
Analysis of the ascending signs of the zodiac signs, do you know the ascending signs of your constellations?

In the previous we introduced the constellation mentioned the ascendant sign, many people do not understand what the ascending sign is, what is the role, and some people who have a little understanding of the constellation, think that "the ascending sign is a person's personality mask, is the first impression of others to see you", in fact, if there is a deeper understanding of astrology, you will find that the "ascending sign" is not just a "mask" so simple!

Analysis of the ascending signs of the zodiac signs, do you know the ascending signs of your constellations?

The ascendant sign contains many things, including a person's ability to act, show, personal image, energy, and attitude towards life. The ascending point is difficult to see at a glance, but it is the most elusive and incomprehensible part of the astrolabe. In some people, it is even more typical and profound than the constellations of the Sun and the Moon. The following is an analysis of the personality characteristics of the ascending signs of the 12 constellations.

Ascending Aries - with a strong extroverted energy, self-confidence, sincerity, active, in his life, there is no "inferiority" and "withdrawal" two words, which also makes him more reckless, less self-reflection.

Rising Taurus - has the obvious characteristics of pragmatism, likes to do things step by step, likes a stable state of life, likes a secure material life, and attaches great importance to material, resulting in sometimes lack of spiritual thinking.

Analysis of the ascending signs of the zodiac signs, do you know the ascending signs of your constellations?

Ascending Gemini – with a flexible mind, appearing clever at all times, likes diplomacy, is sociable, and a lot of gossip comes from ascending Gemini.

Ascending Cancer – Born with a sensitive heart, easy to be emotional, especially able to feel the emotions of those around them, and will be affected. Emotionally easy to flood, too emotional.

Analysis of the ascending signs of the zodiac signs, do you know the ascending signs of your constellations?

Ascending Leo – with exuberant vitality and physical strength, often becomes the focus of public attention, active, confident, frank, eager to be noticed, like the feeling of being clustered. Because I am too arrogant, I lose myself a lot of times and don't know enough about myself.

Ascending Virgo - with a rigorous work-life attitude, orderly work, strong problem-solving ability, reasonable, relatively heavy on material life, lack of imagination, easy to be bound by rules and regulations.

Analysis of the ascending signs of the zodiac signs, do you know the ascending signs of your constellations?

Rising Libra - with natural communication skills, is a good hand at communication, the appearance gives people a gentle and elegant feeling, the heart is easy to fall into entanglement, sometimes think too much, but the chess pieces are uncertain, missing opportunities.

Ascending Scorpio – has an innate sense of sensitivity and is good at discovering the thoughts of others around them. Most of the time it is silent and silent, but the heart is like a mirror. Usually think too much, do things too carefully, easy to live in their own world.

Ascending Sagittarius - action, adventure, always so passionate, like to do things rushing in front of them, telling others that I want to be the first. Having a positive and optimistic outlook on life, full of energy and strong action, which also makes him sometimes seem to be thinking about things.

Analysis of the ascending signs of the zodiac signs, do you know the ascending signs of your constellations?

Ascending Capricorn – has innate endurance, is reliable, down-to-earth, and has the spirit of not giving up until the goal is reached. However, it is easy to value the material world, lack of innovation, and be too conservative.

Ascending Aquarius - too clever sign, thinking wildly, flexible brain, able to speak eloquently, many people in this sign live in their own spiritual world, above the real world.

Ascending Pisces - has an innate sensitivity, can affect the people around them, can also be influenced by the people around them, emotionally sensitive and fragile, and careful in everything. It is easy to flood with love and be led by the nose.

Analysis of the ascending signs of the zodiac signs, do you know the ascending signs of your constellations?

Do you know what your ascending sign is? Can you tell the difference between the rising sign, the sun sign, and the moon sign? Feel free to leave a message in the comments section.

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