, and formed an independent self-worth and cultural connotation.

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