
In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

author:The history of the old rap singing

In the Mencius Ten Thousand Chapters, it is said: "The filial piety is greater than respect for relatives."

Since ancient times, the Chinese nation has ruled the world with filial piety, and the ancient sages also worshiped filial piety as gods, believing that a person's character, no matter what else, as long as a "filial piety" word is enough to explain.

Confucius: "Filial piety is also the basis of benevolence." "The benevolent, the human, the dear is great." This is Confucius's filial piety.

Zeng Zi: "The people's foundation teaches filial piety." "I am in three provinces and in my body." "This is the filial piety of Zengzi.

Xun Zi: "Husband filial piety begins with the affair of the relatives, in the matter of the jun, and finally stands up." "This is Xunzi's filial piety.

The most direct way to Chinese filial piety is to treat your parents.

In 2020, a shout on the Internet made people have a further understanding of Chinese filial piety. People have also begun to pay attention to the traditional virtue of "filial piety".

In 2020, Feng Shuangshuang, an ordinary rural girl in Pingdingshan, Henan Province, shouted out on the Internet: "Whoever can give me 400,000 to save my father, I will marry whom". This news went viral on the Internet and attracted the attention of many people for a while. For this matter, the Internet is also full of two completely different opinions, some people are touched by her bravery, some people say, but it is just a person who hypes herself.

There are thousands of worlds, there are no wonders. This is especially true of the online world, perhaps because of the virtuality of the online world, or perhaps because many people are deceived by false fundraising news. After the Henan girl issued the shocking words: "Whoever can give me 400,000 to save my father, I will marry whom", for a long time, she did not feel the power of the online world, until someone had a deep "understanding" of her, her things were known by more people. So, what is it that makes a post-95 attractive young girl cry out so helplessly? What was her later life like?

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

First, who is Feng Shuangshuang

On the Internet shouted out: "Who can give me 400,000 to save my father, I will marry whom" after 95 Hainan Pingdingshan girl named Feng Shuangshuang.

Feng Shuangshuang was born in 1995 to an ordinary peasant family in Pingdingshan City, Henan Province. When he was a child, Feng Shuangshuang was also a person who saw people and loved, flowers bloomed, and loved children who loved. The academic performance is also quite good, which also makes Feng Shuangshuang's parents full of expectations for her future, perhaps this child can bring them a different future and change the fate of their ordinary lives.

At the beginning, Feng Shuangshuang was still a good child with excellent character and learning, but as she grew older, her academic performance was not as outstanding as when she was a child, but became an ordinary student. Middle school can still be maintained, barely admitted to high school, but finally because of the college entrance examination failed to choose the road of part-time work to earn money to support the family.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

If you look carefully in life, you will find that among many people who come out to work at a young age, Henan people are the most. This is not only because of Henan's large population, but also because of the poor economy. Girls like Feng Shuangshuang's age go out to work, basically it is difficult to find a satisfactory job, either the electronics factory screws or the hotel waiter or something. Feng Shuangshuang may be because she went to high school, she is more mature than most girls of the same age, she understands that in order to live well in today's society, she must master a craft, have a craft, not only to maintain a normal life, but also to change their destiny.

Determined to break out of a career, Feng Shuangshuang found a job as a beautician, although this job is tired, but more decent, the income is also good, for a time, Feng Shuangshuang became the best income in the family. Compared to her father, who has been working outside the home for many years, her job makes her full of confidence.

If life had been so peaceful and stable, perhaps there would be no words on the Internet that make it difficult to distinguish between true and false. No one can say that casually, and there are only two possibilities for them to say that. One is to hype yourself through the Internet and make yourself an Internet celebrity. Internet celebrities are the easiest to make money today, the fastest industry to make money, so there are many people, especially some women who don't want to work and think about the pie in the sky all day, eager to play themselves as the most tragic fate in the whole world, so that some people sympathize with their suffering, brush gifts and tips for them, and thus lose their dreams of wealth and freedom.

It is also possible that the girl has encountered something beyond her ability, and she has reached the point of being cornered, so she will make this decision to save her father's life.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

2. Feng Shuangshuang's father

Most people in this world are ordinary people, and there is no doubt that we may never be able to live up to what some online platforms say. Saying that a 25-year-old boy who does not have 500,000 savings is disabled, and what boys with a monthly salary of only 20,000 is an intellectual problem or something, some of these words make people speechless. But the reality is that most boys are actually similar to Feng Shuangshuang's father, a very ordinary worker, and the monthly salary can only maintain the simplest life.

Feng Shuangshuang's father has been working outside the home to maintain the family's expenses, and although this life is not rich, it can continue normally. But I didn't expect a sudden illness that made the life of this seven-foot boy instantly fall into the abyss. As the saying goes, illness comes like a mountain. Feng Shuangshuang's father, who was still strong, knew that he was sick, and his whole world collapsed.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

Feng Shuangshuang's father has kidney disease, which does not have any obvious symptoms in the early stage of this disease, and there will be no discomfort, so it is generally difficult to find, but once it is found or diagnosed, it may have reached the stage of advanced or untreatable.

