
"The next stop is at Shangqiu Station Ha, to prepare in advance..." Shangqiu? Isn't it Xuzhou? The young man looked panicked, and he grabbed the elbow of the conductor: "Really business."

author:Straw stacks at sunset

"The next stop is at Shangqiu Station Ha, to prepare in advance for the next ..."

"What? Shangqiu? Isn't it Xuzhou? The young man looked panicked, and he grabbed the elbow of the conductor:

"Is it really Shangqiu?" I'm going to get off in Xuzhou! ”

"Xuzhou? Eh, boy, you're sitting backwards. "The conductor is going to move forward when he finishes.

The young man grasped more tightly:

"What's going on?" I can't go to Shangqiu, I want to go to Xuzhou, my sister is still waiting for me! Master, you see this car has just started, can you tell the driver to stop, go down, don't delay things, just a moment..."

Before the young man could finish speaking, the carriage burst into laughter:

"Oh, you haven't taken the train, can you stop?"

"What's the matter, which is also something you can stop if you want to?"


This is the story of my husband who took the train more than forty years ago. My family lives on the side of the railway, and when he hears the train, he can't help but glance twice, and when he is in a good mood, he will take out the above story and tell it again.

At that time, my father-in-law's sister, that is, my eldest aunt, broke her foot and neck and was sent to the Dayao Yi Courtyard in Xuzhou overnight, but there was not enough qian, so my father-in-law went home to borrow it. The most convenient way to go to Xuzhou that year was to take the train, although it was slower, but do not change trains. At that time, taking the train at the small station in the county town could not advance the mai ticket, and then make up after getting on the train.

On that day, the father-in-law hurried to the front of the platform, heard someone shouting "Xuzhou car Xuzhou car", the crowd desperately squeezed up, he also followed the crowd. It took many years for him to return to God:

"At that time, people shouted that it should not be Xuzhou car, people probably said that Xuzhou came over the car..."

So he sat back, and there was the scene at the beginning of the story.

He clung to the conductor and did not let go:

"Brother, you help, my sister broke her foot, waiting for me to send qian to save Ming, you help, Cao Zhuang has a small station, or Cao Zhuang can stop for me, huh?"

The conductor made him cry and laugh:

"Brother, I know your difficulty, but Caozhuang is just a temporary stop for freight, and passengers can't stop there!!"

"Oh, that's the whole thing!" The big guy in his twenties said that the tears came, there was no way, he was forced to be anxious.

The conductor reached out and wiped his hat and scratched his scalp:

"Or, or you should ask the driver to see if he has a way?"

"Oh yes! Oh, oh, thank you! The father-in-law wiped his face and followed the conductor to find the driver.

When they told the situation, the driver said exactly the same as just now, and the father-in-law's tears came again.

"Oh, hey!" The driver patted his thigh a few times: "Your crying monster is heart-wrenching... Although I can't stop, I can slow down, depending on whether you dare or not! ”

At this time, what dare you!

"Stop the road I'm walking on just next to the platform, I'm slow, you're there, okay?"

"Good, good!"

The driver motioned to the conductor to find a pair of gloves, which should be used for coal, black paint, but very thick.

After a few minutes, I could see the small house at Caozhuang Station, and the wheels began to creak.

"Dare you?"


The boy still had tears on his face.

The conductor opened the door.

"Don't look under your feet, look farther away, wear gloves!"

When we got there, the driver shouted:


The father-in-law jumped out, and with just a small toe, he stood firm.

"Boy, good, some can!"

The train sped up, and the father-in-law followed:

"Thank you brother, brother, what's your last name?"

The wind sent a period of smelly Henan cavity:

"My surname is Zhang!"

Fortunately, the father-in-law went to Xuzhou on time, and the sister-in-law's feet did not leave any sequelae. The aunt always said:

"Thanks to my brother!"

The father-in-law was stunned:

"Thanks to Brother Zhang..."

Years later, when my father-in-law saw the train passing, he still muttered to himself:

"Brother Zhang zhang doesn't know if he can still drive, then he will open a green skin..." #Punching Zhengzhou Good Life # #Story # #往事 #

"The next stop is at Shangqiu Station Ha, to prepare in advance..." Shangqiu? Isn't it Xuzhou? The young man looked panicked, and he grabbed the elbow of the conductor: "Really business."
"The next stop is at Shangqiu Station Ha, to prepare in advance..." Shangqiu? Isn't it Xuzhou? The young man looked panicked, and he grabbed the elbow of the conductor: "Really business."
"The next stop is at Shangqiu Station Ha, to prepare in advance..." Shangqiu? Isn't it Xuzhou? The young man looked panicked, and he grabbed the elbow of the conductor: "Really business."

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