
Unmanned Deep Space already supports FSR and DLAA technologies and will continue to be updated and added in the future

Hello Games, the developer of No Man's Sky, has released a new update, Sentinel, the game's 19th major free update, adding companion robots, new enemies, new weapon systems, new story stories, and more. No Man's Deep Space doesn't seem to have come to an end yet, and its creator, Sean Murray, said it will continue to add content to the game.

Unmanned Deep Space already supports FSR and DLAA technologies and will continue to be updated and added in the future

For PC gamers, the update also brings some benefits, such as the addition of support for AMD FidelityFX Super Resolution (FSR) technology. According to Hello Games, using the AMD Radeon RX Vega 56 with 4K resolution and high preset scheme settings, after enabling the performance mode of FidelityFX Super Resolution, the game frame rate increased from 40FPS to 70FPS, which means that it has changed from stuttering to smooth operation.

If you are using Nvidia graphics cards, since the "Prisms" update more than half a year ago, you can already open DLSS, and DLSS 2.3 version is currently supported. With this update, Hello Games has also introduced new DLAA technology for No Man's Deep Space. The full name of the DLAA is "Deep Learning Anti-Aliasing", which allows games to use AI technology at full resolution to provide better anti-aliasing and improve image quality. Unlike DLSS technology, DLAA technology will focus more on quality than performance.

Unmanned Deep Space already supports FSR and DLAA technologies and will continue to be updated and added in the future

In addition, the Unmanned Deep Space update also provides native support for the Steam Deck handheld. Hello Games didn't go into much detail, just confirmed that it would do the relevant adaptation work to the Steam Deck handheld, such as using its touch screen for input. The Steam Deck handheld will go on sale on February 25, when players with the condition can experience it.

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