In the beginning, they can still use their savings to pay for treatment, but like this disease, it is not a one-time cure, in order to completely get rid of the torment of the disease, there is still a lot of work to be done, and each step is costly, and the price given by the hospital is 400,000. In the face of 400,000 and his father's life, Feng Shuangshuang shouted out the shocking words in desperation: "Whoever can give me 400,000 to save my father, I will marry whom".

I especially admire Chinese fathers, who will do anything for their children, even if they give their lives, they will not hesitate. Feng Shuangshuang's father, like all kind fathers in the whole world, after learning his medical records, in order not to drag his daughter down, he once secretly pulled out the infusion tube, thinking that such a person would secretly leave this world so that his daughter could live a normal life. It's really a pity for the hearts of parents in the world! Perhaps only a father would rather meet the god of death and fulfill his daughter's ordinary life.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

3. Cyber operations

After Feng Shuangshuang shouted out the sentence "Who can give me 400,000 to save my father, I will marry whom", there are two attitudes to this sentence on the Internet, one is to laugh and not speak, quietly waiting for it to disappear. Another is to learn about its authenticity, and they want to know the story behind this sentence.

The internet is like a big dye vat, and there are all kinds of people. Perhaps many people see Feng Shuangshuang's words on the Internet, just a slight smile, thinking that it must be the routine that wants to be popular again, and wants to use this to hype themselves, so that more people know themselves and achieve the purpose of their own fame. Such people are everywhere now, and their faces are really ugly. A person can be poor, but he cannot play ugly in order to achieve some disgraceful purpose, so that not only is it not good to eat, but perhaps even the soul is full of copper smell.

There are not a few people on the Internet who watch Feng Shuangshuang's jokes, they want to see what this girl really wants to do, after all, there are many rich people on the Internet, if someone is really willing to take out the 400,000, will she keep her promise to marry this person.

In addition to the group of people waiting to see the joke and indifference, there are also some people who are action-oriented, and they are not interested in the sentence shouted by Feng Shuangshuang, but the story behind this sentence. Whether it is true or not, they all want to see what it is, if it is false, they have nothing to lose, if it is true, they may be able to become the pusher of goodness, save a family, a life.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

Some good things online people silently launched an investigation into Feng Shuangshuang's family and background.

After in-depth understanding of Feng Shuangshuang's family and background, some people on the Internet began to donate money for Feng Shuangshuang, and later more and more people knew about it, and they quickly joined in donating money for Feng Shuangshuang to save his father.

"Success is also a network, and defeat is also a network." The network is virtual, but the story behind everyone is real, real is true, and fake can never be true.

Through online fundraising, Feng Shuangshuang quickly scraped together his father's 400,000 yuan for surgery, because it was not a person who funded it, so the bold words she shouted out: "Whoever can give me 400,000 yuan to save my father, I will marry" does not count.

There are many people in this world with whom we do not have any intersection, and it may be difficult to meet them in this life, but those strangers who cannot be seen or touched sometimes affect our lives with their kindness. If Feng Shuangshuang hadn't shouted on the Internet and no strangers were willing to help her, perhaps her father would not have been so lucky to recover, and her life would have been changed because of huge debts.

Now it seems that Feng Shuangshuang's cry: "Whoever can give me 400,000 to save my father, I will marry whom" is not without effect, it is this seemingly hype sentence that makes her father get treatment, so that her life has not changed much because of her father's huge surgical expenses.

Things on the Internet are really difficult to say, some seem to be real and reliable, perhaps it is a well-designed scam, some seem to be somewhat funny, but the back is full of bitter stories. We must be cautious and kind to things on the Internet. If you don't have the ability to help them, then be a quiet netizen and silently support them.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

Fourth, the ending of Feng Shuangshuang and her father

"You just have to be responsible for kindness, and the rest is up to time." Time is the truth that tests everything, and no lie can escape the eyes of time. Therefore, goodness will eventually be discovered, and lies will eventually be exposed.

Under the fundraising of the vast number of netizens, Feng Shuangshuang quickly scraped together the 400,000 surgery fees needed by his father for surgery, and there was still a surplus. After learning that this matter was real, the power on the Internet began to play a role, and Feng Shuangshuang's family was saved.

After Feng Shuangshuang's father's surgery fee was guaranteed, many people still wanted to know what happened to their father and daughter. Here's a quick talk to you.

