
controversy! Evergrande's 600,000 maximum salary will open a precedent in the Chinese Super League, famous: if the national promotion will not have children to play football

In the past decade, Evergrande, whether at the club level or the national team level, can be said to dare to be the first in the world. Now in the sinking period of the Chinese Super League, Evergrande has taken the lead again, throwing out the provision of 600,000 maximum salaries for first-team players. You know, there are only 3 people in the team who can get the 600,000 maximum salary, and most players can only get 100,000+, compared with the annual salary of tens of millions of players in the past, the gap is too big. For this provision of Evergrande, Pan Dawei said: If Evergrande's practice of 600,000 yuan maximum salary is promoted nationwide, there will be no children playing football in the future. This is really too much of a blow to Chinese football.

controversy! Evergrande's 600,000 maximum salary will open a precedent in the Chinese Super League, famous: if the national promotion will not have children to play football

As we all know, Chinese football has spent a golden decade in the past period of time, and the driving force of this golden decade is Guangzhou Evergrande. In 2010, Evergrande copied the bottom of Guangzhou football, and then with the strength of Jin Yuan, it quickly improved the strength of the team in a short period of time. In 2011, Evergrande won the Chinese Super League championship with the attitude of a promoted horse, staging the myth of Kaiserslautern in China. In 2013, Evergrande won the first AFC Champions League title in Chinese football, completing the five-year goal ahead of schedule.

controversy! Evergrande's 600,000 maximum salary will open a precedent in the Chinese Super League, famous: if the national promotion will not have children to play football

Driven by Evergrande, giants such as Shanghai, Quan Jian, and Huaxia Happiness have entered the Chinese Super League, setting off a new round of arms race, big-name foreign aid and foreign teachers have poured in, domestic player salaries have also risen, and even a U23 player's annual salary can get millions, which is really amazing. It is precisely for this reason that the Football Association has thrown out the paradox of the famous "sixth league of the world". Unexpectedly, ten years later, with the end of the real estate era, the Golden Dollar era of the Chinese Super League has also completely ended, and the annual salary of players has returned to twenty years ago overnight.

controversy! Evergrande's 600,000 maximum salary will open a precedent in the Chinese Super League, famous: if the national promotion will not have children to play football

For Evergrande, due to the financial pressure of the group, it had no choice but to cut operating costs and formulate a maximum salary of 600,000 yuan. For the main players of the first team, Evergrande is indeed ruthless, but it is a good thing for young players, because it can provide them with more playing time and accelerate their growth.

Of course, behind Evergrande's 600,000 salary, it actually reflects an attitude: they will never give up football and will never look up to Suning and Tianhai. This is indeed a good thing for Chinese football. After all, if Evergrande Football School falls, it will bury or even abandon many outstanding seedlings, which will be a devastating blow to the future of Chinese football.

controversy! Evergrande's 600,000 maximum salary will open a precedent in the Chinese Super League, famous: if the national promotion will not have children to play football

For Evergrande's practice of 600,000 yuan of maximum salary, Pan Weili believes that Evergrande is helpless to do so, but if it is promoted to the whole country, there will be no children playing football in the future.

The reason is simple, parents send their children to play football need to calculate the cost. At present, it costs at least 1 million to train a Chinese Super League player. If Evergrande's top salary of 600,000 yuan and the average player's annual salary of 100,000 are calculated, it will take at least 10 years for parents to recover their costs.

However, the golden age of professional players is basically 10 years, what to do after 10 years? After retiring, the situation will be more embarrassing. Therefore, if the whole country refers to Evergrande's model of 100,000 maximum salary, then no parents will be willing to send their children to play football in the future.

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