After Feng Shuangshuang's "marrying himself to save his father" on the Internet was spread by netizens, many people knew this girl full of filial piety. In today's era of thin affection, we can see a lot of news of forcing their fathers to a dead end for the sake of houses and cars, or for wedding dowries or something, and it is really rare for people like this to marry themselves for their father's surgery fees. This is also one of the more filial piety people in the new era, the reason why netizens are generous and willing to raise money to help this young girl, for sure, not so that she can marry herself, but in her body has seen the piece of filial piety that she has not seen for a long time, filial piety is priceless, people are willing to help her for this piece of filial piety, let her get out of the shadow of debt, and live a simple and happy life again.

After her father's successful surgery, Feng Shuangshuang quit her original job in the beauty salon, and she began to re-study the exam, this time at the local health school. After her father's affairs, she knew that she had to be strong in order to take care of his father's recovery in the years to come. The operation only solves the big problem, and if you want to restore your previous physical fitness, you also need the careful care of your family.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

In an interview with reporters, Feng Shuangshuang thanked netizens for being able to lend a helping hand, saying that she really reached the point of desperation before going to the Internet for help. She didn't have much hope for the Internet at first, she just wanted to give it a try, in case it worked. Unexpectedly, her inadvertent words saved her father's life, saved her family from rupture, and made her life continue like this.

Feng Shuangshuang said that she wanted to become a nurse at the health school, so that she could not only take care of her father's recovery, but also help more people who needed her help. Although she can't say thank you to those on the Internet who have helped her, she still hopes to use her own modest efforts to contribute to the world, and because of herself, let the world have more love, less lies and deception.

Feng Shuangshuang's ending is in line with the expectations of many netizens after all, and good people should have good rewards. Their efforts have been rewarded, and they have seen the kindest side of human nature. If a person does not even love her own parents, how can she love the world?

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

Fifth, the enlightenment of the Feng Shuangshuang incident to us

During the Eastern Han Dynasty, there was a young man in Le'an County, whose mother died early, leaving him and his father to rely on each other for their lives, and his father was sick. In order to take better care of their fathers, young people take their fathers with them every time they go to the fields, push them to a cool place with a small BMX, and take care of their sick fathers while working.

Later, his father also died, but the young man had no money to bury his father, so he could only choose to "sell himself to bury his father." He exchanged his three years of freedom for the money to bury his father. This person is Dong Yong, one of the "Twenty-Four Filial Pieties", and the protagonist of "Tianxian Match".

The story of Dong Yong's "selling his body to bury his father" can be passed down to this day, and nature as the most typical story of filial piety educates generations of people naturally has its own reason. Maybe it doesn't seem like nothing we see now, isn't it just selling yourself to bury your father? In fact, the educational significance of this matter and the traditional Chinese virtues it reflects are of great significance, and even have great significance for the formation of young people's personality and the improvement of their literacy, which should not be underestimated.

The reason why the story of Feng Shuangshuang's "marrying oneself and saving his father" has been reported by the media and spread by the vast number of Internet friends is not how meaningful this thing itself is, but the cultural force behind it is huge, it reflects the inheritance of virtue, and is the embodiment of the kindest side of human nature, so we must not only learn, but also pass it on.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

Everyone's life will not be smooth sailing, and there will always be various setbacks in life, large and small. In the face of suffering and setbacks, the most secret side of a person's heart can be most reflected, whether it is kindness or hypocrisy, and it can best be understood in the most difficult times.

If Feng Shuangshuang did not stop it when Feng Father pulled out the infusion tube, or pretended not to see it, there might not be 400,000 yuan, and there would be no selfless fundraising by netizens later. Of course, when Feng Shuangshuang shouted out: "Who can give me 400,000 to save my father, I will marry whom", in the face of netizens' insults and accusations, when she suspected her speculation, Feng Shuangshuang failed to withstand the pressure and gave up this fundraising, perhaps the story will be another ending.

In fact, whatever end is doomed, and whatever cause is planted will bear any fruit. Heavenly reincarnation, no one can escape. Feng Shuangshuang exchanged her filial piety for her father's recovery, and also saved her from debt and affected her normal life.

From this incident, I also understood that good people have good rewards, and goodness will eventually be rewarded, not in this way, it will inevitably be in that way, in short, it will not be forgotten.

In real life, some education is missing, filial piety is one of them, many times, we treat it more as a responsibility, but also as a task to cultivate, pension to the end, it seems that we can do the ultimate. In fact, filial piety is far deeper than the end of the pension, and it is not so easy to achieve.

"Filial piety, the scripture of heaven, the righteousness of the earth, and the deeds of man." Filial piety is not a responsibility or a task, but a matter of course.

"The skin of the body, the parents who receive it, do not dare to destroy it" is the beginning of filial piety; "Standing on the path of walking, making a name for itself in the hereafter, and showing one's parents" is the end of filial piety. Filial piety should be from one end to the end, should be from beginning to end, cannot be abandoned halfway, and cannot be determined by the situation.

Feng Shuangshuang's shout awakened not only his sick father, but also many people who had not had time to honor their parents.

In 2020, the Henan girl who gave 400,000 yuan to save my father married to whom, what happened next?

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